All Chapters of REBIRTH: This time I will be a Witch!: Chapter 381 - Chapter 390
546 Chapters
The research they ought to know, but didn't
"Oh is that true???"Professor Sonny replied with wide eyes.But weird enough, it did not seem that he was as worried about the news at all.If any, Professor Sonny even looked like he was exhilarated to hear about it!They have at least expected to see a worried or bother expression from Professor Sonny after hearing the bad news, but it seemed that would not be the case.Because contrary to what hey expected, the Headmaster even looked delighted as if he just won a jackpotIsn't it a bit weird???"Oh, I mean.. Is that true???"Professor Sonny would probably have realized that his reaction might have been a bit out f the line and not to say, weird.As such, not a second had past and yet he repeated what he just said but this time, however, he did it with the normal emotion that was expected from him at that current situation.But Professor De Belen already noticed it and so her eyebrows could not help but raise."MEOW"[I told you, little lass, there was something definitely fishy ab
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Little did they know
"Who was with me then???? I'll gonna check the school pantry if they got any delicious afternoon combo available in the menu."Niccoli invited to which his other friends reacted eagerly with enthusiasm"Count me in. I think I'm craving for some Mellow Cola. Since I am feeling quite down, lately"Jace said and Allan seconded him right away."Oh yeah... I'd love that too!"Allan already had a taste of so many beverages out there, but so far, nothing tasted any better for him aside from Mellow Cola.As such, when he heard Jace mentioned his favorite drink, he could not help but felt excited.Juts the mentioned of its name was already enough for him to salivate.Mellow Cola, so as by its name was a type of carbonated drink like Cola made but it was made from the tears of a Salamander Spinx.A special kind of beast that was specifically reared for one specific purpose and that was food production.Mellow Cola has unique carbonation that felt like a firecracker inside one's mouth when one
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The art of Seductress which Professor De Belen practiced to the highest level was actually one of the prided techniques amongst the secret arts that were being taught in the all-female sect, Mystic Muses.Professor De Belen had proven her worth when she managed to master the Art of Sedecutress at such a young age.Allowing her to catch the attention of Madam Xing.It was also for that same reason that Professor De Belen was chosen afterward to do the undercover and investigate the Iridos's highest and esteemed Headmaster. No other than Professor Sonny himself Because apparently, they had been tipped off that Professor Sonny used to have a clandestine past and a secret affair with one of the members of his teaching faculty beforeMadam Xing highly believed that the one whom Professor Sonny had an affair with in the past was actually their long lost young mistress, Delicia.She just needed proof for that so she roped her student, Ella to join her quest of uncovering the Headmaster's se
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Arden the Prisoner
"WHO ARE YOU?????!!"The young man shouted with all his might.He badly wanted to pounce at the man who tortured him and erased that smug look on his face but he was too weak to do that.His hands were itching to wrap it around the other party's neck so he could wring the life out of him but the old man was not a fool enough to get anywhere near him when he was still strong.It was only when he was already reduced at such sorry state did the other party had the guts to come close to him.But before that, the old man used to torture him in everything imaginable, without even laying a finger on him.The other party was capable of giving him the greatest kind of torture available with just a single flick of his wand.That was when did he realize that the old man was actually a practitioner of magic. A wicked warlock to be precise.So far that was the only thing that he knew so far about the wicked old man.Professor Sonny, on the other hand, remained calmed and collected just like he usu
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Blood research to the last known descendant of a deity
"Do you really think that your silly little trick could actually ruin my plan??? Do you honestly believe that someone can rescue you from me??? Don't waste your strength anymore save it cause you might need more of that to survive long. No matter how loud your noise was, no one could hear you. And if by some stroke of luck, that someone did hear you, they still would not help you. First is because I am the Headmaster and no one would believe your word against mine. So stop dreaming about running away nor escaping because that would never happen. "Professor Sonny said before he took out a small dagger on his side pocket.Then without any hint of hesitation, he brandished the sharp dagger right in front of the other party's face before he made a small cut but deep cut on the young man's skin.Blood dripped out from that wound that Professor Sonny created and he masterfully caught all those droplets of blood, not letting even a small droplet of it to go to waste.Upon closer look, the y
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Forces of Mystic Muses
Meanwhile, on one of the closed rooms inside the Everything Emporium, Professor De Belen was confiding to Madam Xing everything that she had learned so far about Professor Sonny's recent activities.Including his possession of the ancient chalice that most likely has a trapped lady inside it. Whom they highly suspected to be the long lost young mistress of the Mystic MusesBut aside from Madam Xing, there was also another familiar figure that was present in the room apart from Professor De Belen.In fact, the other party was just sitting across Professor De Belen's table.Likewise, Professor De Belen's nonchalant face and lack of any reactions despite the other party's presence only went to say that they knew each other beforehand.It was more likely that the three of them were actually on cahoots with one another and right now, they were all taking serious business."So you mean to say, that by some stroke of luck, you learned from your student warlocks that Professor Sonny actually
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Diether and his foresight
However, there had been a recent change to the headmaster's daily routine. He rarely went outside the school premises lately. That was why Diether decided to come back and meet with his other teammates to check on their progress,That was when he met with his junior, Steve, and realized that his junior was acquainted with Audrey all along. Diether was not able to get a chance to meet Audrey back then because he was summoned by Professor De Belen so he had no choice but to leave in a hurry. Only to find out that the reason that Professor De Belen summoned him was to tell him about something that she learned after her investigation.She found out that there was a high chance that one of Delicia's offspring was actually studying at Iridos. Little did she know that it was actually the doing of Diether on the first place.One of the reasons why the Blazing Inferno Sect also decided to join hands with Mystic Muses Sect was because they found out that the apprentice put a curse to one of Del
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Slip of tongue
"Rest assured that the daughter was just doing fine on her own, right now. She was somewhere safe. We should worry about the son instead because he was the one the has been captured. And most likely to had become one of the many specimens in Professor Sonny's mad experiment"If they only had a way in mind to finally put an end to Professor Sonny's madness, then they might have gone through it already.But unfortunately, they did not have one yet. Nor they have enough proof to expose Professor Sonny's mischiefsAnd now that they learned that he had his vile hands over the ancient chalice as well as Delicia's son, their alliance got lesser time to plan.They were tighter in time than ever.They were running against time to prove that Professor Sonny was not as good as others thought him to be."How could you be so sure that Yun Yan's daughter was somewhere safe??? She was the first one that went missing, remember?? Who knows? Maybe Professor Sonny was also the one behind her disappeara
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Time passed with no one ever noticing
Almost a month after their encounter with the Jar of Misfortune had already passed since then.Audrey and the others also had almost forgotten everything about it.After all, they had already decided not to get themselves involved with anything about it afterward.So for the past few weeks of their life, they had been on a total lay low.They spend their time attending their own personal matters that they might have neglected lately since they had been very busy doing school missions one after another.Now that they all finally had the time of their life, they made perfect use of it by dealing with their existing concerns at hand.Niccoli spent more time with his pet cat, Monami.At the same time, he also tried to explore more of this mental telepathy thing with his pet.But, in reality, he just basically became a complete chaperone in Nero and Monami's date at the Enchanted Garden because he used to tag along with them.That somehow, made him reflect upon himself and made him thought
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Care to meet Senior?
But just a few days ago, he met with this senior of his and the other party asked a weird request from himIt would be all normal of his senior asked to meet him.But what made him think twice though was that Diether was actually asking to meet him with Andrew!He wondered why would his senior suddenly became interested in his friend, Andrew. Considering that the two have never met even once before.Well, he could at least understand his senior the last time he made a request.It was when Diether asked him about looking for Audrey.That somehow made sense to him. Because maybe he must have been really interested in her.After all, that sorceress was indeed a one of a kind beauty of her own class and he had personally seen her charm before.In fact, if he only had not known that she was Nike's fiancee, maybe he might have thought about dating the other party as well.But too sad for the two of them, because Nike was miles ahead of them.The sorceress of their fancy was already taken by
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