All Chapters of REBIRTH: This time I will be a Witch!: Chapter 451 - Chapter 460
546 Chapters
"Great! Now, we can safely assume that we are finally onto something and we won't be running around like a bunch of headless chicken."Jace exclaimed, delighted that they finally have something to look forward to, and not just merely a clue.However, for some reason, Niccoli seemed to fail to recognize the implied sarcasm in the other party's statement and so he retorted,"Basically, a chicken won't be able to run if it no longer has its head because it means they are dead, no?"Fighting the urge to roll his eyes upon hearing this response, Jace replied flatly."And so do we. We could be as good as dead too if we will just set to action, oblivious of what lies ahead or in this case, where to start looking.Truth be told, Jace's concern was not unfounded. Their days of searching might not be considered futile. Nonetheless, it was still not that fruitful either; or at least according to Jace's standard, the result they have so far was below satisfactory.This was due to the fact that de
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The curse of Love and Blood
"Alright, so according here, deep inside the center of forest, you will find a clearing; small patched of land separated from the rest and marked by a picket fence made of human bones." There you will find the hug's hut where there is a phrase you need in order to enter safely:"Turn your back to the forest, your front to me."Only by riding the Grae's famed vehicle "Mortal" could they leave the place safely.But when one of the sisters refused to help, Audrey was left with no choice but to steal it from them.The Grae's tried to stop them but thankfully they succeeded from taking it away. Although they have no idea how to get to their destination, they heaved a collective sigh of relief when they passed by the Slamming Rock and it did not move. Only the Mortar can passed it without activating the rock's enchantment."Good, now where is the broomstick?"---- Steve"Oh, don't worry. I already broke it."----Allan"You did what?"-----Nike"I broke it into two so that the Grae's won't be
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Turn your back to the forest and your front to me
Tsking in annoyance, Jace, slammed the book shut. This was the hundredth book in his care."I can't find any!"He cried out afterward, but not before frustratingly putting the book down. This sudden and almost forceful action made the cloud of dust rise from the surrounding floor."I can't believe no one has thought about at least jotting down a few pointers or deliberately writing the trick of how to get past those set of uselessly huge boulders that threatens to turn anyone that crosses it into human meat paste."Jace added as he was getting increasingly vexed the more he thought about it. Meanwhile, Niccoli gave the other party a brotherly pat on his shoulder."Or maybe, no one has lived to tell the tale yet. Who knows? Maybe, our group will be the pioneer to write its manual.""That is some wishful thinking you have there. But I like the sound of it."Steve seconded with a grin. It was during times like this that he really could not help but admire the young prince's optimism. Mea
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After gathering every piece of information that they could possibly get, the group decided to leave the library. In fact, if it were not that they noticed how pale their friend Andrew was, they would high likely recommend to start the quest right away. After all, it was not like they still have the luxury of time to dawdle around. They were not the only group eyeing the reward for the head of Petrifying Monster.Moreover, there were other groups as well who had gone first before them. They were running out of time. That was why, as much as they could, they did not want to waste any more time. Of course, they would not like their efforts to be for naught once someone else managed to snag to reward after all their hard work.Only by riding the Grae's famed vehicle "Mortal" could they leave the place safely. But when one of the sisters refused to help, Audrey was left with no choice but to steal it from them.The Grae's tried to stop them but thankfully they succeeded from taking it away
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Books could only get you so far
It would not be an exaggeration if they would claim that the past couple of minutes had gone into a complete waste. Apparently, the difference between what they already knew an hour ago versus the additional data that they had gathered after staying an extended hour at the library was indistinguishable if not nearly neglectable to say the least.It goes without saying that the lack of improvement was starting to get increasingly frustrating; this was especially so to Nero. After all, patience was never one of his strongest traits, in the first place.[Regardless of how many of them you read, the most that they could do is just give us a heads up and I believe we already have all the necessarily heads up we needed.]At around half an hour marked, Nero started running his mouth. Implying to his master that it was about time they put an end to their research and moved on to the next agenda. However, Audrey was determined to turn a deaf ear to this request. Annoyed at being ignored, the
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Phantom Ship
Davy Jones was a great sailor until he fell in love with the sea goddess Calypso. He would be given the Flying Dutchman as well as the sacred task of ferrying souls who died at sea to the worlds beyond. Because of that love, Davy Jones agreed to set foot on land once every ten years, where Jones would be free to be with Calypso. So for the next ten years, Jones devoted himself faithfully to the duty Calypso charged him with, looking after those who died at sea and ferried the souls of men to the 'other side' in the holds of the Dutchman, while also awaiting the one day when he could be reunited with his love. But when Davy Jones came ashore, he waited in vain; Calypso was nowhere to be found. Feeling that the goddess betrayed him, a heartbroken and enraged Davy Jones believed he had been tricked into his duty, and could not escape his service. Using The Journal of the Ancient Seas and its guardian, the foul and fearsome Kraken, Jones went on his course to vengeance. With the Kraken, J
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That day the legend begins
Nearly four hundred and fifty years ago, there lived a man named Hendrick Vanderdecken, a captain, a sailor, a man devoted to the sea. Captain Vanderdecken lived in Amsterdam, in Holland, and for as many years as he could remember, he had loved to be at sea. He knew that was where he belonged, heart and soul, and he could not imagine his life anywhere else.One day Vanderdecken and his crew set off in their ship, the Flying Dutchman. They were heading toward Batavia, a Dutch port in East India, to which they went to buy spices, silks and dyes that they would resell at higher prices in their native Holland. Their course was set. The journey would take many months, or so they thought. They had no idea that this was a journey that would never end.After two days in which the sea had been raging and impeding the usually rapid advance of Van der Decken and his men, who were heading back to Europe, the captain ordered his ship to head towards the Cape of Good Hope, in South Africa, to take
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It's that time of the month
“Owww…My eyes….”Niccoli could be heard whining from behind but no one bothered to look back and check on him this time because everyone else were preoccupied minding their own business.But unlike the other party who was making a big fuss out of this small inconvenience, the rest chose to just quietly deal with it. Using their hands, they shielded their eyes away from the sunrays that were directly hitting their faces. Apparently, the group was greeted by the blinding light of the afternoon sun the moment they stepped outside, and it took a couple of minutes before their eyes were able to get used to the change.It was relatively darker inside the library, more so, they had been at the darkest corner of it for hours. Precisely due to this reason that they needed to readjust first before seeing properly.After some time, the group continued walking with Audrey taking the lead. However, they have not gone far yet when out of the blue, Jace abruptly stopped on his track.“What the heck
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Up is Down
During one of their first few nights in the vast open water, Nero saw, or imagined he saw, a vessel standing for them under a press of sail, as though it would run them down. Luna in particular affirmed that it was the ship that once sank due to a storm, and that it must certainly be it, or at least it was its the apparition. According from what she heard, there was once a ship that was lost off the {Cape of Good Hope, change the name}, and every soul on board perished. Wasting no time, the cats approached their masters to report this sighting. As they ran as fast as their four stubby legs could take them, they cried to their fellow members."Look out! Look out!"However, when Audrey rushed to deck to catch a glimpse, the object, a dark thick cloud, mysteriously disappeared. Apparently, it vanished just as quickly as it had appeared, prompting Audrey to think that it was never there in the first place and the pets were only making it up. So that night Audrey and Niccoli teased their c
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The Curse of Tundra
"There is no need to stand on ceremony, no call to impress anyone."He insinuated when he noticed that the youngsters were being too modest in front of the table when he invited them to dine with him during their first night at the ship. However, Audrey and her friends remained hesitant to eat away their hunger. So the captain added,"You must be hungry."Meanwhile, as if hearing the magic word, the group of no longer stood on ceremony indeed and devour the sumptuous meal laid bare before them, like pack of hungry wolves.On the other hand, the captain did not even touched his food. Instead, he watched the group ate with amusement in his eyes. He even started pouring wine in the cup of the one closest to him, which happened to be David."Try the wine."He whispered and the other party gladly accept. "And the apples, one of those next."He suggested next before David could even finish his drink. So this time, he started to feel suspicious as to why the captain was being extra attenti
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