All Chapters of REBIRTH: This time I will be a Witch!: Chapter 471 - Chapter 480
546 Chapters
His behind my fall!
"Maybe next time it would be best we buy our own ship in a bottle, you know? the portable one. It will surely come handy when a situation like this arises again in the future."---Niccoli"You mean the one that you can just pop anytime anywhere and voila, there goes your ship in just a matter of second?" -Allan"The very same, and I propose we get one to each of our own. So that in the event of one shipwreck, we will still have a spare one. That would grant us a total of six chances since there is six of us in this team."- Niccoli"Don't be silly. You speak of it as if the item is readily available.""Well it is.""If you have the right amount of money. Last time I check you would have to pay an astronomical price for a piece of that. That is why it never occurred to me to get one. I am not sure about you guys, maybe you can afford it. But I am telling you as early as now, I am poor as bloke. "- Audrey" Worry not, my friend, there is a good reason why we got not just one but two prin
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Hidden Ace
“This won’t do! Pondering over matters we know we can’t resolve just by contemplation alone, is useless. It would not get us anywhere”Jace deliberately put a stop to the group’s indulgence at dwelling on their misfortune since he believed it was not helping them achieve anything. Now that they established the likeness that these business owners of Brujeria were ganging up to discourage the students from abandoning the aforementioned school mission altogether, then they too have arrived at the understanding that no amount of thinking could help them convince the ship owners to lend them their property.Unless, of course, they have a hidden ace up their sleeves. Otherwise, there was no way they could reverse the current situation without playing a card or two.“If at this time we can’t find what we desire yet, then we just have to keep searching harder.”Shortly afterward, Nike showed his friend his agreement in a roundabout manner.At the same time, as someone who believed in old ada
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Now or Never
Initially, Jace was taking the lead. But when it appeared that he was not entirely sure of which direction they should go, Niccoli took it upon himself to get them out of there. At least, he was confident to say that he knew his way around Brujeria because he memorized every nook and cranny of it by heart. Something he could not help, especially when it was not his choice, to begin with.As a cat owner, Niccoli was constantly pitted against his sense of direction whenever Monami was playing hide and seek with him. Apparently, that cat of his has a knack for making him worry because she was always missing. So far, there was not a single day yet in Niccoli’s princely life that he was given a rest from trying to locate Monami and her wandering paws; except of course when she has fallen ill and was comatose. But after her recovery, he definitely observed no trace of change from her usual and old self.On the other hand, Nike and the others followed the young prince without a word of prote
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The day God cursed for the first time
On the flip side, the moment Audrey heard their question, she too sported a confused expression. It took her a while before she was able to give a proper response because she took a seat first at the edge of Jace’s bed.“Now that you mentioned it, I also could not help but feel a little weird.”Intrigued, all of the others stopped whatever they were doing at that time and listened attentively to what she was about to say next.“The thing is, I offered to pay but he insisted on having us for free under one condition. He demanded that he too has to be onboard the same ship with us.”To be honest, Audrey was just as perplexed as her friends about their current setup. However, when she noticed that David seemed to be genuinely overjoyed when he heard where they were headed, she no longer had the heart to turn the other party down.“For free? But there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world.”Almost immediately, Allan expressed his doubt. He could not help but feel that whoever th
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Ceremony of Light
As part of an age-old tradition that dates back centuries ago, students of every school of magic from all over the mage continent as well as those who resided in its neighboring city were required to participate in an event organized by the mage community. It was called the Ceremony of Lights and this was observed to signal the start of the second quarter of the year.Coincidentally, it was around this time of the year as well when Audrey first arrived in this world. That was why she had been looking forward to celebrating it with her friends. She used to anticipate its date for months and ends and in fact was even more excited to observe this serene light show than the thought of leveling up to the next realm, which was also just around the corner.Unfortunately, the event coincided with the date of their departure as it was happening on that same night. Besides, due to the fact that Audrey’s group had been busy the entire week, the preparation for the ceremony of light had totally s
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Look out!
During their first few nights in the vast open water, the voyage had been pretty much uneventful. The water was calm and they did not encounter any mishaps. David’s ship took them to places and they explored the moonlit landscape blanketed by the cool breeze of the night without breaking a single sweat. Audrey would even go out at night to watch the countless stars sparkling in the clear dark sky overhead. This had been her nighttime routine before going to bed. She believed doing so was what helped her have a peaceful and dreamless night. However, if the master was enjoying her time, the pet was experiencing the exact contrary to that. For three nights straight, Nero would see or imagine he saw, a vessel standing for them under a press of sail, as though it would run
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Are you high?
Wiping the remaining sleepiness off of his eyes, Niccoli dragged his half-asleep body out of bed.  “Monami?” He mumbled under his breath when he noticed that his cat was nowhere to be seen and against his better judgment, he went outside looking for her; still wearing his pajamas. Searching for any sign of his pet, it did not take that long before Niccoli reached the deck, and a blast of wind with a salty aftertaste was all it takes to wake the young prince completely. “Good morning pal.” David greeted him with a friendly smile first thing in the morning. Meanwhile, as soon as the man’s near-perfect side profile registered
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Alec Romanov was a great sailor until he fell in love with the goddess Hekacy. Surprisingly, the word "heka" in the Egyptian language is also both the word for "magic" and the name of the god of magic and medicine, Heka. Hekacy was the chief goddess presiding over magic and spells. Not only was she the one responsible for bestowing the first men the secret knowledge of using the art of witchcraft, she was also said to be the mother of necromancy. Not only that, but she holds a certain domain in the underworld as well and it was she who would appoint her lover the sacred task of ferrying souls who died at sea to the worlds beyond using the famed, Phantom Ship. Rumor has it that Hekacy made Alec the captain of an exemplary ship that was not only capable of traversing all parts of the water but could also cover distances and cross dimensions with an inexplicable speed like no other; thanks to its ability to glide both in the air and water. To prove his love to her, Alec Romanov agreed t
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The trial has started
A day goes by pretty quickly and before they could even realize it, another day had already ended. But the next day, something unexpected happened.“Steve, tell me I am not the only one seeing them.”There was excitement at the edge of his voice when Allan prompted his friend to confirm to him that he was not just simply seeing things. The other party, on the other hand, prodded him on the rib and responded,“You saw them right, Allan. I believe it’s the Shamrock!”Steve beamed just equally as excited as the other.“Guys, you got to see this!”Allan beckoned to everyone. Curious, they all followed the direction where his finger was pointing, and when they saw what lies ahead, they were all visibly thrilled.“It definitely got to be Shamrock. There is no doubt about that.”Nike exclaimed while everyone else rejoiced for the first step in their success was just within their reach.Just like how it was described in the book, the Shamrock was comprised of a set of boulders facing each o
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With the combined attack of the strong wind and waves, their ship rocked violently akin to a leaf shaking from its branch, as the torrential rain and wind gang up on it, hitting it teasingly from left and right. Two forces of nature, both held great power at each of their own very rights joined hands and were determined to not give them a rest. That was why everyone was holding for their dear life to whatever they could grab onto, out of fear that a single misstep would cause them to inadvertently end up getting tossed into the raging water below.  “Have your wands ready. I don’t think our ship would hold for long..” Stating the obvious, David announced their grim situation to the group as if Audrey and her friends could not make this assessment by the
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