All Chapters of CEO's Love in Trap: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
355 Chapters
121. Always Be With You
"Max?" Gabriella called when she found the house deserted. With her eyes open warily, the woman came in to check her husband's desk.Instead of finding Max, she was greeted by Julian's sobs. Seeing the red-eyed man wailing in regret, the woman's heart immediately thumped."Where's Max?" she asked with round eyes and ragged breaths.Unexpectedly, Julian shed more tears and dropped his knees to the floor. "I'm sorry, Gabriella. I am truly sorry for the misfortunes that befell you.”"What misfortune?" the woman asked in a higher voice.“I'm sorry I supported my father's plan to take Max down. If only I had opposed it, Max wouldn't have been kicked out of the company and had the accident. You will not move here and still be with your child.”Gabriella looked at Mia who was also furrowing her brows. After reading the same confusion, she returned to her brother-in-law. "Where is Max?""Please forgive me, Gabriella."
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122. Review the Memories
While holding back the rumbling in his chest, Max stepped quickly into the ICU room. Along the way, he kept thinking about what to say when he arrived in front of his father. Should he say hello, say everything will be okay, or apologize? Nothing felt right to express his feelings."Sir," Minnie sighed when she noticed the man's arrival. With teary eyes, the woman pointed towards the door. "Your father is waiting."Without a chance to say thank you, Max nodded and rushed to the door. His pace was so fast. He had never faced such a tense moment in his life.However, as the door opened, his steps slowed down. The air had grown heavier. It took more effort for Max to be able to go through. After taking a quick breath and clenching his fists tightly, he went closer to the bed.The first second Max's eyes caught the image of his father, he suddenly caught the breath. His chest tightened with a feeling that was hard to describe. The old man's condition was much
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123. Pay or Die
Max couldn't stay still. He kept walking back and forth, clutching his head. Every now and then, he sighed, hoping the pressure in the chest would ease. Unfortunately, the fear in his mind became clearer."Max," Gabriella sighed as she couldn't bear to see her husband's restlessness.Hearing the woman's soft voice, the man finally changed the direction and stopped in his wife's arms.“What should I do, Gaby? I still have a lot to talk with Dad. I haven't told him about our Little Prince, or said thank you. I've only hugged him for a minute,” Max whispered, spilling anxiety.Receiving such a confession, the woman's brows furrowed deeper. Gently, she rubbed her husband's back."Let's just pray that he will survive, Max," Gabriella said in a low voice. The woman didn't know if her words were of any use, but she couldn't stand still.“I should have come to see him earlier, Gaby. It wouldn't be this bad," the man regretted as he
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124. The Big Man
"So, the results of my medical evaluation meet the requirements, Doc?" Max asked with his eyebrows raised to the max. "Yes," the doctor nodded firmly. "I will prepare for the transplant operation as soon as possible." A sigh of relief suddenly blew into the air. A second later, Max turned to the woman who was still holding her hand tightly. "Don't worry, Gaby. I'll be fine," the man said as he knew the meaning behind the curve of his wife's stiff lips. "That's right, Madam. You don't have to worry. Your husband has a fit body. Donating a small part of his liver will not cause any problems,” the doctor said reassuringly. With slightly pursed lips, Gabriella released the pressure in her lungs. "I hope this operation will go smoothly," she said in a thin voice. In a sudden, Max caressed and kissed his wife's head. "Amen. Now, how about we visit Dad? I want to see him before we go home and rest.” Gabriella nodded. After tha
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125. Back to You
"Don't worry, Gaby. I'll come back to you," Max said to the woman who was struggling to hold back tears. The bed was almost at the door, but his wife was still reluctant to let go of his hand."You have to wake up as usual," Gabriella whispered with furrowed brows."Yes. Then, we will immediately invite the Little Prince,” the man sighed with a faint smile.When the door to the operating room opened, Gabriella finally loosened her grip. With a heavy heart, she watched her husband was pushed away until her vision was blocked by the door.“There is no need to worry, Madam. Your husband will be fine," Minnie said as she shifted to the woman's side."I don't know why, but my heart is uneasy," Gabriella admitted with a stiff look."It's just your feeling, Madam. You must love Mr. Evans too much, so worrying becomes excessive," Mia said in helping her mother calm Gabriella.Seeing the support from two people beside her, the woma
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126. Increase the Security
"What's wrong, Madam?" Mia asked with furrowed brows, not understanding.Without giving an answer, Gabriella walked over with a bag full of "weapons". However, before she had gone far, the secretary restrained her pace."Madam, where are you going?" the girl asked, still confused."Someone sent a strange message," Minnie interjected with hands clasped together.“Yes, and I have to catch him,” Gabriella implied before swinging her legs again.However, when she took one step forward, the secretary had pulled her back.“Please don't be rash, Madam,” Mia said with a small frown at the base of her brow.A second later, the girl grabbed the woman's cell phone and checked the message. After a glance, a quick sigh escaped from her mouth."Who else is this?" she muttered before gritting her teeth.“That must be the criminal who attacked Max, Mia. I have to stop him,” Gabriella said as she took
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127. Come to Danger
"Is that true?" Gabriella exclaimed happily.After receiving confirmation from the other side of the cellphone, the woman glanced at her husband with sparkling eyes. After a while, she let out a sigh of relief and nodded lightly. "Okay, thank you, Auntie."As soon as Gabriella lowered the phone, Max immediately grabbed his wife's hand. "Is Dad's operation finished?" he asked hopefully."Yes. The operation went smoothly. Dad is being transferred to the ICU. If the monitoring results for the next few days are good, he can go home," Gabriella explained with a wide arch of lips."I hope his body can accept my heart and there is no complication," Max muttered in a prayer.A second later, the woman nodded in agreement. She was happy because her worries turned out to be unfounded."Sleep now, Max. You need a lot of rest," Gabriella said while caressing his husband's cheek.Without warning, the man's expression turned flat. After a moment of
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128. The Bleeding
“You don't have to make up stories, Mia. I just stopped the car in the parking lot. In a moment, you will see me standing in front of you. I'm not a coward anymore, you know?" Julian said before unbuckling the seatbelt. Hearing the CEO's relaxed response, Mia was pushed closer into despair. With a narrow throat, she said, "It's not about your bravery anymore, Sir, but Mrs. Evans' life." Doubting the hearing, Julian didn't budge and furrowed his brows. Slowtly, he began to detect Mia's sobs from the other side of the phone. “I beg you, Sir. Save her …” the secretary sighed in a trembling voice. “I couldn't tell Mister Max. He would panic if he finds out his wife is missing. I only found Madam's bag and a pen that was covered in blood." Knowing the seriousness of the secretary, Julian suddenly gulped. With hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, the man forced his brain to think. "Where did you find Gabriella's bag?" "On the emergency stairs,
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129. The Sacrifice
"No," Julian groaned, pressing his stomach. With great difficulty, he strangled the criminal. "Don't touch her ...."Annoyed, No Name turned around and pushed Julian's hand away from his body. "Apparently, you really care about this woman more than your life, huh?"Without the slightest bit of pity, the man threw a fist into Julian's jaw. As his opponent staggered, he returned to Gabriella.Feeling a lot of energy being eroded, Julian finally ambushed the criminal with both arms. With all his might, he dragged the man by the neck to back away from the woman.“Apparently, you're persistent too?” No Name sighed in an indistinct voice. A second later, he struck the waist of the person behind his back. A muffled groan suddenly resounded, shaking the air."Do you still want to play?" the big man challenged while turning the handle in his grip.Instead of loosening up, Julian tightened his arm lock. However, the more suffocated the cri
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130. Critical
“Why do Gabriella and Mia take so long? Where do they actually go?" Max grumbled as he continued to stare at the door and the clock alternately. “Do they purposely make me wait alone?” the man muttered as he couldn't decipher the furrowed brows. Something had stuck in his heart. "Or maybe, something happened out there and they don't tell me." After pondering for a moment, Max finally reached his hand out toward the table. Afraid that the wound would open again, he pressed his stomach with the other hand. "Tch, why did Gaby put my phone so far away?" While grimacing, the man tried to slide his cell phone with the fingertips. Inadvertently, the object slipped out of the line of the table and fell to the floor. A sigh of disappointment instantly released into the air.  “Why did I drop it when I'm not allowed to bend down? Tsk, at this rate, I have no other choice,” Max muttered before taking a deep breath. A second later, with all his might,
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