All Chapters of Cthulhu Mythos In Cultivation World: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
327 Chapters
Chapter 155: The bandit nightmare 3
Their group has 20 people now there’s only 15 left after just half a day of traveling. Now they rest in the forest to catch their breath because one of them got heavily injured by a strange-looking blackbird. That bird was so small, it’s just the size of a small swallow, in fact, it looked exactly the same as a swallow other than their deep black feathers and red eyes. That black swallow just happened to fly in their way and pierce through that expert chest, destroying his left chest in the process. If he didn’t have his heart on the right side of his chest, he would be dead on the spot. Seeing that the unlucky expert is trying to struggle to hold on to his life while his face twisted of the excruciating pain they didn’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing that he survive. “Arrrrrrrrgggg
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Chapter 156: The bandit nightmare 4
“Accident? What do you mean? You mean this thing isn’t supposed to be here?” Asked Qin Menghu before he adjusted his breath to calm himself down. The scholar youth nod. “Yes, Have you ever heard about the war of gods in ancient times?” Hearing the question, Qin Menghu thought about something, his head began to connect the dots. It’s not that he didn’t hear any of it, but the information about that war is very lacking and most of it is obscure in the upper realm. “You mean, that thing… is related to the war of the gods in ancient times?” Qin Menghu asked to confirm his suspicions. The Scholar youth shook his head. “I don’t know fo
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Chapter 157: The unexpected meeting of the Bandit King
The corpses of the experts fell to the ground, the state of their face telling Qin Menghui that they died in regret. Some of the corpses even look in Qin Menghui's direction with hatred, they hate Qin Menghui to the core of their soul because he’s the one who led them to an early grave. “So… This is what had happened to people at the southern ambush point. They are faced with ancient horror like these things.” Qin Menghui uttered in despair but a few seconds passed and he smiled. That smile was clearly the smile of defiance it came from the heart of the people who knew they’re no match against the greater power but they still dare to stand up against that power, even if it would lead them to their death. “Come!! Let all of you witness the last act of defiance of this Bandit King! Qin Menghui!!&rdq
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Chapter 158: The Devil Contract
Qin Menghu's eyes nearly popped out of the socket, that bloody thing acts like a cute little bird!? What the hell is going on!? Qin Menghu still can’t come to a decision If he should accept Zhu Wushang's invitation or not, but seeing the little swallow turn its head to glare at him with its red eyes. He thought back to the time when his people wanted to catch it as a hostage and it had turned all of his experts into corpses. He didn’t dare to tarry any longer; he quickly walk toward the seat that Zhu Wushang had prepared for him and sat down. The Bandit King tried to calm himself down after he had sat down. Zhu Wushang who was still playing chess with Tian Xiulan still didn’t pay any attention to Qin Menghu like he was just waiting for Qin Menghu to calm himself down a bit. “Try the tea and the snack.
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Chapter 159: Dark Sky
Within the bandit camp that got buried by the rag cloth of some tent and wood scrap from some building. Got torn by the revolt and battle, the camp has many places that still have the sound of slaughter and the scream of the unwilling who still can’t accept their fate. Whether it was from the fairer sex with beautiful appearance who got herself in dilemma because of her beauty or the man who try to hold on to his loyalty for the old king. Their scream echoed in the background. At that moment the sky slowly darkened. Many of the rebels look toward the sky in confusion. Isn’t it just noon? Why did the sky suddenly darken? That’s what they think. But What greets them in the sky is not the rain cloud or the clouds that contain the sign of a storm… No… What greeted them was the shrieking voice of millions upon millions of bat-like creatures that reverberated through
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Chapter 160: Horde of Darkness 1
While the nightmarish creatures were rampaging throughout the camp, At the cliff not far from the camp there are three people who are witnessing the massacre below with satisfaction. Two of them are male and one is female with silver hair. Of course, they are Qin Menghu, the scholar youth, and Tian Xiulan who Zhu Wushang let her come here to relieve his wife's boredom and her lust for battle. And in case an extraordinary entity arrives here, she would be able to stall for some time or could kill that entity outright, If they were not stronger than her for far too much. Qin Menghu looking at the situation at the camp that got turned from the war-torn city size camp that lost the war into a slaughterhouse that the victor from just a short moment ago had turned into literal prey for these nightmarish creatures.&n
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Chapter 161: Horde of Darkness 2
Qin Menghu clearly saw that the space inside the broken space was full of the same creatures Tian Xiulan called out, judging from the limited view he saw, The number of those creatures should be more than thousands. More than that, The demonic dragon-like creature before his eyes has strength rival to his, or even greater in terms of combat prowess because the strength of those beasts will always be superior to normal humans in the same realm.   So… that was what she meant when she said that these measly bits of forces at the camp below them are just “whatever Zhu Wushang can spare”.   “Did you believe me now?” Tian Xiulan asked.   “Without a doubt, milady.” Qin Menghu Said with a bow.   Tian Xiulan w
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Chapter 162: The trap for the Heavenly realm
Tian Xiulan looked at the man in the silver armor who acted arrogantly in the face of the stronger creature and the demonic dragon-like beast that was still roaring at the man in the silver armor like a dog that threatened others to not go near their food.   The man was fearless, ignorant, and arrogant and remained oblivious to the strength of the demonic beast while still thinking that he is the one who is in control. Tian Xiulan then looked at the scholar youth who stood beside her like a guard.   “Is that what you called “Agnorant” Blacky?” Tian Xiulan asked as she said the name of the scholar youth.   “Yes Milady, He is a perfect example of the severe case of Agnorant. Other than death and being reborn I don’t think there is any other method that can cure him
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Chapter 163: Gazing at Limitless void
Blood splattered out of the portal as the portal shrunk and cut through the injured arm of the mysterious expert that tried to hold off the portal with his injured arm. The scream of pain went through the small gap of the portal that was nearly close shut and only the small uninjured diamond skin of the heavenly realm expert holding it off prevented the portal from completely shut.   Suddenly the bloodied finger of the mysterious expert squeezed into a tiny hole of the portal as the spirit qi pressure slowly increased until it shot out of the tiny hole like a sword that tore through heaven.   “Rooorrraaaggggh! YOU DAMN ANT!!!!!” The roar of anger from the mysterious expert was through the small gap that was slowly being forced by the bloodied finger to open wider.  
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Chapter 164: Black Merchant true identity
Like a cat that likes to play with his prey, The Black merchant smiles while awaiting the word that he wants to hear the most but it seems like It would not come out no matter what. This is the first time he could mess with Yog-Sothoth, the god that is said to be omniscient. Now reduced to become just but a fading remnant of his former self. “You seem to have a lot of pride… Fine! I won't force you” The Black merchant said then showed two fingers before continuing. “You have two choices. Call my real name, or say the reason why you need to ask me that question even though you are a god of time that knows everything in the past, present, and future.” Said The Black Merchant after giving the choice to Yog-Sothoth. Yog-Sothoth bites hi
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