All Chapters of CEO's Love in Trap: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
355 Chapters
131. Improve Relationship
“Mr. Julian's family?” the medic called with a serious look."Yes, Doc. I'm his brother," Max said between breaths. He didn't know if the man was a doctor or not. Most importantly, he had given the right answer.“The specialist has checked. Apparently, the damage to the patient's stomach is quite severe. Therefore, he decide to do bowel resection surgery. So, all the damaged intestines had to be cut.”"Is that the best way to save Julian?" Max asked with high arched eyebrows.Without thinking, the green clothed man nodded. "Yes, that's the only way to stop the bleeding," he said firmly."Then just do it, Doc. Save my brother," Max sighed hopefully.“Okay, we definitely do our best. Now, I will inform the specialist that the patient's family has agreed. The operation will go on.” After a nod, the man in green returned to the room.After the medic left, another heavy sigh escaped from Max's mouth. Wit
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132. Julian is Dying
While holding his new bandage, Max kept his eyes on the door. After a while, what he was waiting for finally came. Two nurses pushed a bed with Gabriella asleep on it. “Gaby,” the man sighed, trying to get up. However, before his shoulders left the bed, someone had pressed his head back against the pillow. “Please don't be stupid! I don't want to take you to the emergency room again," Sebastian grumbled, successfully inviting a cynical look from Max. "That's right, Sir. Please stay still. Your wife is okay. She'll wake up as soon as the anesthetic wears off,” a nurse explained as she locked Gabriella's bed next to the man. Received the same ban, Max did not argue. After heaving a faint breath, with hands still attached by the IV line, he tried to grab his wife's fingers. Knowing the man's predicament, the nurse brought Gabriella's hand closer. "Take a rest, Sir. Don't move too much anymore," she suggested even though the patient didn't
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133. Source of Courage
With teary eyes and out of breath, Gabriella walked quickly. She completely ignored the commotion behind her back. Amber's anger was no more important than her brother-in-law.As soon as she opened the door, the secretary looked up at her with a high arched eyebrow. Without waiting for orders, the girl gave up the chair she was sitting on. "Madam?""How is Julian?" Gabriella asked in a low voice.“The operation went well, Madam. We just have to wait for Master to wake up,” Mia explained as she turned to the man who was surrounded by many tubes.Feeling doubtful, Gabriella grabbed the girl's shoulder. "You didn't lie to calm me down, did you?"With a face without a smile, Mia shook her head. "I'm telling the truth, Madam. Master has passed the critical period. Now, we just have to wait for him to become conscious.”"So he's not going to die, is he?" Gabriella asked, unable to sift through the words anymore."Yes, Mada
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134. Report to Husband
"Have you thanked Julian?" Max asked when he saw that his wife's face was no longer somber. In an instant, the woman who had just entered the room was smiling loosely. "Yes. He's awake when I saw him,” Gabriella reported before pulling up a chair and sitting on the side of the bed. "Then, how is he?" The woman's lips pursed. "He's fine, Max. The doctor said that his body is strong. In a few days, he is able to go home. Julian just need to keep his wound clean and follow the rules of eating. There's a lot that he shouldn't be consuming right now. Whenever I think about it, I feel more guilty.” "Take it easy, Gaby. Mia will take care of him very well," the man said, trying to lighten the burden in his wife's heart. Unexpectedly, those simple words managed to make Gabriella smile again. "Do you know what? I think, Julian has feelings for Mia,” the woman said with round eyes even though her eyelids were still swollen. "Why do you c
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135. Unreal Love
"Sorry, Sir. You can't be mean to me. Even though I work as a secretary, there are still limits for me to fulfill your request. I can't continue to meet your needs in 24 hours per day," Mia said, began to raise her voice.The girl's brows had twitched in annoyance. She didn't understand why his boss was so childish.“So, you have the heart to leave me with Amber? Don't you already know that the woman is incompetent. She can't even boil the water. What will my fate be if I'm taken care by her?”Shaking head in disbelief, the secretary sighed. "Miss Amber doesn't need to boil water here. So, you can throw away the worry. Now, I have to go. In a moment, she will be here.”A second later, the girl grabbed the bag, preparing to leave. Looking at the girl's seriousness, Julian became more panic.“But I don't want you to go, Mia. Stay here with me. Sebastian can definitely take care of the company on his own,” the man said wi
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136. Letting Go of the Past
“You are the type of guy who can't hide feelings, hm?” Max teased as he was standing in front of the door.Realizing the presence of his brother, Julian spontaneously snorted. "Have you been eavesdropping ever since?" he asked, raising an eyebrow."Not eavesdropping. Just overheard," Max said with a light shrug. A second later, he approached his brother with relaxed steps. "So, how are you doing?""You see for yourself. I just got ignored by Mia,” Julian replied while rolling his eyes. He was ready to welcome the sarcasm from Max."I didn't asked about your heart, but the condition of your stomach. I heard you saved my wife with a very heroic act. I never thought you're willing to sacrifice your life.”Receiving the unexpected answer, Julian's gaze slowly shifted back to his younger brother. Once he found the stiff curve of the lips, again, he snorted.“Are you praising me? Why do I feel that you're being sarcas
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137. Admitting the Mistake
"Sir?" a servant who was sitting on the couch, sighed.After seeing Max's nod, the young girl rushed out of the room. She knew that the man needed privacy with Herbert who was still lying on the hospital bed.As the servant left, Max stared at his father in silence. The old man seemed to be sleeping soundly. However, when the son arrived at the bedside, those wrinkled eyes slowly opened."Max?" Herbert's breath raised the dew on the mask covering his mouth. A second later, compassion began to cloud his vision."How are you, Dad? Is your body healthier?” Max asked, trying to curl his lips.Unexpectedly, drops of sadness began to flow down the old man's temples. With ragged breaths, he raised his hand, hoping to reach his son."Why did you give me your liver?" Herbert asked in a slightly indistinct voice. "I don't deserve to be saved."Knowing the burden borne by the father, Max brought his face closer. Grasping Herbert's hand, he
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138. Heading to the Party
"So, Dad immediately burst into tears when he found out that Julian was critical?" Gabriella asked Gabriella while combing her hair in front of the mirror."Yes. It took a few minutes for him to stop sobbing,” the man who had been lying on the bed, said.“Then I guess you will have no trouble reconciling them. Dad doesn't hate Julian that much," the woman mumbled as she placed the comb on the dressing table. A second later, she walked towards the bed.Seeing that his wife had been lying on the side, Max secretly smiled. Carefully, he tilted his body so that he could get a better look at Gabriella's face.“But, won't they mind? Waiting for their condition to recover requires patience. Why don't you just bring them together now?" the woman asked without paying attention to the hand that began to wander.“I want to make a memorable moment of peace, Gaby. It's too dramatic for them to do it in a hospital. Won't it be great if we
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139. The Special Gift
"Happy birthday, Mrs. Evans!" the servants exclaimed as Gabriella came down the stairs.Receiving such a warm welcome, the woman in the blue dress automatically widened her smile.“Thank you,” she said, nodding to all the women in uniform.A second later, Minnie came forward with a box in her hand. “We are confused about what gift is suitable to give to you, Madam. After discussion, we decided to give this simple thing. Hope you will be healthier with this gift, Madam.”Hearing the explanation, Gabriella's brows furrowed with curiosity. Even so, she still maintained the curve of her sweet lips. "Thank you, Auntie.""If you are curious about the gift, just open it, Madam," the youngest servant said, accompanied by a nod of her colleagues."Is it okay?" the woman in the blue dress asked with sparkling eyes."Yes," they answered in unison.With her husband's help, Gabriella opened the box. As soon as she sa
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140. Picking the Moment
After swallowing hard, Sebastian immediately pointed his index finger at the dish table."I forget. I have something to discuss with Amber. So, excuse me. We'll talk again some other time," he said hastily.Without waiting for a response, the man went towards the woman he had mentioned. The change in his attitude succeeded in making Max raise an eyebrow. "What's wrong with him?"Before the host had time to find an answer, his attention was distracted by the approaching guest. The suspicion of Sebastian's panic suddenly faded."Good evening, Mr. Evans, and happy birthday, Mrs. Evans," the guest greeted with a big smile."Thank you, Rose. I really didn't think you could attend. Didn't you say you have started the new job?" Gabriella said warmly."It is true. But I am lucky because the new employer is also kind. She even wants to come to this event," the girl explained, making the questioner furrow her brows.A second later, Gabriella's
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