All Chapters of Cthulhu Mythos In Cultivation World: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
327 Chapters
Chapter 175: Value and Threat Assessment 1
Major Shen didn’t seem to want to move and was still looking at minister Fan like he was thinking about something. “It's very important information, sir. I request the use of the right of the class V-I information for making an urgent report, sir!” Minister Fan looked at Major Shen again, now with a scrutinizing gaze. The right of the class V-I Information or, the “Very Important” information is the highest requesting power granted to every military personnel who participate in the high-risk mission or every people who live in the frontier or the border just in case these people have a very important piece of information that relates to life and death of many people or the key information in making a comeback in a losing battle. This
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Chapter 176: Value and Threat Assessment 2
Once the telekinesis power had been mentioned, all of the people within the meeting room's faces grew solemn, even Prince Huizong. This organization is dealing with supernatural powers on a daily basis. In fact, This world had the power that was hiding from the eyes of normal people and that was the supernatural power. Whether it was Psychic, Telekinesis, or even the cult that uses dark magic and supernatural power such as ghosts or even the existence of the mages. Every superpower country in this world has one or two organizations that are dealing with these people who use superpowers. These people who have extraordinary abilities can not use normal means to manage or eliminate them. For example, a dark mage who uses curses to kill people from afar without leaving normal ev
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Chapter 177: Value and Threat Assessment 3
The man in the highest position looked at the prince sternly.  “With all due respect, Prince Huizhong, I’m not here to babysit you or to clean up your mess so please refrain from doing something you would regret. We don’t know how deep the other worlds are, so please don’t start a war on two fronts.” Said the man in the highest position. Once prince Huizhong heard what the man said his face suddenly grew fiercer and snapped at him. “Of course, chancellor Lu. I would remember your teaching well especially on how you treat me. I’ll be sure to return all of your favor once I have become emperor.” Prince Huizhing threatens with murderous intent. Chancellor Lu smiled,
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Chapter 178: Attack on the Secret Estate
Seeing the shocked face of Major Shen, Minister Fan's smile grew more complicated. “Even if he isn't as strong as you said he is, and in the best-case scenario, he isn’t immune to the modern firearms like many levels 5 we know. The ability to manipulate reality alone is a thing to be reckoned with.” Said minister Fan. “Wh… why is that sir? If he wasn't immune to modern firearms then we might be able to prepare some preventive measures against him.” Said, Major Shen. Minister Fan let out a complicated smile before answering. “What will happen if he decides to change something to antimatter and throws it outside of the window? As you know, 1 gram of Antimatter
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Chapter 179: The Plan start
Major Shen took out his phone and immediately dialed a certain number and found out that the signal had been blocked. This matter, he needs to consult with minister fan as soon as possible. Now that he had confirmed Zhu Wushang's safety, it seems that he would not decide to take on the field himself as long as no one bothers him. Since Zhu Wushang uses the word “My people” It might extend to the people in the diplomatic group. So before he met with minister Fan, he’ll go and check their status first just in case. He quickly moved toward the room of the diplomatic party, he checked every room that belonged to the diplomatic party politely and found out that nearly everyone was in the room and only three of them went outside to have a meeting at the guest room on how to approach the government of this world.
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Chapter 180: Prelude of the Demon Lord of Qin Empire
After Major Shen went out of the room to find minister Fan. Zhu Wushang looking at Yun Xi infusion. “By the way…. Who’s Xiaohe?” He asks. “Yeah! ….I want to know that too.” Blacky who was just dead a few seconds ago turn his head to ask like 5 bullets hole on his body was nothing but a special effect. Yun Xi smiles wryly. What’s wrong with this pair of master and servant? It’s just a random name she came up with to fool Major Shen. “No… My Lord, It’s just a random name that I came up with on the spot.” She answers. “Random name? C’mon Big sis&helli
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Chapter 181: Start of Attack
  The screams of the man-made all other people shudder with dread. From their perspective, Zhu Wushang just waved his hand and that tough invader let out a terrifying scream one after another. That tough invader tried to take off his armor but once it’s halfway there his feet move half a step back and he screamed again. Then his body fell to the ground, once his body hit the ground. He creamed loudly like a madman. “What! What did you do to him?” The glass guys in the strongest three groups shout. Zhu Wushang looked at the glass guy and answered. “Nothing, I just raised his sensitivity as much as I could and fortified his pain tolerance so he wouldn&rs
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Chapter 182: Rampaging
The light was glowing brighter and brighter. That soldier immediately picked up a binocular that hung on his neck and used it to see what that light was. The blue bright light shone brighter and brighter as time passed. Right now the soldier knew that something was fishy, so he changed his binoculars to infrared goggles and saw the massive heat that nearly blind his eyes to the sky where the bright light was. “We’re being attacked! Alarm! Alarm!” The soldier shouted to his friends who were stationed nearby. As of now, the light was so bright until all of the patrol soldiers within the base could notice the bright light that was like a sun in the night. Boom… 
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Chapter 183: Infiltration
At first, the extraction process was going smoothly but a few seconds later the drone started to have a problem and it showed the red warning sign on it. “So… My drone alone can’t handle the things called supercomputers and the whole team of network security even with the nearest access to the device? Interesting.” Said Zhu Wushang with a smile like he just found a new interesting toy that he could play with for some time. Zhu Wushang used his shoggoth glove and transformed it into hundreds of small tentacles, he then placed his hand on the panel, the hundreds of mini tentacles plugged into the access point of the panel and started to transmit the data and information to Zhu Wushang himself. With the help of the drone, massive information
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Chapter 184: Analysis & Compensation
—----3 Days Pass Qin Empire Palace - Main Meeting room—---- After Zhu Wushang and Tian Xiulan went on a rampage at the secret base for three days. A meeting to discuss compensation, cooperation, and analysis reports have started within the palace. This meeting will decide on how the Qin empire should treat Zhu Wushang and the guests from the other world. Within the large secret meeting room in the palace, all of the people who relate to this rampaging incident other than the people from the other world are presented here. Whether it was all of the surviving soldiers who went on the raid at the secret estate, the special agents who fought with Zhu Wushang, Minister Fan, Major Shen, or even the one who caused this me
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