All Chapters of Stars and Moon For You: Chapter 1031 - Chapter 1040
1116 Chapters
Chapter 1031
Upon seeing how the conversation took a big turn, Skyler hurriedly added, “Before we visit the zoo, you kids should have your dinner first. Uncle Davis and Aunt Frances already prepared dinner. If we waste food, we’ll go back to being a monkey too.”Skyler put what the kids learned from their mom’s story to good use and successfully convinced the kids to sit down at the dining table and have their dinner. He then winked at Estelle. Estelle could not help but sigh in relief as she managed to overcome this obstacle for now. She then whispered to Skyler, “The kids are still young, you should be careful with what you say to them.”“To be fair, Elio’s almost ten and it’s time we had this talk with him,” with a serious expression, Skyler explained, “Elio would be put in charge to lead the Flynns soon, and if he isn’t educated in time, it’d be troublesome if he gets tricked.”For the entire night, Estelle was bothered by what Skyler said to her. She was still bothered by it when she wa
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Chapter 1032
Upon the mention of Skyler, Uncle Davis put down the watering can and said, “I’m free, let’s talk on the sofa. I know Skyler well.”“Thanks,” Estelle sat down and munched on some cookies while asking, “were there any other girls who…”Uncle Davis figured out what she wanted to ask right away and burst into laughter. “There were a few who were interested in him, but none of them pursued him.”“Really?”“Back then Skyler already announced that he was taken and added that those who were planning to go after him should be prepared to face the consequences. Well, everyone pretty much knows how Skyler is anyway.”Back then, Skyler was only sixteen. However, he was already full of himself…Uncle Davis started reminiscing about the past as he added, “I remembered when Skyler’s grandpa and parents were still around… They were relieved and proud to see Skyler being responsible for his own relationship matters at a young age. So, they rejected all the marriage proposals from other familie
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Chapter 1033
Paige observed the situation for a while and after concluding that the security team had no intentions of taking the situation under control, she had no choice but to show up. She arrived at the office space and urged, “Where’s the security team? Is there no one who’s going to take control of the situation out there?”Without even responding to her, the employees carried on with their work as if they did not hear Paige. Paige flew into a rage as she scanned the office area. Her gaze stopped at one of the employees who were stationed at the front desk and said, “Inform the security team right away, if not call the cops!”“Director Fabian, we can’t afford to embarrass ourselves anymore,” replied the front desk employee, “the people out there are protesting legally.”Paige tried her best to contain her anger before saying, “We’re in the process of paying back the debts according to legal procedure. Didn’t your beloved Manager Zion say that he’ll have this matter settled? Where is he?
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Chapter 1034
Even though Paige gave the debtors her promise, they still did not believe her words. Instead, they were worried that she might run away after calming them down just like they did back then. Hence, the mob decided on a duty roster and the protestors took turns protesting in front of the Remington Group building. Paige ran out of solutions. She was on her own and already occupied with dealing with work-related matters, what more when she had to worry about the debtors?“Hello, may I speak to Manager Zion, please?” Paige had no other options but to yield to Zion and call him. Zion’s assistant was on the other end of the call. The assistant replied politely yet coldly, “Sorry, but Manager Zion just left for a meeting. If there’s anything, I can pass on the message for you.”“Erm… I’m sure you have his phone number, right?” Paige doubted that Zion came up with an excuse to avoid her. The assistant seemed as if she tried to blow Paige off as she replied, “He does but I don’t think h
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Chapter 1035
The capital flow of the Remington Group was extremely tight which resulted in Zion trying to save costs and cutting down the budget on services that were not necessary. Not only did he stop using cleaning services, he even removed the free snacks and drinks in the pantry, as if he was trying to starve Paige by all means. Paige cursed Zion under her breath for trying to starve her to death. She took a deep breath and tried to keep her composure before calmly telling the employee at the front desk, “Well, I’m grateful to have our Manager Zion.”Paige then hung up before giving a chance for the employee to reply. She then took her anger out on the pillow while punching and cursing Zion along with her good-for-nothing brother. Paige swore that if she could get hold of Yoel, she wanted to get back at him for everything. After several punches and curses, Paige threw the pillow toward the sofa that was across the room. As she gulped down a mouthful of water, Paige hissed, “This is so ann
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Chapter 1036
“Hey, Mom! Don’t worry about me! I have a lot of work that I need to deal with so I’m working overtime. Once all of these are done, I’ll head home.” Paige thought that her mom, Soraya, was worried about her. Hence, she quickly reassured her mom. Soraya sounded as if she was crying/ “Paige, is everything alright on your end?”“I’m really fine,” Paige did not want to worry her mother, “did something happen back home? Calm down and speak slowly, we’ll think of a way to solve it together.”Soraya, too, was once a tough businesswoman who went through a lot. Soraya tried her best to hold her tears back. However, the moment she was reminded of the empty house, she could not help but feel upset. She replied, “Okay, my dear. I called to tell you to try to avoid coming home for the next few days, I’ll be staying somewhere else too.”Paige knew that her mom was a tough lady. Upon hearing that, Paige could not help but feel worried. “Mom, what happened exactly?”Soraya did not know about the
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Chapter 1037
Seeing how Paige fumbled around, Zion suspected that she might have been trying to pull a trick. Hence, he quickly handed Paige a pen and said, “Here, use mine instead. It’s extra light and you don’t have to worry about not being able to lift the pen.”“That’s very kind of you,” Seeing how Zion was determined for her to sign the paper, Paige wanted to kill him. “You’re welcome,” Zion pulled into a smug smile. Her enemy closed in and Paige needed to quickly come up with a solution to avoid giving into Zion’s trap. Suddenly, an idea struck her. The moment she received the pen from Zion, Paige purposely leaned over and pretended that she accidentally tripped over. When Zion saw that she was about to crash onto him, he instinctively wanted to avoid her, but Paige already reached out and grabbed him by his collar. Both of them ended up falling over. Zion was not able to avoid Paige and could only remain seated on the ground. With a straight face, Zion waited for Paige to get off
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Chapter 1038
The suit that Paige wore was imported directly from Italy and it was customized. Even if the suit were to be sold as a used good, one could easily get several hundred thousand in return. The delivery guy saw that even though Paige looked pale and frail, but was dressed in branded designer goods. He thought that she was not someone who would be scheming him with fake goods. After taking a look at the tag of the suit, the delivery guy then handed over his work uniform, along with the bike and the keys to Paige. “Thank you so much! And please keep this a secret! I’ll leave your bike at a nearby parking lot and you can get your keys from the worker there later.” Paige then hurriedly changed into her new set of clothes and disappeared from the delivery guy’s sight while following the route of the fire exit. Paige ended up at the side door that was used often by the delivery guys. The debt collectors were still gathered in front of the office building and most of them were scrolling on
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Chapter 1039
Paige always had a carefree attitude and she gave up on managing her image as the hunger got to her head. Paige was stuffing her mouth with food and she almost choked on the food. Estelle and Skyler could not help but get worried about her. Estelle wanted to get a glass of water for Paige but Skyler stopped her. “You ladies carry on, I’ll go get it.”In just a matter of a few minutes, Skyler returned with a tray in his hands. There was a jug of water, a glass, and a plate of desserts and fruits. Paige was touched by his generosity and went on to clear the plates. She then finally added, “You guys are still the best. I didn’t want to bother you with my issues but I have no other options now as the situation is escalating.”“Did Zion bully you? I heard that he’s quite a tough opponent to deal with,” Estelle looked at her with feelings of worry in her eyes, “tell us more about it, and perhaps we can try to come up with a solution together.”“He’s not the issue,” with a dismayed look
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Chapter 1040
Skyler usually meant what he said. Hence, Estelle nodded her head to show that she trusted his words. She then asked softly, “Can you please let me down?”“There’s no one else around, what’s there to be embarrassed about?” Skyler looked at her adoringly and added, “I’ve taken some lessons and I know that when you’re pregnant, your legs will swell easily if you stand for too long. Be good now, we’re almost there.”Estelle could not bring herself to reject him anymore. With her face flushed, she quickly avoided meeting his gaze. When she was pregnant with Elio and Ayla, Estelle encountered some painful experiences but for some reason, she felt no pain and was even at ease. Skyler, on the other hand, acted as if he got himself ready for a battle. He even took online classes on taking care of a pregnant lady and newborn children. On the other hand, Vincent put his driving skills to good use and safely arrived at Paige’s house in no time. After moving out from the Fabians’ residen
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