All Chapters of Stars and Moon For You: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
1116 Chapters
Chapter 111
The blood on Camilla’s face drained completely.“Skyler, you knew all along, didn't you?”Skyler exhaustedly slumped onto the sofa, and closed his eyes. “Is the time I found out still important?”“At least…” Camilla was tripping over her words. “At least you’re still willing to marry me after you found out, right?”Skyler laughed bitterly.Marry?In the past, he wanted to, very much. However, now, with the recent chain of events, he gradually gave up the idea of getting married.“Camilla, I said it before, what I hate most are people who lie to me.”“Skyler, I can explain. I didn’t do it on purpose, it was an accident-”Skyler interrupted. “Accidentally went to the top floor of the mansion, accidentally quarreled with Aunt Frances, accidentally watched her fall from the building, and accidentally blamed it on Estelle?”Camilla gaped, speechless. The manager by the side felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. These kinds of grievances of the wealthy folk are not what h
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Chapter 112
“Oh, there’s a newcomer here for the designer’s interview,” the manager said, pointing at Estelle, “she is Director Flynn’s…”Before the manager could say the words ‘ex-girlfriend’, the man raised his hand, stopping his next words.He looked at Estelle up and down and was skeptical. “Here for the interview?”“That’s right.” Estelle stood up straight, allowing herself to appear more polite, “Greetings, I am the designer here today for the interview. My name is Estelle Sanders.”The man suddenly laughed coldly. “Designer? If you did not tell me, I would’ve thought you were here to interview for the cleaning lady position.”The manager hurriedly explained. “Director Larson, this designer is Director Flynn’s ex-girlfriend. Director Flynn’s orders are the biggest we’ve ever got in these past years. His orders are leaps and bounds larger than what we used to get! If she can be here, then there is a high chance we can secure Director Flynn’s orders...”“No need,” the man said coldly, “m
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Chapter 113
Early the next morning, Estelle arrived at The Only Jewel at half-past eight o’clock.She changed her dress, but it was only slightly newer than the day before.It had been six years since she bought any new clothes.She still kept in mind the advice Abigail gave her. Yesterday, Director Larson only disliked her worn-out clothes, but he did not comment on anything else. On the contrary, he agreed to interview her.This showed that Abigail was right. Director Larson was a really weird guy and disliked beautiful women.She kept her black-rimmed glasses and walked through the company’s doors.The counter lady seemed to be informed. The moment she saw Estelle, she brought her up to the same conference room directly and said, “Miss Sanders, Director Larson said that your interview will be conducted here.”“Thank you.” Estelle nodded, opened the door, and walked inside.There were more people in the conference room today. At a glance, there were at least 20 or 30 people. Thomas was
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Chapter 114
“But.” Estelle changed her voice and continued. “This set of jewelry looks very dazzling, but the style is too old. Also, materials such as turquoise are not suitable for matching with gold. It will have a sense of ostentatiousness and exaggeration that shows off wealth too much. It lowers the image of the owner. In terms of selecting materials, I think it can be slightly modified according to the age and social status of the customer. If the customer is younger, materials like obsidian and Shoushan Stone. Whereas, if they were older, say, our parents’ age, we can choose better-quality jade or emerald.”The conference room was quiet.Thomas frowned. “That’s it?”“There’s more,” Estelle asked, “Director Larson, may I come over to have a closer look?”Thomas was skeptical, but he nodded still.“Thank you.”Estelle walked over, stood in front of the design drawing, biting her lips, and observed the design carefully for a while.She pointed to the pendant of the necklace and said, “
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Chapter‌ ‌115 ‌ ‌
Estelle’s words caused a lot of booing and eye-rolling.“Manuscript? Drawings are done using software now. Who still draws on manuscripts? Does she think she’s living in the Medieval Ages?”“I think she’s doing it on purpose. A designer who can’t even use design software, she doesn’t have the chops!”“15 minutes? I don’t think even software can do it, and she’s drawing on manuscripts. What kind of sick joke is this?”The entire conference room was noisy. There were whispered words and loud discussions. Either way, they were all talking down to her.Only the manager, most likely due to Skyler’s relationship with her, spoke to her relatively politely. “Are you sure you can finish drawing the entire jewelry set on a manuscript in 15 minutes?”“I’m not sure.”The manager’s anger flared. “Then why did you even say-”“I never make promises I’m unsure about. This is my principle of doing things,” Estelle said, “manager, Director Larson, please trust me this once. If I fail to draw it,
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Chapter‌ ‌116 ‌ ‌
He only gave her a pencil, so there was no way for her to have colors.In fact, she used a pencil to draw a three-dimensional drawing with lighting effects. The turquoise pendants were all blacked out at first, then she used an eraser to create different shades of white. From a distance, it looked like a beautiful gem had materialized out of the paper, it was sufficiently life-like.He looked down at his watch. “You have one last minute.”Hearing this, Estelle increased her speed.She started from the difficult tasks before moving on to the easier ones. First, she drew the necklace which was the most complicated piece with the most dimensional data. Then came the earrings, brooches, and finally the ring.In the end, she even added an extra ear hook.“Time’s up.”“I’m done.”Estelle took down her design drawing, walked over and handed it to Thomas. “Director Larson, please have a look.”Manager Quinton was standing the closest to him, he was stunned when he saw it. “Oh my god.
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Chapter 117
“Miss Sanders!!”“I’m fine.” Estelle leaned against the wall, barely able to stand. “Don’t worry.”Manager Quinton looked at her worriedly. “Are you sick? Do you need me to send you to the hospital?”“No need for that. I have some medicine in my bag, I’ll be fine after I take them.”“Are you sure?”“Yeah.”Estelle pulled out the painkillers from her bag, took a pill, and swallowed it.There was only a single pill of painkillers left in the bottle.They waited a few minutes before the pain started to reduce a little, and she slowly recovered.“I’m sorry, manager. I’ve soiled the floor, I will clean it up myself.”“Don’t. You’re a designer now, and those hands are valuable. It’s just a little bit of blood, let’s just have the cleaning lady take care of it later. But Miss Sanders, are you really alright? You don’t look so good.”Estelle said, “It’s an old problem. Don’t worry, manager. I promise it will not affect my work.”“... Okay.”She followed Manager Quinton to the pers
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Chapter 118
However, the day before the engagement ceremony, the car accident happened.Immediately afterward, Skyler broke up with her. She went to M Country to give birth to Elio and then returned to find Skyler. She then lived humbly for five long years.... It was unbearable. Thinking about it now, her destiny hit a huge bump on that day. Otherwise, with her talent, she might have already become a well-known person in the designer world. “My god, what a pity.” Miss Fowler sighed. “But that’s okay. Senior, you are now working in The Only Jewel. I want to tell everyone in my circle that I found you!”“Eh, don’t…”“Why not? Senior, don’t you know? How many people went to Milan Jewelry Design because of you. At least half of my class did! You are the idol of all of us juniors, a shining star!”Estelle said, “I… just want to live a normal life. I don’t want too much attention.”“Oh, oh. Is it to take care of your children?”“... You can say that.”Miss Fowler was very happy and was eager
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Chapter 119
700,000.For Estelle in the past, this was probably a bag, a pair of shoes, and even a pair of sunglasses.Now, to her, it was a huge sum of money.It was a good start to the first day of work.The surrounding colleagues immediately gathered around, looking at her enviously.“Wow, you’re amazing. You could handle the mother and daughter? Although they bid a high price for their design drawings to be made, they were difficult to deal with, they were just so picky. You handled it on your first day! Unbelievable!”“Ah, why have we not heard of you in the industry before? You are so good, it should not be like this.”Estelle explained. “I left this circle in the past, and I became a housewife for six years.”“My god! With your talent, you became a housewife? Just how good is your husband for you to be willing to be just a housewife?”“I… I’m divorced.”“Huh?”Estelle laughed embarrassedly. “It’s because I’m divorced that I’m now working to earn money.”The female colleagues loo
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Chapter 120
“Don’t worry, I’m buying, so you must have your fill. Let’s go in.”“Wow, the fishes are so pretty! It’s the first time I’ve come to a place like this. We’re actually having dinner in an undersea tunnel, it’s so dreamy. I must have my wedding here in the future!”“Sure, you can have it anywhere you want, but I must be the groom.”“Oh, that’s not necessarily true. I have to pick wisely. What if someone more handsome than you treats me better?”“You should give it up, you will never find another man in this world who treats you better.”…“Miss?” the waiter called out to her. “Are there any questions?”“Huh?”Estelle recovered and only then did she realize that she was sitting in the restaurant, and the person sitting across from her had changed from Skyler to Abigail. The waiter was waiting for her to order from the menu. Abigail asked, “What’s the matter, Estelle? Not feeling well?”“No. I just thought of some work suddenly, so I was a little flustered.”“Hey, you workaholi
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