All Chapters of Cthulhu Mythos In Cultivation World: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
327 Chapters
Chapter 165: Aurelia memory
Zhu Wushang tried to concentrate even more on each world but there’s nothing that is different, it’s like 7 twin worlds were represented in his eyes. This time he really had no choice but to rely on Aurelia's life experience. Zhu Wushang sighed before asking. “Aurelia, can you tell me your childhood memories? Start from birth.” [Huh? Why?] Aurelia asks with the telepathic message, while she closes her eyes and concentrates her mental power to help Zhu Wushang find her original world. “I have 7 words that have all of its historical events going the same way. Even your country's emperor's name, characteristics, and personality are the same. But I think that there’s no way your personal experiences are the same.” Zhu Wushang
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Chapter 166: The fourth page of the Supreme cosmic scripture
A black ethereal tentacle grew out at the middle of Zhu Wushang's chest, then it pierced into the space in front of Zhu Wushang. Like a destroyed mirror, the small space shattered to pieces revealing the void behind. A tentacle inside the void multiplied itself, from one to two from two to four to eight, going on until there are hundreds of them and it goes toward the direction of the two worlds within the void and wriggling around it like it tries to feel the change and similarities like feelers. All of the data from the feelers were sent back to Zhu Wushang who used all of his power to differentiate between the reality of the two worlds and see where the place that Aurelia originally came from.  The method to communicate with the unknown entity in the void
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Chapter 167: Misunderstanding
As we all well know, After Zhu Wushang found the fourth page of the Supreme Cosmic Scripture. His power and reality manipulation ability has been improved to be on par with heaven itself… So… with such an unrefined and barbaric thought that was the sole instinct to drive the continuation of the human race appears within his mind with only a fraction of a millisecond. His power that could control fate freely in this universe triggered. While Aurelia still wants to beat Zhu Wushang up, she unconsciously moves toward him and doesn't know that the power to change fate had made a small crack at a small lock of her bra. A small single lock of the bra behind Aurelia's back that is holding it together suddenly snaps. Like a volcano, the twin peak burst in front of Zhu Wushang's face at the same time that he tried to explain that it’s just a misunderstanding.&n
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Chapter 168: The Change in Aurelia Heart
Under the water, the bait wriggling tentacle attracts much fish that are curious enough to come near and see the new fat black worm with many heads. That fat black worm even sends an alluring smell, especially for any hungry fish. Many fish got attracted toward it but at the moment all of them swam near, it suddenly turns all of its heads into bone hooks and immediately hooks all of the fish that got near the bait.   Zhu Wushang immediately pulled his fishing rod up and checked the fish that he got. More than ten fish are hooked neatly at the end of the fishing line like it was the fish that got caught and got hanged neatly under the drying rack by the fisherman.   “I must say, fishing at a place like this. Should it be about relaxing and enjoying yourself?” The familiar voice of Aurelia who spoke in a more tender tone sound
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Chapter 169: First contact
For Aurelia who believed that everlasting happiness could only be obtained with only one soul mate. The concept of polygamy is rather hard to swallow even though her parent and the noble in her world have a lot of partners and she herself is the daughter born of a concubine and her mother didn’t teach her about tenderness and caring from the partner that bond in monogamy. She knows the logic behind her father's practice of polygamy that the noble need heir to inherited their wealth and influence especially for a high-ranking noble such as her father. Even though she knows that it makes sense, she still can’t easily accept it. The reason that she could not accept such practice is because of herself, she dreamt that she would meet her one and only that love only her and live happily ever after like the fairy tale that she heard from her mother while she was a child.
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Chapter 170: Talk about another world
After the special force from the other side of the gate had calmed down and settled down as the VIP guest within the palace. The Zhu mother and son duo, the emperor, and the people with enough authority to know about the other world are having the secret meeting. Within the room that consists of 5 people, There are Zhu Wushang, Zhu Yinbing, Aurelia, Tian Xiulan, and the emperor. They are talking to each other about how to proceed with the operation on the other side. Since the first contact didn’t go on as smoothly as they wanted it to be. For Zhu Wushang, who wanted to control the society in the other world in the shadows. The first contact is a disaster, because he can’t conceal the arrival of the people in their world and can’t operate in the shadows as he had wanted to. 
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Chapter 171: Cross World diplomacy 1
The carriage owner who fell off the carriage is a man in his mid-'20s and wearing the yellow color suit that could be bought in the Profound Trading Association of Zhu Wushang. “What are you doing!? Woman!” The man in his mid-’20s shouts out loud in frustration and humiliation before a large group of guards that have the same uniform of black suit run to surround him as if trying to protect him. A few seconds later, an expert in the Emperor's realm wearing traditional cloth flew to the young man. “What’s the matter? Young master?” The expert asked, but before the young man could answer that question the excited voice of a group of the man in front of him disrupted what he was going to say. 
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Chapter 171: Cross World diplomacy 2
The second in command nods. Before changing the subject to his concern. “Got it, what about those higher up back at our home? Are they going to cause the problem? You know about them more than I did. Those guys would surely covet something from this site.” “Sighhhh” Major Shen let out a long sigh before continuing. “With our current authority, I don’t think we can change anything. We could only try our best to stop the inter-dimensional war from happening at the first contact when the diplomatic party goes to our world.” The Major said wearily. His second in command nodded and added. “Yes… things would go badly for us if those idiots covet this world's cultivation and decide to try to use force against the di
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Chapter 173: Establish the Connection 1
What Major Shen said made the leader of the men-in-black frown deeply. This decision is above his pay grade but he can’t blame Major Shen either, because Major Shen is just a soldier in the special forces of the country that didn’t have any authority in the matter like this. He was sure that the civilization from the other side decided to use Major Shen as a bridge to establish this diplomatic connection. This matter needs many people from the higher up to decide. The leader of the men-in-black speaks with the people on the other side of the line about the current situation before he nods repeatedly as the other side speaks to him. “Yes sir, I’ll see to it, sir… Yes sir. I’ll be in touch.” The leader of the men in black said to the phone before he hung up and looked at Major Shen.
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Chapter 174: Establish the Connection 2
On the highway toward the accommodation place that the Qin Empire had prepared for the diplomatic party. Zhu Wushang and his wives who sat in the first-class limo are having the time of their life. “Husband! look look! There is a refrigerator within this car thing! and there are many drinks too!” Tian Xiulan jovially said as she picked up a wine bottle within the refrigerator. “Husband! look at those buildings! They are so tall! It’s even taller than the tallest building in the Great Phoenix Empire! I wonder what the view at the top looks like?” Liu Xiling pointed at the tall building outside of the car window. “Big brother! The picture inside that box is moving! I can even change the picture without touching it too! Look Look!
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