All Chapters of REBIRTH: This time I will be a Witch!: Chapter 411 - Chapter 420
546 Chapters
Work smart not hard
"I must say, it was quite an impressive feat how Mr. Hefetus was able to start his own workshop at such a young age." Audrey could not help but commend after reading a book detailing the other party's achievement and Niccoli seconded her afterward by stating his own praise. "Not only that, he also managed to make himself a household name in the field of weapon making on top of it. His business was booming and it was evident by how Steelfire Emporium was always overflowing with customers." It was no secret that Niccoli and his brother, Nike, were both sword enthusiasts. After all, it was their go-to weapon during practice combat. Their mastery of sword art granted them a fascination with fine steel. As such, it only made sense that they had already heard about the said shop. However, it was only a pity though that despite hailing as a prince from their own respective kingdom, they still could not afford to buy a weapon from Hefetus since wielding a sword forged from his shop was a
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Odd quirk  
Asking around within Brujeria for the direction of how to get to their current destination, the group managed to pick up useful intel from other shop owners along the way. "He and his automatons monopolized the production of many if not all the magical items available in the market inside their Steelfire Emporium." Said one of the older folk they interrogated and judging from the way he sounded as well as his expression, it was not hard to infer that he was quite bitter about it. "Believe me when I say that guy was an oddball. Could you believe how stupid he was? I heard that the guy was once recruited to teach at Iridos but he declined the schoolmaster because he claimed that he preferred doing business to teaching." Another one interjected when she heard who they were talking about and before Audrey could even know it, more and more shop owners around the square expressed their own opinion. It was clear for all eyes to see how unhappy these people were about Hefetus. They sure h
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Insensitive as always
Audrey's group took a great deal of time, before they were even granted entry to the said shop. Apparently, people have to wait in long line just to get inside. That was how highly demanding and thriving the business was. They were never short of customers considering that Steelfire Emporium was known for its fine metal works. As a matter of fact, by the time their group were finally able to enter the shop, it was already sunset. The shop also happened to stop accepting customer around that time. This goes to say that their group would serve as the last customer of the shop. "Goodness gracious! Thank the heaven we got in before closing hours." Niccoli exclaimed while others also heaved a sigh out of relief when they realized how they almost not made it in time to the cut off. On the flip side, those other unfortunate customers who fell behind the line could only swallow their discontent and hope to get better luck tomorrow. Meanwhile, wandering their eyes around the shop the stu
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When in need, call Grae
Audrey, on the other hand could only slapped her forehead afterward while Nike used his very own hand to cover his brother's mouth before it could even utter another nonsense. Jace and Allan could only avert their gaze in an attempt to pretend like they heard nothing. While Steve quickly reached out to his pocket and while clearing his throat, he surreptitiously passed something to Lancelot. "We do apologize for everything, we really do. I hope you could be the bigger person here. Albeit looking normal, that friend of ours was a little unwell." He whispered softly so that only Lancelot could hear and not Niccoli. Allan, on the other hand, who was closest to them at the moment heard everything so he seconded his friend's claim. "We had long suspected that he has a few loose screw over here..." He insinuated while gesturing something in his head before adding, "So please understand his situation." "Indeed. Just look how innocent he looked after saying those things. Clearly, he mea
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For all it's worth
Nike waited if Hefetus still has more to say, but when he confirmed that it was all he wanted to tell him, he simpered a smile.Albeit a little disappointed by the amount of information he got, Nike still knew better than to let his emotion show on his face.In the end, he still showed gratitude and forced a smile."Thank you for this valuable information, Mr. Hefetus.As respectful as he sounded, deep inside, Nike was greatly unsatisfied. He did not expect that this meager information was all his 500 mage coins could buy.Nevertheless, the fact that the school lacked a record of this piece of intel was more than enough to ascertain that Mr. Hefetus provided them with something no one else could. This only goes to show how confidential it was. "As for the rest, I bet a little brush up on your Beasticology lesson would do."Hefetus insinuated afterward.The guy was aware that there was a high chance that his simple answer brought displ
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 Cercei of the Corona Kingdom
Princess Cercei was the forgotten princess of the Corona Kingdom, which goes to say that she was also Nike and Niccoli's aunt. However, they practically knew nothing next about her. Mainly because anything related to the said princess was forbidden. It was a taboo topic. At one point, the king itself even see to it that anyone who talked about Cercei's existence will be sentence to death by means of beheading.It was for this reason why the two princes almost never heard of their auntie. Yet, Niccoli had a faint memory of his wet nurse telling him a bed time story about a banished princess. No wonder he never heard from that nurse again.Princess Cercei and the reigning King of Corona, King Icarus were twins. But being born the same time as the Crown Prince, it did not came as a surprise when the princess became neglected soon after. Growing up, Icarus was regarded as far more important figure than his sister. This in return affected his mentality and it was his reckoning that the o
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To late for regret
" I think the term Grae is indeed ringing a bell. Maybe we had already encountered it before."Audrey told her friends as they made their way back home. It was her reckoning that saying so would at least boost their group's morale since this would imply that their day of effort was fruitful. Likewise, as they made their way outside, Audrey wasted no second and instructed her pet right away."Nero, could you check the book for me and looked for the keyword, Grae?"Almost immediately, Audrey heard him talking back through their mental link.[Don't worry I got you guys. In fact, before you even thought about asking me, I already took the initiative to do it.]"Quick thinking. Go on then. Tell me, what does the book says about them? Do we have enough useful information that we needed? Was there a detail description on the book?"Audrey asked back one after another. Meanwhile, the cat, who happened to be resting inside the storage ring all these time, complied without delay
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Eye of Magnus
Time passed in just a blink of an eye and before they knew it, it had already been three days since the first group of students had started their expedition in search for the proof of live of the said Petrifying Monster rumored to terrorized the Land of Dawn."Has anyone of you heard back anything new from those who joined on the mission and left the other day?"Nike's voice broke the silence inside their room when he raised question and to this, his brother has an answer."That was Allan's forte so considering he was not around, I bet he was working his way to catch wind of them, as we speak."The others shared the same thought so they nodded their head in agreement. It was for this reason why they never tried picking on Allan even when he was constantly missing during their group research.Just like today, everyone was present except of Allan. They were busy checking their Beasticology book for any topic related to Grae.They were in the middle of a group research over the same to
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Majority wins
Clearing her throat, it was now Audrey's turn to share what she knew managed to uncover about Graes."Multiple accounts describing the sighting of this guardian claimed that a Grae was an old bony hag who lives in the woods. Her house stood in two chicken legs and she rode around through her forest with the help of a giant mortar, and a broom stick for changing direction."Unlike her friends who concentrated in finding more related facts surrounding the Grae, Audrey focused on studying its physical feature instead.It was her reckoning that having an idea how it looked was just as important as other things. Since this would help them to construct an initial picture in their mind about what kind of creature they would be dealing with."She has fangs and nostril hairs, so long they hang down to her breast. She also has huge ears, a horn on her forehead and holes instead of eyes. For her get up, she wore toad-skin cap and snake-skin coat."She continued and although Niccoli and the other
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What a bummer
"You guys already know how this would work out, right? Definitely nothing new. If this turns out to be about Steve plus Audrey against Nike and Niccoli, that would make it a tie and as usual, I would refrain from declaring a side so as to avoid hard feelings. It is as it is."Jace declared after a short albeit awkward silence. This was not the first time they wound up voting and ruling out a decision based on majority."Then we need a tiebreaker."Niccoli stated while casually throwing a glance in the direction of the door.They needed Allan to settle it for them once and for all. So soon after, everyone followed his gaze as they all waited for their friend to walk into the door.But just as when the group was wondering how long it would take for the friend to arrive, they saw the person they were anticipating to come rushing inside. He was in a hurry and obviously out of breath from running a distance."Speaking of the devil, the devil is coming."Jace muttered under his breath."Yo
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