All Chapters of CEO's Love in Trap: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
355 Chapters
S2| 1. Emotional Outbursts
“Mia, may I ask you something?” Julian's question successfully made the secretary stop walking. Two seconds later, the girl who was initially going towards the door, turned to face him."What is it, Sir?"With hands in the pockets, the CEO circled the desk and stopped right in front of his secretary.“Max, you, and I grew up together since childhood. In other words, you must already know us very well,” he said with an expression that was difficult to predict. That was the first time Mia had seen such an expression. "What kind of person do you think my brother is?"Getting a ridiculous question, the secretary almost furrowed her brows. However, out of respect for the boss, she was forced to maintain an even face.“Mr. Max is a smart and caring person. Even though he is assertive and ambitious, he still put family as his priority. The type of man that many women dream of, "Mia answered honestly."Is that so? Then,
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S2| 2. Honesty
When Julian left the room, his eyes automatically opened wide. For the first time, he did not find the secretary at the front desk. “Is Mia home yet? Why didn't she wait for me?” the man muttered as he checked under the table. As expected, not a single bag was hanging there. “Mia really left me.” After a brief contemplation, Julian gasped. Something had crossed his mind. Wasting no time, he walked briskly, trying to find the secretary. “Mia is used to dealing with my emotional outbursts. There's no way she'd be mad," the man muttered, denying his own thoughts. He couldn't imagine if the girl's patience would not last. How to win Mia's heart if the girl no longer listened to his words? Just as Julian turned a corner, his eyes caught the secretary's shadow. The girl had just entered the elevator. "Mia!" the CEO called without paying attention to the volume of his voice. A second later, he ran over to the girl. "Mia!" Unfortunately, when
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S2| 3. The Debate
"Have you ever loved me?"  Julian asked in a low, emphatic tone.While clenching her fists, Mia forced her stiff head to move. "I never loved you, Sir.""Nonsense!" The man's rebuke succeeded in making the girl hold her breath. “You obviously have the same feelings as me, Mia. Several times, I saw it in your eyes. But, why do you always deny?”"It's just your imagination, Sir. I never had that kind of feeling. Our relationship is only limited to subordinate and superior.""Lie!"A second later, Julian clutched his head and grimaced. "If you never love me, then why are you always faithful to be by my side?"“Because I owe to the Evans family. It is my duty to help you in any trouble."Hearing such an excuse, the man shook his head and sighed. "Impossible. You even cried when I almost died. Your kindness and concern are not only because of obedience, Mia, but because of love,” he said in a pitiful tone. The
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S2| 4. Give Me A Challenge
After a while, Gabriella nodded. "Yes. Think of the challenge as a ticket to get Mia's heart. The bigger challenge you manage to conquer, the easier it will be for you to approach her.”“But, what if she refuses to give me a challenge?” the man asked doubtfully.“Why are you so afraid of risk, Julian? Don't be pessimistic if you haven't tried yet."Hearing his sister-in-law's spontaneous words, the man immediately remembered the debate with Miss Secretary. As consciousness rose, the air in Julian's lungs began to rumble."Right. Regardless of whether it's honest or not, I need to improve myself. I have to be a brave man.”Hearing the seriousness in her brother-in-law's words, the corners of Gabriella's lips curled up."Good! Keep that spirit! Now that you have found a solution, feel free to play with your nephew. Relax and unburden your mind for a few moments. I have to take care of something,” the woman s
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S2| 5. Stop Complaining
"So, what challenge have you prepared for me, Mia?" Julian asked with sparkling eyes. The corners of his lips had lifted as high as his spirit."It's still working hour, Sir. Can't you wait until it's time to go home? I don't want to affect the performance of CEO Quebracha.""Affect what?" Julian inquired with slightly furrowed brows.A mysterious smile instantly graced the secretary's face. “I think that challenge will haunt your mind all day. I don't want you to be overwhelmed by it and lose focus."A second later, the man sighed in disbelief. “Are you underestimating me? Don't worry, I won't be affected. After all, we don't have a meeting anymore. So, you can say it now,” Julian answered confidently."Is that so?"Again, the man nodded."Okay," Mia muttered as she pulled out a chair in front of the CEO's desk and sat there.“I have thought of three challenges for you. Each one represents courage, self
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S2| 6. First Challenge
“Why are you surprised like that? Is my arrival unexpected?” Herbert asked, succeeding in getting Gabriella to move. Quickly, the woman pulled out the chair beside her for the father-in-law.“Of course we are happy that you come, Dad. Look, Cayden even ignores his porridge,” Gabriella said, smiling at the baby bouncing with pleasure. Little Prince's laughter grew louder as the grandfather stroked his head."You should have told us before coming here. We can have dinner together,” Max said while signaling the servant to prepare an extra plate.While sitting on the chair provided, Herbert chuckled. "No need, Max. I have a dinner appointment after this. Just stopping by to see Cayden," the old man explained before leaning in, meeting the baby gaze peeking at him from behind his mother's body. "So, what are you talking about?"In just an instant, tension was back on the CEO's back. Silently, the man gulped, moistening the suddenl
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S2| 7. Did He Faint?
"If you can't go down the stairs, then you have to jump, Sir," the instructor said with a stiff arch of lips. He was afraid that Julian would feel offended and angry.Acknowledging the truth of those words, Julian grabbed the instructor's arm. "Has anyone ever died jumping from here?" he asked without intonation.The uniformed man's lips immediately threatened to burst into laughter. As best he could, he held back the amusement in his heart. "No, Sir. The facilities and equipment here are guaranteed to be safe.”“Not that, but a heart attack. Is there a case of someone dying from being too scared to jump?” Julian sighed as he clutched his chest as if it had been hit by a hammer."None, Sir," the instructor answered with a reassuring nod.Once again, Julian looked down. The people waiting for his landing were waving faster."Come on, Julian! Don't hesitate!" Gabriella's voice sounded very low.“Don't embarrass C
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S2| 8. Soulless
“Looks like he really can't do it,” Gabriella muttered as she straightened her neck. She'd been up too long. Watching Julian's back was starting to get boring."Right. His courage limit is only up to bungee jumping,” Max nodded as he continued to support Cayden with both hands. The baby was still patiently looking at his uncle hanging from the top of the ride.Meanwhile, the girl standing beside them didn't make a sound at all. Lips that were pale a few minutes ago, had already returned to color. However, her heart was still beating fast, just like when she was dropped into the safety net."The fear up there is no joke. Mister Julian must be in a lot of trouble," she thought with furrowed brows.Before the tension had faded, suddenly, Cayden rambled while pointing upwards. In an instant, all eyes returned to the body that was moving."Wait a minute! Don't let go! My guts haven't gathered yet!" Julian shrieked as he tried to stop t
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S2| 9. Hypnotized
Mia tapped the table with her finger. Her gaze occasionally turned to the entrance. Whenever she saw that no one had left, a sigh escaped her mouth. “Where is Mr. Julian? Why hasn't he come yet? Is his soul still not fully collected?” the girl muttered before supporting her head with hands. Her brows could no longer hold back a frown. "But yesterday, his condition has improved. He should be back to normal today,” the secretary thought, calming herself down. However, when her gaze fell on the clock, the restlessness weighed on her mind again. “But, Mr. Julian has never been this late. Could it be that … he had a hard time preparing himself?” After a brief silence, Mia shook her head quickly. "That's enough! Don't say too many 'buts'. Thinking about that guy is just a waste of time,” the girl grumbled while focusing her thoughts on the tablet on the table. However, after only a few seconds reviewing the daily schedule, her concentration was inte
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S2| 10. Faded Charm
“What's the point of having a burly body if you don't have guts? You won't be any different from a peanut shell,” Max said after listening to Julian's story about how the secretary was hypnotized by him. "Right. I fell in love with my husband not because of the burly body, but his heart," Gabriella said while smiling at the man who was holding her hand. Getting such a response, Julian automatically stopped his steps and turned so that his seriousness could be seen more clearly. "But I'm not lying. As soon as Mia held my chest, she was silent. Her eyes were sparkling." "Maybe, she's confused whether to slap you or not. You're the insolent boss," Gabriella teased, successfully making Julian's breath hitched. "Now tell me the truth. Regardless of what made you love Max, haven't you ever been mesmerized by his body?" With pursed lips, the woman rolled her eyes. "Yes. But that's not what determines my decision. Admiration and liking are two differe
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