All Chapters of REBIRTH: This time I will be a Witch!: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
546 Chapters
A marriage of convenience
"No! You can't do that to me! I won't let you dictate my life just like that!" A shout could be heard from the study room of the Lee clan's residence not too long after Audrey entered. "Audrey, listen to me. I'm doing this for your own good." Johnson said in a consoling manner as he tries to reach his granddaughter who was being hysterical. "Don't you dare touch me! How could you?!!!" Audrey stepped back as she stared at the man across him in disbelief. She can't help but think about what Selene just said. "Audrey! Stop being childish. Sooner or later you will have to get married. Might as well do it for our clan's common good." She heard his grandfather said his piece before he turns around and pours himself a cup of tea. "But Grandpa,.. how about me????" She paused for a while and observe Johnso
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Won't trust a thing ever again
Reality sure hurts like hell, but Audrey endures so much more than that on her previous life. It was nothing compared to what she had been through before. When epiphany struck her, she settled her resolved. "I won't trust that easy the next time. This will be my last, lest my future efforts would go to naught. " She promised to herself but her face was devoid of any emotion. She turned on her heels, and with a look reminiscent to a soldier marching to her death, she walked away from Johnson's study room. Nero walks to her side without saying anything. He chooses to give her time to absorb what just happen, and let her decide what to do next. No matter what, Nero was sure that he will accompany Audrey anywhere. They indulge their selves to silence as they walk back to Audrey's chamber. But before they reached the pathway leading to her room, Audrey did an abrupt turn. She turns to a corner and continued walking. The numbe
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Women are direct descendants of berserk warriors
Nero sure knows how to make things light. Cause after he said that, Audrey's facial reaction did an abrupt change. From a sobbing, teary eye girl she became a glaring tiger waiting to pounce on her prey in any second. *toink* Then a small bulging skin swells on Nero's head. As if the head of a small mole rat was trying to peak from below.   [Ouch!!!! You fickle headed human!!!!! Are all female species that erratic????!!!] Nero said as he tried to touch the bump on the top of his head using his paws. But his face shows a hint of a smile, in his mind, he thinks the opposite.  [It's good that this little lass has a strong heart. Phew! I am being heroic for sacrificing myself to be her punching buddy.] "Who are you calling erratic??!" [Who else but you???? Bleh! Women sure
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Long way to go
HA-HA-HA] Nero makes a forced guffaw as he sneered at Audrey's direction. [You think you're funny???? Sad. Try harder next time little lass.] He added as if a wise old man lecturing a small child about the ways of life. "It's getting dark now, let's go back to my room." After saying that, she picked her little black cat and settled him in her arms as they made their way back to her chamber. Audrey's back soon was engulfed by the darkness of the long corridor until only Nero's bright blue eyes reflected in the scene.   [I knew it. My senses never failed me before.] Nero narrowed his eyes but he pretended to act sleepy as he hides it with his exaggerated yawn. When the figure of the master and cat duo disappeared in the sight. The lurking shadow e
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what is cool in movies, makes one look like a fool in real life
 [I understand why you feel that way. But are you willing to go against your grandfather's word? I doubt he would take it lightly. I can see that he would make sure that this marriage arrangement would push through, by hook or by crook.] " I know that, and I won't just sit by and watch him do as he please. I will take control of my own life. No one, even him could force me to do something I don't like. I promised myself that I will live this second life to the fullest the moment I transmigrated in this world, and I will fulfill it."   [That's good to hear, but the question is... are you willing to say goodbye to this beautiful and dandy status that you are enjoying right now???] "If all of this will put my future happiness at stake, then I don't need any of this."  [I am happy that you are not blinded with
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All expenses covered for the night
Audrey took a glimpse back to the Lee clan's residence. She will be lying to herself if she would say that her heart did not ache for this kind of departure. Somehow, even she just met them not too long ago, she still has some attachment towards them. Especially to the clan head, she treated Johnson as her own grandfather. There is also the sick looking maid Sabel.   "It saddens me to think that I can't bring her with me," Audrey said as she started to walk away.   Nero could feel how heartbroken Audrey was. He tries to chat at her to ease the heavy feeling but the little girl becomes quite melancholic as they walk farther, away from her supposed home. Her sorrow was not unfounded. After all, she thought that for the first time, she will finally got to know how it feels to have a family she could call her own. Yet before she could enjoy it, reality slaps her hard. She learned the harsh truth, in a hard way. In this world, you better not trus
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Just say the magic word
When they entered the tavern, the room was brimming with people of all ages. They found an empty table just beside the window and decided to sit there. From where they sat, they can see the occasional passing of carriages while the rain was falling on their windowpane.  [I better address this grumbling stomach of mine or else my small intestine will soon eat my large intestine... ] Nero said with eyes full of expectancy as he tried to crane his head from left to right. They wonder, why there is no one assisting them to take their order? "Ohhh... I'm hungry,"Audrey rested her arms on the table as she put her chin over her left hand. But as soon as she said those two words of complain, dish after dish started to appear just before their eyes. Soon, their table was full of mouth-watering delicacies. It was like there is a sumptuous feast at their front. Foods of all kinds can be seen in their t
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Jeyjey no more
The moment the first ray of sunlight penetrated the horizon, the master and cat duo also started their journey. [Do you have a place in mind??? Where do we go next???] Asked Nero, as they made their way towards the bustling market. "I honestly don't know," Audrey said with a voice full of uncertainty.  [I guess I know???? At least that should be anywhere except here. The longer we stay here, the higher the risk that we will get caught either by the emperor or your clan.] "That is something that I won't allow,...Ohh yeah, by the way-------------  [HEYYYY!!!!! Hey where is your ring????!!!!] "Ehhhh???" Audrey was flabbergasted when she heard what Nero just said, but when she looked at her finger that used to wear her ring, it was gone! "THIEEEEEEE
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Swallowed by the ground
Seeing that the guy just cast the same spell that Prince Nike used to apprehend the lava breathing beast before, Audrey rushes to aid her cat. She jumps from the branch of a tree with ease. From afar, she was akin to a goddess descending from heaven blessing the mortal world with her grace. When she landed, she performed a follow-through by doing a quick eggroll. She ended up in a half-kneeling position as her wavy brown hair cascaded to her shoulders and framing her small v-shape face. After that, she slowly lifted her face as she glared at the guy standing just a few meters away. Her piercing eyes send a shiver down to the spine of the thief. Her maneuver was flawless, even Nero was surprised to see her doing that. But since he was under a spell, he was suspended in thin air and all his movement was halted. Talking was not an option for him too. Yet in his mind, he was exclaiming.  [Woah! Little lass! Where did you learn t
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Not a thief, after all
The thief continued to sink deeper in the ground. He was trapped in a quicksand! "Would you mind passing me over that piece of stick over there?" Said the thief as he ushered Audrey in the direction where his wand landed using his pouting lips. His voice was unsurprisingly calm as if he was not the one being swallowed by the ground. On the other hand, Audrey's battle instinct started to die down, she stared blankly at the handsome guy slowly sinking at the ground before her eyes. "EHEM!!!" "Hey miss, what are you staring up right there? Quick help me???" "Ohhh... yeah... the stick,..." Audrey said seemingly still in a daze as she casually picks a stick and throws it to him "Not this one! Oh geez,... What am I suppose to do with this stick??!" "But you said you need a stick?!!!! I'm not sure what are you planning to do
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