All Chapters of Cthulhu Mythos In Cultivation World: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
327 Chapters
Chapter 128: Yog-Sothoth predicament
--------???-------- In the blackest and deepest of the great unknown surrounded by the maelstrom of myriad evil phenomena such as black thunderbolt, the great tornado that was large enough to contain 10 entire planets, or even the tsunami of evil energy that corrupted all things they had passed. At the center of it all, there was a moon-sized space devoid of all chaos. Within that space, there was a dark room, a man lying down on the floor with a body full of puncture wounds like swiss cheese. The wound was slowly healing itself, bit by bit, but it takes time. The absurd amount of time if one calculates the healing rate until the time it takes to be completely healed, it would take years if not decades. But also time was the m
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Chapter 129: Unlucky(?) Former General
--------The Great Phoenix Empire-The Profound trading association trading house-------- Sitting at the tavern in front of the trading house. Chen FuMing smiles goofily thinking about the new future that awaits him. Now he and his family had settled in the most secured empire in the entire world, The Great Phoenix Empire. Where would the safest place be if not the place that has the protection from the expert at the peak or even beyond the immortal realm? The reason why he became the general in the Celestial Mountain Empire in the first place is that he just wanted an uneventful and steady life with a pretty good income that he could spend to support his family and especially indulge his beautiful wife and willful daughter. And
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Chapter 130: Zhu Wushang ignorance
Chen Fuming scratches his head in annoyance; he really doesn't want to get involved in this mess. Someone might ask him if he wishes for a peaceful life, why did he become the general or the middle manager of the largest trading firm in the lower realm that has branches in nearly every city and town in all empires!? It’s because of money. If he were to be a clerk or a small shopkeeper he wouldn’t have enough money to support his family!  Duke Tian Dong smiled a little bit teasingly as he said. “Lord Zhu Didn’t hurry to marry lady Liu Xiling, he just wanted it to be perfect, spare no expense. Do this one little favor for me and I’ll give you a raise. Without the need for you to bother with your job responsibility.”
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Chapter 131: Liu Clan trouble
Tian Xiulan immediately grabs her husband's shoulders and shakes him rapidly without caring about her own image. She was so embarrassed by her husband's ignorance if they’re alone she might feel a little bit disappointed and tell him about who is the Laughing Cloud Fairy, But they are staying with other people like his subordinate who’s trying to not laugh out loud. “Gahhh! Where have you been, husband!? In the forest!? She’s so famous everyone knows her, even Fatty who stayed on the desolate continent back then still knows her!” Tian Xiulan releases all of her angry rants before stopping shaking her husband. After Zhu Wushang stops being shaken by his wife, he has time to think about the reason why he didn’t know this celebrity. He scratches his head then makes a face like he just remembe
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Chapter 132: Liu FuMing Pride
While the Liu Clan elder duo still attends the guest, a servant quickly walks toward the duo and whispers something to Liu FuMing. The elder nods to the servant as he acknowledges the message before turning toward the crowd. “Honor guest, please clear the area. My grandson-in-law will arrive soon. After that, we will proceed toward the banquet.” Said Liu FuMing smilingly. …… After a few minutes pass, a large kirin-drawn carriage arrives in front of the estate. A silhouette of a man in a black suit walks down from the carriage and stops at the side of the door, waiting to assist a silver-haired lady in red and the black-haired lady in green who walk down the carriage one by one with their husband's assistance. 
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Chapter 133: Clean up Part 1
Within the banquet hall, all guests and dignitaries are being frozen in fear. The ominous and dark pressure omits through the hall from outside. Some cultivators who were strong enough to resist the pressure slowly crept in front of the hall to see the one who was emitting such a strong pressure.   In front of the Liu Clan Manor, a group of old men was floating in the air. Behind them, several coffins are floating with the support of a spirit treasure that looks like a floating carriage.   “Who are you! Do you know where this place is!?” One of the strong cultivators who can resist the pressure shout in hostility.   One of the old men didn't say anything and immediately shot a finger sword qi at the cultivators who dared oppose him.  
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Chapter 134: Clean up Part 2
The remaining old man slowly recognizes the youthful face of Duke Tian Dong in front of him. His face went paler than it was before.   “You…. You! You’re that child in the palace! Impossible! Didn’t you…”   Duke Tian Dong, who was still glaring at the old man, slowly smiled.   “Died? Heh… They say that revenge was best served cold. I thought that it was bullshit before, but now I think it’s true!”   Suddenly the flame chain rushed out of Duke Tian Dong's hand, tying that old man's body.   “Arrrrrrghghhh!!!”   The old man screams out loud as the flame chain burns his flesh, the
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Chapter 134: Tian De true? story
The effort for buying out the help from the Hidden Ancient sect from the five councilors was put in but without success. Until Zhu Wushang has come into the equation, the Immortal, the five immortal grade spirit crystal that has the power to revive the hibernate ancestor of the Hidden Ancient Sect, was enough for the five councilors to buy out the help from them.After that, the five immortal grade crystals that have been bugged with advance tracing formations that Zhu Wushang had specially created for this job to dig out the traitor within the Profound Trading Association and all of their accomplices.The memory from the mummy-like man-made Zhu Wushang knows about all of the parties involved in this ambush. To think that the five councilors that the Black Merchant had hand-picked them and trust them to take care of all of the Profound Trading Association had any connection with the Hidden Ancient Sect even just before the Black Merchant had disappeared make him disgus
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Chapter 135: The creeping Darkness 1
After listening, the junior monk's face looked down in shame. He bowed toward his senior. “Senior is right, I am ashamed of myself. We learned the nirvana palm to defend ourselves, not to inflict pain and suffering or declare our own superiority. This junior thanked the senior for reminding me.” Said the Junior The senior nodded in approval. “Everyone can make a mistake, it’s good that you can repent and immediately right your wrong. Even our grandmaster once made a fatal mistake but he repent and return to the side of good. As long as your heart is in the right place one day, you might be able to reach the Arhat state. Hearing that Ping Xin started to shiver in cringiness.
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Chapter 136: The creeping Darkness 2
The year after the great crusade was the year counted after the crusade between the Black Merchant and the ancient sect had ended. It was the year that has the most intact historical data. Because the historical knowledge and historical evidence such as ruins and records before that time could be said that it was nearly non-existence. Ping Xin got the feeling that the man in front of him was from that era and somehow got resurrected to the current era. “The Great crusade?” The man repeated in confusion and pondered about it for a moment before asking again. “Then where is this place?” “This is the mountain range at the border between the Eternal spring empire and the War
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