All Chapters of Cthulhu Mythos In Cultivation World: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
327 Chapters
Chapter 137: The creeping Darkness 3
The surrounding monk nodded in approval before one of them said with pride before Ping Xin had the time to respond. “Not bad, our grandmaster esteemed Dhamma name was Tian De. If you are interested in his teaching we can discuss this over a vegetable meal together, but if you want to meet him and discuss the teaching. I’m afraid that only senior Ping Xin has that right. Or you could send a petition to the abbot for him to decide if you can meet our grandmaster.” Hearing his comrade let out such vital information as him being in a close relationship with the figure that garnered this much respect and admiration amongst the monk, Ping Xin can’t help but sigh in defeat, but comes to think of it, is the faked entity such as grandmaster Tian De consider the vital information? All he was and all he is only
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Chapter 138: Report from the discovery
From there, the real nightmare begins. Hundreds of consequences of his action were displayed before him, stabbing to death by countless divine weapons, getting mauled to death by the black divine beast, devoured alive by a grotesque monster, and the worst of it all, picking an interest of that powerful being and getting captured alive and being experimented on. Even with just the vision from his clairvoyance it nearly felt like he personally met that gruesome fate. What he did in the present was the best outcome from his clairvoyance. The three of them avoid their fate to being sealed by that powerful being. ….. —------2 days passed - Liu Estate—
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Chapter 139: Tian Xiulan relaxing? day
Zhu Wushang regains his wits before asking Aurelia one important question. “You are asking me to send you back. Have you managed to calculate your world coordinate yet?” “Almost, I'm nearly reaching there. It's just that there are thousands of dimensions with similar environments, circumstances, and status.” Explained Aurelia. After hearing Aurelia's explanation, Zhu Wushang give it some thought before answering. “Narrow it down to a few hundred, and I’ll help you pinpoint the correct one.” “Got it” Aurelia nods. …&he
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Chapter 140: Engagement ceremony
Blacky whimpering in protest and looking at my eyes while acting cute. I admit, Blacky knows how to play with human feeling, if what he wants to eat is not a living human I would have surrendered to this ultimate move.   “No means no. Blacky”   Blacky whimper and looked down in disappointment before walking near me. sitting nearby and acting as a guard.   The man who fainted got help from a nearby Samaritan and brought him toward the nearest clinic and woke him up. The man then apologized profusely to me and excuse himself to prepare the congratulatory gift and apologetic compensation to Zhu Wushang.   “Your husband, He’s having quite a nasty reputation,” Aurelia said out loud.  
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Chapter 141: The Shadow Demonic Beasts
Everyone was waiting for the time when Zhu Wushang needed to give his betrothal gift. The anticipation of what kind of gift that the strongest man and the person who inherited the wealthiest organization of this world, making him technically the wealthiest man would give to his beloved. Few of them who held the position high enough to know about the property of his blood that he gave to the Emperor of the Great Phoenix Empire as the betrothal gift, Also knew that Zhu Wushang was very generous with his people.   “Hey, Did you notice the Emperor of the Great Phoenix Empire who sat over there?” One of the dignitaries said to his friend who sat beside him.   The Emperor he mentioned was sitting at the seat of honor prepared by the Liu clan and smiling like this is the engagement ceremony of his own daughter.  
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Chapter 142: The Power of the four Shadow Demonic King Beasts
And the most astonishing fact of today is that Zhu Wushang was the one who tamed these Shadow Demonic Beasts for his two women to let them use as their bodyguards or personal armies, how powerful or terrifying one could be to be able to tame these beasts. But in fact, he didn’t tame them at all. Instead, he created them by using the body of these beasts and combining them with the Shoggoth cell, the formless one, and some of his blood into one with his reality manipulation in the mix.   Therefore these so-called Shadow Demonic Beast would stay loyal to his women even if the rings were to be stolen.   Many people start to calculate about gain and loss and the possibility that they could replicate this feat, obviously, the
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Chapter 144: The End of Liu Clan engagement Ceremony
Seeing both the righteous sect and the demonic sect display their intent, all the guests from the other sect and faction, especially the guests from the empires and big clans. Start to voice out their intent for cooperation making the five people who kowtow on the ground shiver in fear. These sects and factions alone are no match for them, but if they combine together and declare a crusade against them, their sect would be annihilated without any trace left! After seeing all of the guests within the hall voice out their intention, Zhu Wushang smiled thinly before answering. He knows what these people aim for, if they want to gain his favor, he’ll let them. These are also a good opportunity for him to have influence over these people that are nearly at the top of the food chain in this cultivation world. “Thank yo
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Chapter 145: Guiding the hypocrite
All other people besides the Ancestor Song and the Demonic sect leader start getting nervous. Considering Ancestor Song's position as an Ancestor and his higher cultivation realm, he can’t back down from a provocation from the demonic sect leader. Yes, He could easily kill the demonic sect leader before him like squishing a bug but doing that is equal to disturbing the true master of this house, Venerable Zhu, and Ancestor Song was one of the people who saw how Venerable Zhu make short work out of the Ancestor from the Hidden Ancient sect that was many times stronger than him, and when it comes the time he needs to fight Zhu Wushang, He would be easily vaporized by Zhu Wushang thought alone. This is what the demonic sect leader used to exploit Ancestor Song.  The Ancestor of the Azure cloud sect saw a frustrated look from Ancestor Song he then decided to intervene.
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Chapter 146: God’s argue 1
—-----------At the same time - Unknown dimension—---------- In the darkest debt of the unknown space full of the chaotic maelstrom, Amongst the countless pockets that the chaotic and destructive nature of the storm didn’t reach or take effect. Within a certain pocket that was always there for an unknown amount of times, two figures were talking with each other. One of them was a figure within the rag-like robe while the other was a ghostly figure of a man. “Damn it! we failed!!” A ghostly figure let out his frustration on a figure in a ragged robe. “It seems that you have become someone who is eager to gamble away his life. You&r
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Chapter 147: God’s argue 2
Killing a true god, was completely different from killing a mortal or even an immortal, killing those kinds of beings was thousands of times easier, their body just need to be destroyed or unable to function or sustain life, stop their heart, drain all of their blood or in case of immortal or cultivator in the higher realm that has more than one soul, one just need to destroy their body then destroy all of their soul. But to kill a true god, one needs to see if that god holds authority over something. How far does that god's authority's influence go? For example, killing a true god of war if that said god has been recognized by one or two countries as the god of war, then killing that said god one needs to destroy the god manifestation of power first, etc. god’s Avatar or God’s manifested body then that god will lose a lot of power but not killed. The last part was to elimin
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