All Chapters of REBIRTH: This time I will be a Witch!: Chapter 391 - Chapter 400
546 Chapters
Are they a thing?
It did not take that long for a date to be arranged for Audrey and Diether to actually meet.A day after that conversation with Steve, Audrey already got notified by her friend that she could meet Diether by the next full moon.Then when the night of the agreed date arrived just when Audrey and Steve were on their way to meet Diether, they got intercepted by a heavily hooded man.The unknown character stood in the middle of the road, perfectly blocking their way.The moonlight shone on his figure but because of the hood that covered most of him, they could hardly see his face."I need to have a word with you, Andrew."The stranger said and surprisingly enough the other party sounded like a woman.Her soothing voice has a clear ring on it, like the calming sound of the wind chimes every time it got struck by the wind.And what surprised them both, even more, was the fact that the woman did not seem to be just any other woman, she seemed to sound familiar as well!"Lady Selene???"Steve
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Is this premeditated?
"What do you need???"Audrey hissed under her breath as soon as Steve walked away.But Selene only gave her a smile as a reply which only crept Audrey even more.Not because the smile did not suit her cousin, in fact, it was the contrary.But it was the fact that it was Selene who was smiling at her. That was what made it creepy. Because it was all obvious for all eyes to see that her smile was all fake.There was simply no shred of sincerity coming from that smile despite how beautiful it was.This cousin of hers was indeed a rare beauty. The kind of face that could easily cause the downfall of a nation.As much as she hated to admit it, Audrey knew that there was no point denying that with that kind of face that Selene has, she could easily stand out wherever she goes.That was why it was no wonder that she was dubbed as one of the school belles even though it was just her first year in the Iridos.For some unknown reason, there was this certain quality in Selene that made her blend
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Get to meet the Unica Ija
"Can't you see it? No one can account for the validity of the Crown Prince's claim and no one knew what exactly was their reason for going out privately that day, either. I mean, does it even make sense to you?? Someone ambushed them. Yet, rather than taking the Crown Prince, they took a young general instead??? I mean, that was so pointless, not unless those bandits were complete fools that they could not differentiate the value of a crown prince over a mere general at first glance. What I am thinking is that the Crown Prince was behind all this." It took time for Audrey to process everything that Selene just told her. But when the realization finally dawned on her, she had this weird look on her face. She could not understand why would the Crown Prince would ever do that thing to her brother, to begin with. His brother had been very loyal to the royal family. Her brother had almost given them his life, his time and everything. To the point that he nearly abandoned his only siste
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Here we are again
"So, we meet again...."Diether started with a drawl, as he was considering which name to call the other party. But eventually, he chose to say,"Andrew."A pursed smile appeared on the man's lip afterward when he saw relief washed over Audrey's face."If I remember correctly, I believe that is the name you decide to go by now."He added casually. Audrey, on the other hand, flashed him a forced smile as she slowly found herself secretly praying for the other party to speak less of their past encounter. Lest he ended up exposing the skeleton she was hiding on her closet."I'm glad we meet again, Sir Diether. I haven't had an opportunity to properly thank you from what you did for me last time."Albeit a little concern for what the man may or may not say that could put her secret at the risk of exposure, nevertheless, she still chose to observe courtesy during the meeting.Mostly because not only she was in the presence of her benefactor but also due to the fact that her adviser, Profes
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Delicia's Real Identity
"Hello, my dear. We already had the pleasure to meet each other at Everything Emporium before, remember me?"Audrey's mind has been riddled with nothing but questions ever since they started talking. Their words filled her with uncertainty and so far, none of it was given a concrete answer yet. So naturally, she was quite on edge.That was why when Madam Xing strike a conversation with her out of the blue she sounded unenthusiastic."Of course, Madam Xing, you're the owner of that shop. Again, I'm sorry about the Jar of Misfortune."Truth be told, Audrey did not mean for her apology to sound less sincere than she really was. It was just that given the current situation, she was more eager to hear more about his brother than making another acquaintance."It's nothing."Madam Xing replied shortly before adding,"Your mother, Delicia, used to be a close friend of mine back when she was still teaching here at Iridos.""My mom used to be a teacher here?!"Another unexpected revelation made
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You must be her!
"If her parents was the future leader of their clan, then how come she always have no money?"Steve thought out loud on the side. But he was only asking himself. The people around the table was so focus talking to each other that they seemed to forget about his existence.Thus he was left to wonder on his own. He even wonder why they let him be part of this meeting when he clearly did not have anything to do about it.It would be a lie to say that he did not feel left out.Nonetheless, when Audrey heard him asking his question to the wind, she was kind enough to answer."Because I ran away from home. That's why I did not have the support of my family right now."Slowly, recognition dawned to Steve's face and soon his face lit up when he started to understand what was happening.'The name Audrey, the family name, Lee....'The guy mused to himself until realization struck him."You must be Nike's fiancee, the young lady of Lee Clan, Audrey Lee!"Steve beamed."Yeah, that too."Audrey's
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Royals can't be trusted
"The two families must have keep an amicable relationship on the surface, for the public to see. But who was to say they don't hold a grudge against each other? Especially the King. It must have been a great blow on his pride that a monarchy like him has to curry favor from someone else." The distribution of power within the Kingdom of Corona was quite complicated because the King does not hold absolute power. The Lee Clan became almost as good as their equals in terms of standing. So it would not come as a surprise if the royal family would do something underhanded that could potentially jeopardize the Lee's. [Hmmm... That brings me back to an old concern behind the murder of the previous owner of your body, little lass. There is definitely a foul play back there. Could it be that the crown was involved? Maybe they wished to get rid of at least one young lady of the clan so that Johnson would have lesser power in the future.]
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There's power in your bloods
"But why are they after my brother?" She voiced out the question bugging her mind. From the way it seemed, someone from the mage community was the mastermind. So why of all people, were they being singled out of that status? She could at least understand the reason behind the royal family's action. But why would a magic practitioner target them? As Audrey mused at this question on her own, she eventually arrived to an enlightenment. The last conversation she had with her grandfather made her aware just how their family was connected to the apprentice necromancer. He was forlorn ex lover of her mother and due to heartbreak because of his unrequited love, the apprentice necromancer killed his father and put a curse on baby her. "Could it be that the apprentice necromancer who is after my mother is behind all this? Is it all for the sake of revenge?"&nbs
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The sky was overcast when Audrey and Steve left for the meeting. So it did not came as a surprise when they encountered a heavy downpour of rain when they returned to their dorm.However, on that same night, while the rest of his roommates were already passed asleep, Steve sneaked out of their dormitory under his senior's instruction."Steve, I am sure you know that a few years ago, I left our sect under a mission, do you remember?"Diether's lips drew into a tight line as soon as he started talking, making it obvious that what he was about to discuss was of serious matter.Meanwhile, as Steve was reminded of that fateful night, the light in his eyes dimmed. But because it was dark, his senior failed to notice this change.Diether was the senior Steve looked up to as a child. So he cried silly when the other party left so suddenly."I remember I was still a little child then and the rain was pouring that night just like right now. I was in the middle of making sleep as I allowed the p
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Just in case
"Audrey can potentially be a savior someday. So it goes without saying that those who can influence her decision would definitely hold great power as well. After all, they will have a say too about how the world should be dealt. If the upper echelons of mage community learns the real meaning of her existence, what do you think they will do to your friend?"Dither continued and as he directed this question to Steve, realization slowly dawned at the other party. Whilst Steve arrived at the comprehension of their current predicament, horror started to wash over his face.In his reckoning, there was no doubt that the elite members of the mage community would take all necessary measure just to ensure that they could have Audrey dance on their palm.Just to think of the length that the upper echelon would be willing to go in order to secure absolute power within themselves was enough to give Steve a bundle of nerves. Trying to manipulate Audrey so that no reform would take place was one t
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