All Chapters of Stars and Moon For You: Chapter 1021 - Chapter 1030
1116 Chapters
Chapter 1021
Afterwards, Paige had a look at the news and then kept her phone. She responded seriously, “Mother, I won’t be returning. I’ve already quit and as you can see, I’ve already cut my hair short. It’d be a waste if I were to pretend to be a man for one day only.” She talked while removing her fake mustache. She helplessly said, “I’ve done a lot of research to put on this makeup.”“Mother’s worried that you’re too hard on yourself,” Soraya responded in a gentle tone, “you’re my only daughter, I'll feel more relieved if you could work for a superior who truly cares for you.” Paige knew that she loved her the most. Her eyes turned watery but she refused and said, “But mother, I’m one of the Fabians, so I should contribute to the family as well. Also, the Remington group doesn’t belong to Father only, it also belongs to you. Are you willing to let it go?” “I’m not willing but I don’t want to see you overwork yourself,” Soraya said and her eyes turned a little red, “I just want you to live h
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Chapter 1022
Paige was extremely worried as she took hurried steps into the office. Even so, she was still terribly late for the meeting. As soon as she stepped foot into the meeting room, the attendees were already in the middle of a discussion about fixing the share prices and the discussion went on for quite some time. “I’m sorry for showing up late,” Paige, who was short of breath, apologized to Zion Johnson who was in the middle of delivering a passionate speech. She then took a seat next to him. Zion simply scoffed and replied, “That’s alright. You’ve just recovered and it’s understandable that you’re late.”Zion wore a sour expression on his face as he was seated in the chair that belonged to the rightful owner of the company. Zion did not even bother to look at Paige. However, with intent yet calm look in his eyes, Zion looked as he belonged in that seat. The directors of the board seemed to be obedient under his lead whereas Paige was treated like nobody in the company. The mana
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Chapter 1023
The employee let out a yawn. “I… must have forgotten,” feeling troubled, Paige then asked, “so no one else knows what operational services we did? Not even the flow of capital?”“They’ve all resigned,” the employee then continued, “I too submitted my resignation and I’ll be leaving by the end of this month. You can save the trouble of firing me.”Paige was rendered speechless before she finally squeezed out a sentence through her tightly clenched teeth. “Well, thank you.”“You’re welcome.” The employee left the box in the office before leaving. Paige guessed that the employee might be getting back to her nap. In the meantime, Paige only had four hours left before the morning arrived. Staring at the dusted pile of documents, she put on a pair of disposable gloves and started going through the documents all the while cursing at Yoel under her breath. She only worked with Skyler for almost half a year and was able to manage most of the work on her own. However, she soon realized
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Chapter 1024
The person who spoke earlier was one of Zion’s loyal supporters. He lowered his voice and said to the rest, “But we need to keep this a secret for now. Yoel Fabian can be dumb but he’s got the guts! Our plan will fail if he finds out about this.”Another person shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don’t think we need to be that careful around him. I mean, Zion didn’t force him to invest, it was because he didn’t do thorough research on the business and only thought of fishing for returns that led him to make the wrong and rushed investment. No one’s to be blamed for his own decisions.”“Could it be that he sensed that something is icky and hence he’s back to gather evidence?” someone amongst the group voiced out worriedly, “I have a feeling that Yoel is different from who we used to know. He’s going around acting as if nothing happened.”Zion’s loyal supporters scoffed. “It’s impossible. If he’s that smart, he wouldn’t have ended up where he is now.”Paige’s mouth twitched slightly
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Chapter 1025
The Flynns and the Remington Group had no business relations and neither were they rivals in the industry, hence Estelle assumed that Skyler and Zion would not have crossed paths. If not, Paige’s identity would be exposed. However, seeing the look on Skyler’s face now, Skyler seems to be acquainted with Zion. “I’ve never met him personally, but I know his family quite well,” Skyler started bringing up the past, “do you remember the Johnsons? My family knows them quite well and our parents were good friends with one another. Zion is one of the Johnsons.”For the Johnsons to be on good terms with the Flynns, Estelle thought that the Johnsons must have had a good background and they were now among one of the most respectable and reputable families in the H city. Zion belonged to one of the influential families that decided to join the Remington Group as the managing director instead of taking over his family business, and this made Estelle wonder. Feeling astonished, Estelle’s eyes w
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Chapter 1026
It would be of great help for those who were incapable to stay and did not do anything. If Yoel had any sense left in him, he had better be in hiding so Zion would not be able to locate him. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure that he stays well hidden,” Skyler said thoughtfully. One look at Skyler and Estelle knew he had in mind. She then asked, “Are you planning on doing the same to Zion as well?”“I might need to be extra cautious with Zion,” Skyler somewhat admired Zion’s ambitiousness. He said, “I’ll test the waters but if Paige ever asks for help, I won’t sit back and do nothing.”The both of them finally agreed and continued watching the stars while leaning against each other.Not long after, Estelle took the flask from Skyler’s hands and took a sip of water. She then got up and said, “I’m getting a bit hungry from all the talk. I’ll go fix us some supper, you stay here. Would you like anything to eat?”“Let me give you a hand. What are you planning to make?” Skyler got up on
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Chapter 1027
“Let’s get to it after I get the check-up at the hospital.”The more she thought about how she felt back when she was pregnant with her kids, the more she was sure that she could be pregnant again. She let out a wistful sigh as she thought about how she was easily pregnant with Elio and Ayla after spending a night with Skyler. Since they spent a lot of time together of late, the chances of her being pregnant were high.Thinking about that, Estelle wanted to forbid Skyler from being clingy to her but she could not bring herself to say it as she too felt happy. Hence, she simply pulled into a smile with mixed feelings of helplessness and excitement. Seeing how she was hesitant, Skyler thought that Estelle might be feeling unwell. He then asked carefully, “Let’s get you to the hospital tomorrow, shall we?”Estelle nodded but soon realized that the next day was a working day. She then asked, “What about your work then?”Skyler was excited that Estelle agreed to go for the check-up wi
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Chapter 1028
Estelle immediately became the center of attention of her family as soon as the news about her pregnancy was confirmed. She and Skyler moved back into the Flynns’ old residence and she was treated with the utmost care to the point where she started feeling slightly uncomfortable. One afternoon, Aunt Frances decided to make her hot soup just because the weather turned cold. She even checked on the soup from time to time to make sure that the soup stayed warm. Seeing how Aunt Frances moved back and forth into the kitchen, Estelle was worried for her and finally said, “Aunt Frances, to be honest, I’m not craving soup.”“Huh, Miss Sanders? Are you starting to lose your appetite? This is bad! If you’re losing your appetite in the first month of your pregnancy, it’d be hard for the following months,” Aunt Frances misunderstood Estelle’s intentions and started worrying, “I’ll prepare some of your favorite appetizers for dinner tonight, okay?”Before Estelle could even reply to her, Aunt
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Chapter 1029
Estelle was puzzled after hearing Uncle Davis’ words. She gave up on insisting to pick up the kids and went upstairs to the terrace instead. It was then that she realized that there was a newly built sunroom with star-themed decorations and a telescope in it. Skyler was considerate and thoughtful. Not only did he make sure that Estelle was well taken care of in her daily life, but he also made sure that she received the best entertainment for her to pass time. Estelle felt a warm and fuzzy feeling in her heart. After spending a few moments on the terrace with the slightly cold breeze embracing her, Estelle returned to the living room and that was when the door was unlocked. It was Skyler who returned home from work. Recently, he enjoyed working at home rather than working overtime in the office. “I’m home,” Skyler changed into the house slippers and flashed a charming smile at Estelle before walking toward Estelle to pull her into a hug. He then asked, “How are you feeling?”Est
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Chapter 1030
Kids at their age were curious about where they came from and the science books they read only described birth rather vaguely and briefly. “Well, I’m not too sure about this,” Elio rushed over to Uncle Davis who walked out of the kitchen with a plate of dishes in his hands and asked, “Uncle Davis, do you know where we came from?”“Huh?” With an awkward expression, Uncle Davis put down the plate and asked, “why are you suddenly talking about this?”“Because we’re getting another younger sibling soon,” replied Elio. The two girls then joined Elio. With the kids staring at him with a curious look on their faces, Uncle Davis got even nervous. “Erm...about that…” Uncle Davis stuttered for a while as he looked around frantically trying to come up with an answer. His gaze landed on the wall and he quickly changed the topic. “I just remembered that Aunt Frances needed more condiments, I’ll have to have a look at the pantry, if not, I need to head out to buy more.”Uncle Davis then charg
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