All Chapters of REBIRTH: This time I will be a Witch!: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
546 Chapters
ticking time
Audrey was giving Nero a silent treatment all this time. The naughty cat almost consumed half the amount of their food stock!  [Geez! Little lass, don't get too vex over that. It's not as if I enjoyed eating them??? If only you knew how hard it is for me to swallow those dry foods. You won't like them either.] Nero said meekly at the corner but Audrey just glared at her and get back at sulking over the window. Watching as the rain continues to pour from the clouds. The poor little cat was left sitting at the corner playing with his two cute little paws. Nursing his own sullen, long face. The next hours bring the master and cat duo on the edge. They were waiting for dawn to come so they could finally set sail away from the city. Every tick of time was too agonizing. They were getting jittery as time continued to pass by. The heavy downpour of rain didn't help to ease the ambiance either. Instead, the cold air coming from t
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The thing has arrived
[Little girl,... I repent for my sin now. I'm so sorry. Don't be mad at me anymore. Please???? meow...meow.. meow...]The raindrops insidiously ram at the roof producing a hammering sound while Nero's soft meowing harmonize perfectly with it making the night too nostalgic."Stop acting cute Nero. You know me, it's my weakness." [I know right??? And I'm playing my card well. So don't be mad anymore...Please???? Peace be with you... meow...meow..meow..]Nero continued acting cute to appease his sulking master.Of course, Audrey, being a cat lady in nature cannot stand his cuteness attack that long.Knowing that Audrey's final defense of cold treatment was wearing thin little by little, Nero amplifies his cuteness attack.He brushed his head to Audrey's body and sat at her l.a.p."Phew! You spoilt little cat!"Nero was so freaking cute whenever he decided to act one. So Audrey can't resist the sudden
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This is it
Startled, Audrey abruptly rose to her feet, thus giving Nero a chance to get away from her embrace. However, when Nero was finally free from the other party's grasp, his furs were already a complete mess as they were standing in all places. Meanwhile, both the girl and her cat took a deep breath as well as exhaled the air simultaneously."This is it, Nero" [Yes, this is really it is, little lass]They nodded at each other as Audrey called for the servants outside."Just give me a minute here. I'm coming." [Woah??? I suppose the master of this place really does have an affinity towards fancy things.]Nero can't help but remark as they made their way at the dimly lit and empty corridor. It was still raining cats and dogs outside and they can definitely hear it from where they are.The corridor seems to be never-ending. Audrey felt like they had been walking farther and farther away but she doesn't feel that
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Conspiracy addict
Despite her attempts to clear her thoughts, Audrey still could not help but overthink as countless scenarios started to cloud her mind."This is weird. Are they trying to sell us off in exchange for some gold coins?! What if they sell us out and get in touch either with the Lee clan or the emperor behind our back?! " [The Lee clan's blood sure runs in your vein. What now??? Is being a conspiracy addict part of your genes???? Remember that time when your grandfather thought that you were up to something, only to find out in the end that we were simply enjoying our bath and taking our time in the shower? You sound no different from him right now. ]Nero rebukes his master's paranoia.After a long walk, they descended to a staircase and this time the place seems damp."What now?! Are they planning to bring us to some sort of dungeon and ask the Lee clan for some ransom?!!!!"The dark and damp corridor makes Audrey more skeptical
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Good heart
Just before they reached the harbor where the ship was docked, they saw the owner of the tavern with his servant holding an umbrella next to him. "You better get going. Hurry up. We have to sneak you in before anyone else notices the anomaly. Hurry up!" Sir Arthur beckoned the moment he spotted the approaching figure of Audrey. It's a good thing that he has a deep and loud voice because the seashore was roaring as waves after waves continue to surge at the bank. Almost muffling the sound of everything around. An impending storm was about to break out. Threatening to make Audrey's journey towards the Iridos, not a smooth sailing one. "Here young lad, take this. It will suffice until you reach your next destination." The not-so-good-looking grumpy short man said to Audrey as he handed her a small bag. He had no idea that the one he was calling young lad, was actually a little lass. 
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Goodbye land
 Remembering how her cat Nero just almost emptied their food stock just a while ago, Audrey did not turn down Sir Arthur's kind offer anymore. "Thank you so much for your kindness Sir Arthur." Audrey gave her regards to Sir Arthur's warm treatment. Soon, they were already making their way using a plank of wood, serving as a bridge connecting the harbor to the ship's ladder. Someone from the cabin crew assisted Audrey as she made her way towards the ship's deck. When she finally sets her foot on the wooden floor of the ship, she instantly felt how strange it is.  She was not sure what will happen next, what kind of life awaits her now. But she knew that it is now or never. So the master and cat duo harden their resolve as they braced their selves.   [It is okay little lass, I got you.
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Pissing the cat off
[Dont be silly. I was just feeling cold. Can't you see???? It's raining.] Nero rolled his eyes as he harrumphed. "Woah??? Is that so? But if I remember correctly, I knew someone here was afraid of water and.....thunder..." [Don't get me started little lass.] "WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"' "Why??? I did not say it was you???"Audrey insinuated before adding,"But I am pretty sure that if there is anyone who hates water here, that would not be me."She said before she burst out laughing. Audrey sure enjoys pissing her cat off since she knew that her cat does not know how to swim. It was for that reason why Nero was not exactly fond of being around any body of water. The blaring sound coming from the ship caring for the master and cat duo reverberated on a rainy night; signaling its departure as it started to sail in the stormy waters towards the Iridos.
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The voyage to Iridos
  It turned out that Sir Arthur even went to the extent of bribing a crew only to helped them sneaked inside the ship. At the same time, the ship that they boarded happened to transport items with magical background and delivers them to different places. Also, this ship serves as the medium to bring the students back to Iridos. Coincidentally the kingdom of Corona was the ship's last stop before it would set sail back to the said school. It was not hard to infer that Sir Arthur used imported magical goods to cook everything in his tavern. He has been their customer ever since he started his business, so basically, he managed to forge some connection inside the ship over time. The wind was still howling outside as huge waves knock the side of the ship every now and then. As a result, the ship sways making Audrey lost her balance. She will occasionally lean at the wall to regain her footing. The sound of creaking woods echoed as Audrey an
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Stepping inside a room the screams of magic
After some fumbling on keys as the cabin crew tries to unlock the room, the doorknob finally turns and soon a magnificent room blinded them. As soon as Audrey walks inside the room, the cabin crew bid his farewell. " How did they manage to fit a room as big as this in this small corridor???" Audrey asked with a mix of bewilderment and amazement in her voice as she looks around.   [ I suppose it has something to do with magic again.] The room was a stark contrast from the dark and narrow corridor with a wooden floor that keeps on creaking in protest whenever something weighs above it. The interior of the room was akin to a resort or hotel room in line with the theme of Greek mythology. The paint is a combination of white and gold and on each corner are Corinthian pillars. The room has a complete set of furniture, from bed, cl
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Titanic vibe
  When they look up, they saw an ornate lighting fixture suspended from the ceiling. It was akin to a chandelier, but what makes it different is that it does not have branches to hold the candles. Instead, the candles were suspended on their own. Hanging in mid-air!!! [I don't know about you, but this definitely have so much 'Deja Vu' feel for me and so  I cannot help but think that the vibe of this ship was like I got into some part of the movie titanic.] "Don't be silly, in what way did it resembles titanic????"  [I don't know either?! I just feel like it is...] "Just forget about it. You're sending me creeps. I'm not yet over from that ship sinking part. I don't want to play Rose and Jack in the middle of this unknown water."The queen-sized bed was so tempting, it was like finding an oasis after a long walk in a desert.&
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