All Chapters of Stars and Moon For You: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
1116 Chapters
Chapter 131
Abigail left the ward and saw Skyler sitting in a corner, looking like he was in a daze. A few days have passed and he no longer looked like the handsome gentleman in suit and leather shoes that he used to be. Instead, he looked dispirited and lost. “Flynn.” When Abigail saw his face, she bit back the urge to say the word “scumbag”. She said in a low voice, “Estelle has something to tell you.” Skyler was shocked, and his eyes appeared reluctant. “You do not want to see her? She is willing to see you now, what are you hesitating for?” Skyler gave her a bitter smile. He kept his head down and wondered who was the idiot in the reflection of the hospital floor? It was him. “I know what she wants to say.” Skyler’s gloomy voice made him even more depressed. In the past few days, he had been waiting outside the intensive care unit. There was nothing else that he could do, apart from waiting. He could only smoke. One cigarette followed by another. The hospital did not allow
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Chapter 132
Estelle pulled her hand away from his immediately. She firmly refused. “No.” “There is no other choice but to divorce?” “Yes,” she reiterated. “It must be done.” “What if I can find out the truth behind the car accident that happened in the past? Estelle, we had such a good relationship. We love each other and almost had a wedding. It was the car accident that changed our lives. I have already ordered a few people to carry out the investigation. I will give you an explanation for it.” Estelle felt disappointed. “Skyler, the car accident happened six years ago. We have already been married for 5 years. I have tried my best to explain everything to you but there was nothing that could change your mind. You didn’t even want to hear any of my explanations. You wanted to leave so badly and you only had hatred in your eyes. I’ve lived like that for five years! Five years, equivalent to about one thousand and eight hundred days. Do you know how I have been living?” Skyler shut his e
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Chapter 133
The word, “goodbye”, was a little contradictory. It carried a sense of hope to reunite, but also the determination of not seeing each other again. Throughout the journey home, Skyler was thinking about the last few words that Estelle said to him. A real goodbye. It was easy to say but deep down, there was an unquantifiable amount of sadness from her and an unquantifiable amount of guilt from him. Estelle was always like that. She was very calm when she denied something and exercised self-restraint when he was angry. Unlike Camilla, who was always forcing the marriage on him, and used Aunt Frances’s death as an excuse. It was getting hysterical. Alright, Estelle had a hysterical moment too. It was at the villa where she hit Camilla. He recalled that Estelle was like a man-eating leopard at that time. He had never seen her like that even after knowing her for more than 10 years. When he returned to his old residence, it was already past midnight. The butler had already pu
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Chapter 134
Skyler sighed lightly. No wonder Vincent had previously said that all the hospitals in M country claimed that the DNA did not match. Colten had conspired with the hospitals in M country. “Estelle told me herself,” he responded. “Um, Estelle had explained everything to me. I agree to finalise the divorce but I would like to meet my son. Thank you so much for taking care of him for the past few years. I really owe the mother and the child too much.” Colten was dumbfounded. “Director Flynn, did you take the wrong medicine? You are completely different from the last time I met you at the hospital.” “Sorry.” “You don’t need to apologize to me. You owe it to Estelle and Elio. I like Elio. Taking care of him did not interfere with my life. He is a very optimistic and joyful child, he helped me a lot. This is something between me and Estelle and it has nothing to do with you.” Skyler had contemplated for half a day and at last, he could only repeat the following word. “Sorry.”
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Chapter 135
Camilla was shocked when he shouted at her. She had never seen Skyler this aggressive towards her. No matter how angry he was, he would usually just ignore her. This was the first time he did not pick up her call for a few days straight. It was also the first time he yelled at her. “Skyler, why are you being so fierce?” Skyler tried his best to suppress his anger. The girl in front of him seemed to be different from the girl she met six years ago. “Camilla, how did you turn into this?” Skyler’s eyes were filled with disappointment and remorse. “When we were together in the past, I never brought Estelle up in front of you. I only visited her a few times. The both of you should be strangers, so how would you even know of our anniversary date? Who told you that? Or…did you find out about us a long time ago and planned our encounter?” Skyler’s expression made Camilla feel a little nervous. She had said the wrong thing on accident earlier. Skyler wasn’t stupid. He only had h
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Chapter 136
Camilla felt a little uncomfortable under his glare, she did not know where to look. She couldn’t think of anything to rebut his statement. Skyler was staring at her coldly. “I had thought about what had caused my breakup with Estelle again. Estelle had lost her child and her parents in the car accident, she did not benefit from any of it. In fact, she was the victim that suffered the most! On the other hand, Zavier obtained the Sanders family and the Flynn family’s entire estate. He also brought both you and your mother to the family.” “So, you suspect my father?” “Shouldn’t I suspect him?” “But he did not cause the car accident. There was no way that he could’ve controlled Estelle to crash the car into your parents?” Skyler took a deep breath and responded, “One day, I will definitely find out everything that happened, but Camilla, I hope that this has nothing to do with you. However, my mind is telling me that the chance is slim.” Camilla became anxious. “What do you mea
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Chapter 137
It had been raining continuously. Abigail’s sleeves were all drenched as she brought an insulated food container to the ward. She placed the container on top of the table and grabbed a few pieces of tissues, wiping the droplets of water on her skin. She sighed. “Is God at home binging on Korean dramas? Why is he crying everyday? If this continues, H City would be flooded.” Estelle realised that Abigail did not have enough tissues so she took some of hers and passed it to her. “I’ve told you not to come. There’s a cafeteria in the hospital.” “But the food in the hospital is not nice!” Abigail pointed at the container and winked at her. “Guess who made the meal for you?” Estelle blinked. “Could it be you? I recall you do not know how to cook. Auntie had cooked for me the past few times, so could it be you today?” Abigail pouted. “Hey, stop looking down on me! I don’t like cooking but if I do learn to cook, I can do it very well.” Estelle chuckled. “Alright, when I am discha
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Chapter 138
She had cancer. It wasn’t a contagious disease. “But Estelle, you look so much better these few days and you seem to be more energetic. Does this mean that you will be fine after they remove the tumour?” Estelle gave her a wry smile. “I do not know.” “Oh yeah, the other day, the doctor said that there is a possibility that it will not relapse but there is also a possibility that it will relapse the next day.” Abigail seemed helpless. She took Estelle’s hand and said, “Estelle, it feels like you are wearing a timebomb, and nobody knows when it will explode.” That metaphor seemed very appropriate. “Let’s just hope that the bomb explodes later rather than sooner. At least…let me bring my daughter back first.” Hearing this, Abigail stiffened and clenched her teeth. She looked a little bothered. “What’s wrong?” Estelle asked. “Estelle,” Abigail sighed and then continued, “Skyler has been waiting for you downstairs for more than 10 days. Even though it has been raining, he st
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Chapter 139
Estelle bit her lips. Colten was curious. “How did Skyler get hold of it? He intercepted the delivery?” Estelle didn’t know. Abigail sighed and responded, “He probably didn’t do it on purpose. That day, when I was at the Intensive Care Unit, I heard that the mail had been delivered to the wrong address so it was returned to the sender’s address. Those thumb drives have been left there since. I guess the scumbag’s assistant found those returned mails, and he…played the recordings for him.” So, that was what happened? Estelle was dumbfounded. Those recordings ended up in Skyler’s hand by mistake. Could this be God’s doing? Why do You keep playing with people’s lives so much? If only he discovered the truth back when she was still hoping for Skyler to return to her, they might not have ended up like this. However, she had already decided to move on from Skyler. What’s the point of him knowing the truth now? Abigail responded, “I was there that day, when Skyler heard th
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Chapter 140
After the call, Estelle felt helpless and lost. She recalled that Zayne had been there when she gave birth to Ayla. He had also helped her to sign the stem cell transplant consent letters for both his children when she was unconscious. When she woke up, Zayne had disappeared. She had never seen him since then. It was only now that she found out that Camilla had something to do with it. Thinking about it now, it was expected. Zayne found out that she had cancer and Camilla couldn’t even let Aunt Frances live. Camilla might hurt Zayne especially if he knew about everything. That was an unexpected threat to Zayne. “Estelle, still not able to?” Abigail asked, standing next to the bed. Estelle nodded. “It’s nothing, at most I’ll just have to wait for another year. Hopefully, I will be able to live till then.” … New Flynn Group, office of the chairman. Vincent was following his master’s orders, to search for Elio Flynn. Vincent tried searching the name on the flight centr
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