All Chapters of Stars and Moon For You: Chapter 1001 - Chapter 1010
1116 Chapters
Chapter 1001
In the dark, Estelle let out a moan signaling the person to remove his hand that covered her mouth. Her suspicions were verified as soon as the person removed his hand. Estelle asked nervously, “Skyler?”“Mm…” his voice sounded unusually hoarse, “my dear, did you miss me? I missed you a lot…”Estelle was still in shock as she avoided his kiss and asked in a stuttering voice, “You… When did you get home?”Skyler replied, “I came back because I missed you… Did I startle you?”Estelle nodded but quickly shook her head and explained, “It’s quite a shock... for you to turn up in the bathroom.”She just finished showering and Skyler held her tightly in his arms as he took in the familiar smell of jasmine flower from her hair. Estelle reached out to turn on the bathroom lights. If it was not for Skyler, who else would be hugging her?Skyler kissed the top of her head and asked, “Why are you still up this late? My dear, you still haven’t answered my question, did you miss me?”Before
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Chapter 1002
It was then followed by sounds of unsteady and heavy footsteps. It sounded as if the person would fall over soon. Thomas was locked in the guest room and it was only Colten who was able to move around freely. Estelle cursed under her breath as she forgot to lock Colten’s room door. Skyler did not expect that there was someone else in the house. He immediately froze and came back to his senses. With a frown, Skyler moved Estelle behind him and whispered to her, “Is there an intruder?”The heaty atmosphere that lingered around the bathroom vanished almost immediately. Estelle moved away from his grip to pick up the towel on the floor and was thinking of explaining the situation to Skyler after making sure that she was covered. However, who could have guessed that in just a few seconds, Colten stood outside the bathroom door? Colten was looking for the toilet. He drank a little too much and he felt the aftereffects of it as he wanted to throw up.He located the bathroom and tried
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Chapter 1003
It was still a tense and chaotic scene that went on in the living hall. Colten stood by the window while staring intently at Thomas who was smirking obnoxiously with his jaw clenched tightly together. It looked like he would have leaped out the window to attack Colten if he could break the window. Walking out of the bathroom while keeping an eye on Estelle, Skyler witnesses the scene. “Open the door, I dare you!” said Thomas. “Sure, why not,” Colten nodded his head. Just as Colten was about to unlock the door, his shoulders were tapped by someone from behind. Colten was startled and his face turned pale. “Director Flynn? When… when did you get home?”“Just now,” Skyler studied him with feelings of interrogation in his eyes. “What about you?”Colten rubbed his temples in an attempt to get himself sober before answering Skyler truthfully. “I was here for quite a while. Oh, and there’s someone extremely annoying who’s bothering Estelle. Since you’re home, I’ll leave it to yo
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Chapter 1004
Estelle felt chills run down her spine. Both Thomas and Colten expressed their feelings for her. The latter purposely flew back to the country just to grab a drink with Skyler while the former was bold enough to get into the house through the windows…Estelle was not that clueless and of course, she knew what the two guys had in mind. Perhaps that was just the way it was in the adult world. As long as they show respect to each other and avoid bringing up the obvious, everyone were able to get along well. She was already married and the guys took a step back. If they gave it enough time, they would be able to move on. However, who knew that Colten and Thomas would have been introduced to each other, and what was even worse was that Skyler happened to be around. The more she thought about what happened that night, the more Estelle felt dumbfounded by the situation. With the lights turned on, the living room was bright and Estelle's micro-expressions were shown clearly under th
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Chapter 1005
“It’s not that, don’t…” Estelle tried to hint at him that they had guests with them and it was inappropriate. However, she did not realize that Skyler too, was slightly tipsy and…He stared at her intently. Thomas smacked the back of his head while he studied Colten carefully and said, “I see… Eh, you, so you’re a lawyer huh?”“If not?” Colten then kindly reminded him, “it’d admirable that you’re willing to step in to help someone in danger, but it’s still considered illegal trespassing if you enter someone else’s private residence without permission. Mr. Thomas, I hope that you’ll think before you act and don’t make mistakes like this anymore.”Thomas scratched his head embarrassedly and chuckled, “Noted. It’s a misunderstanding. Sometimes friends begin as enemies, right?”Being the gentleman that he was, Colten knew that he misunderstood Thomas after listening to Estelle’s explanation. He reached out to Thomas and said, “Nice to meet you, I’m Colten Howard.”“I’ve introduced
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Chapter 1006
Estelle’s sleepiness disappeared completely after listening to what Skyler told her. She turned her body over to face him and asked instead, “Well, do you think I’d do that?”“I don’t know.”Skyler laid down on the bed next to her. He smelled of clean soap but his skin felt cold. “Did you take a cold shower?”“Yeah.”“You’ll get a cold.”“It’s alright,” Skyler said as he smiled but it soon faded away quickly as he added, “Stellie, will you promise me something?”“What is it?”“Even if… even if there ever comes a day that you regret getting married to me and don’t want to stay with me anymore, promise me that you’ll be frank with me and not hide anything, okay?”Estelle sighed before softening her tone. “Skyler, you know me well, don’t you? I’m not someone who’d lie. Even if I’m placed in a desperate situation, I won’t be able to lie.”Skyler nodded and smiled bitterly. “I remember the times you acted tough. I won’t be able to forget that.”“I don’t know what I should say to
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Chapter 1007
Skyler froze before replying bluntly, “I wasn’t.”“Really?”“Yeah.”“Okay,” there was a hint of doubt in her voice as Estelle added, “I thought you were being jealous.”Skyler was indeed jealous but he did not want to let Estelle know. Hence, he clenched his jaw as he continued denying. “I already said that I wasn’t. I’m your husband. Why would I be jealous of your friends?”If Skyler was not bothered to defend himself, Estelle would have trusted him. His reaction earlier only confirmed her suspicions. Estelle then purposely turned over her body so that her back was facing him and said, “Good then. I’m going to sleep now, good night.”Skyler was dumbfounded when Estelle went straight to sleep as he hoped that she would try to make him feel better. Seeing how the situation took a big turn, Skyler decided to change the topic. “Stellie, my legs hurt after a long day of work.”Estelle concluded that Skyler could be making up excuses to get her attention. Hence, she simply nodded and
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Chapter 1008
“Okay, bear with me then, I’ll be using more strength.”Estelle tied up her long hair and got on her knees instead of sitting down. She almost had half of her body weight pressed against his body but Skyler did not seem to be satisfied. He asked, “Can you use a bit more strength?”More?Estelle felt like her hands were going to break. She got up on her feet and placed one foot on top of his leg before saying, “You asked for this. If it’s too painful, let me know.”“Don’t worry. You’re so gentle, it’s going to be fine for me.” Skyler replied confidently. Even though she did give Skyler a heads up, Estelle did not put her whole weight onto Skyler’s leg while she stepped on his leg. Instead, she stepped on him while controlling her strength and with that method, she was able to help him relieve his pain and could also avoid any mistakes in case she accidentally worsened his injury. After having his legs stepped on for a while, Skyler flipped on his back so that Estelle could he
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Chapter 1009
“Nope, I’m feeling alright,” Skyler’s mood seemed to be slightly better as he pulled into a smile, “my rival wants to grab a drink with me, wouldn’t it be embarrassing if I rejected his invitation without putting up a fight? Anyhow, I’ve got to grab a few drinks with him.”Estelle replied, “I don’t even know why Director Howard suddenly flew back into the country…”“I’m not trying to blame you for this,” Skyler turned over his body to face her and held her hands lightly in his. “I do think that Colten’s a nice guy, and if… if there ever comes a day that you’re still not willing to accept me, I’d gladly accept the fact that you choose to be with Colten.”Estelle frowned and said, “What are you going on about again?”“I just think that he is a decent guy and that’s why I didn’t do anything to him. If he turned out to be a strange and creepy dude, I would’ve made sure he disappeared from H city.”Estelle met his gaze and asked, “Why would you do so? You’re a businessman, not some gan
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Chapter 1010
Seeing how Estelle’s face was glowing after a good night’s sleep, Skyler stared at her plump lips and teased half-jokingly, “Since you’re too sleepy to wake up, I guess I’ll help you shower instead.”Estelle who was feeling sleepy and tired just a minute ago was immediately wide awake when she heard Skyler, and cried out, “No! Please don’t! I can shower on my own! I’m old enough to take care of myself!”“Fine then,” Skyler finally achieved his goal. He had been in a good mood since the minute that he woke up. Skyler put her down gently back onto the bed. As soon as she was put down on the bed, Estelle sat up. Just as she was about to head to the bathroom to wash up, her legs gave her away and she nearly tripped over when Skyler caught her just in time and kept his hands around her waist until she put on the room slippers.Estelle was extremely embarrassed. “My leg caught onto the bedsheet.”“Mm, I saw.”“I… It’s got nothing to do with my legs.”Skyler pulled into a half-hearted
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