All Chapters of Promised to the Tyrant: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
83 Chapters
The Redaheads
Giovanni’s POV“Amira had told my mom that we would need to find that elder in Tirano once Omerta’s powers started showing,” Aaron claimed as we drove to Tirano.Avo had shipped both Omerta and Lucifer in a different vehicle altogether, despite Lucifer’s resistance. The rest of us were in this car.Aaron looked up at the rear-view mirror from the back seat, staring right into my eyes as he said the next words. “We will find some answers there, trust me.”Trust him? Wasn’t that the real problem here? That we couldn’t rely on him. How do you depend on a witch?Our lives had gone completely topsy-turvy in the last couple of hours as if there was not enough going on with the Vampires already.The biggest shock of them all was finding out that Omerta was a witch. I meant a wise one.Oh, boy! I did not see that one coming. I was sure none of us did.I had never come face to face with a witch myself, but I knew of their cruelty and greed because of Shahira. Had seen first-hand what they were
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The Ride
Omerta’s POV The strain at the back of my head was driving me nuts. I tried to ignore the heaviness, setting it aside as I focused on the thing that was bothering me, Lucifer. We had touched down at Milano Airport two hours ago and had been driving ever since, heading for Tirano. Lucifer and I had been alone in this car for those two hours, and yet there had not been a single word that he had not exchanged with me. During our car ride, I had made multiple attempts over the last three hours to start a conversation, but all I got in return were monosyllables. It was a no-brainer that he did not want to be here; I could see the resistance in his eyes even as Avo forced us to drive together. He had been avoiding looking me in the eye since Aaron’s arrival. And here I thought that after all that had happened between us, we had moved forward in our relationship. But with every step we took forward, we went three steps backward. I took a deep breath as I decided to give it one more sh
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Montecatini Terme
Lucifer’s POV I thought I knew pain; I believed I had seen it and experienced it all. However, that was nothing in comparison to the anguish I was in when I saw her convulse in agony right in front of my eyes, yet again. And all I could do was stand and watch as she twisted and turned, wailed, and shrieked. In the end, her body was completely battered and bruised, like she had been in a bad car accident. The fucking dream state, or whatever the hell it was those witches called it, had completely drained her of any energy; she could barely get a few words out of her mouth. Fuck! I hated this feeling. If the last time was bad, this time was fucking horrendous. "Brother, do you think we need to change our plan?" Set asked, referring to her dream, as he came to stand beside me. Right now, I could not care less about whatever the fucking plan was or what it had to do with that fucking dream. All that mattered was her. "Yes, of course, we need to follow wherever and whatever her dream
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Lucifer (1)
Omerta’s POV "How are you feeling now?" Giovanni asked as he brought me a steaming cup of soup. "Better," I lied, not wanting him to know that I felt like shit. My body was black and blue from all the collisions, and I had no energy to do anything. Physically, I had never felt worse. "That’s good to hear," Avo said as he entered the room, bringing back the memories from my vision to the forefront of my mind. One where he made Lucifer….. "If you are feeling better, I wanted to check with you if you remember anything else from your visions," Avo asked me as he came to sit on my bed. "It might help Lucifer and Set identify the person." "No, not really," I lied again. I so wanted to ask Avo more about the other vision of mine, about what Lucifer was doing there, and more about his past. But the warning from this morning was fresh in my mind; the one that I had received while still dreaming about Lucifer and Avo. I could still feel the dark, smoky fog that had covered my sight, as a
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Lucifer (2)
Omerta's POV I was transported to an unknown location—a dark, windowless hall that could have been a basement for all I knew. The hall was divided into two parts. On one side there were a series of small cabins, and on the other, there was a circular training space. One with floors made of clay, providing a firm yet forgiving surface for physical combat. The training ring was surrounded by an unruly crowd of oversized and rowdy men, who could easily pass for wrestlers. Amidst the chaos, right at the center of the ring stood Lucifer, who looked just as young as he did during that tyre practice session, though his face had hardened from the last time around and his eyes seemed gloomier as if they had lost hope. My heart sank at the thought that Lucifer was going to fight these men. He was just a child; he did not even reach their waists, for God’s sake. How did they expect him to fight them? Soon, I discovered that I had never been more wrong about anything. My ability to guess th
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Lucifer’s POV It was hard to believe that she had these visions, and they were so damn accurate. But the proof was sitting right in front of me; her visions had led us to this traitor. Rudo Luciano, the alpha and head of the New York family. The same fucker who had sent Stray as a tribute to us. "Why can’t I move?" Luciano screamed as he struggled against his limp body. "What have you done to me?" I rolled my eyes. This time it was not my doing. It was that witch boy who had rendered Luciano’s body immobile using his powers. "Got to say, you do come in handy, Aaron. Won’t you say, brother?" Set complimented Aaron. "Remind me to get you some brownie points with Giovanni; the Goddess knows you need them." "Not now, Set," I snarled at Set. "Why not, brother? I think this is the time for our dear Luciano to enjoy some hospitality from the witch here." Set taunted Luciano. "Witch, but he is a b.. boy" Luciano stuttered as he absorbed the witch part. "I know; this is new for us as
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She Knows
Lucifer’s POV "I know you have great senses," that witch boy said, "but maybe, just maybe, you should think about driving a little slower." He was referring to me zigzagging through this sea of vehicles, from left to right and right to left, without warning, not paying attention to all the honking and curses that followed. Like I gave a fuck! We had been in the middle of a very interesting session with Luciano when Avo called a couple of hours ago. All he said was one sentence. One sentence had me packing Luciano away in the trunk of the car and driving like a maniac to reach her. She was back to having another one of those episodes again; that was all that Avo had said. But the concern in his voice had me more worried than his words. Something was not right; I could feel it in my gut. And I needed to see her for myself sooner or later. Half an hour later, we were already at the hotel. Right before I entered her room, I was expecting the worst. However, never in my wildest dre
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Lucifer’s POV"We had met more than two dozen times when he brought this up," Luciano explained."He knew the only way to earn my confidence was for him to show his trust and favor. So, he shared two pieces of information with me about that.""One, he told me what was inside the ice box, and second, he sent a business opportunity my way, the quick money type."Knowing how vile this fucker was, I could imagine what kind of business opportunity it would have been."What exactly did he say was inside the box?" Aaron asked."He told me that he and Alpha Agosti had a deal. And that he was sending blood to a particular prisoner, but, of course, I did not believe any of the prisoner bullshit." Lucifer confessed.Many times I had wondered how our father had gotten his hands on vampire blood; however, I had assumed that he took it from the ones he had captured.But that was the fucking question?Why didn’t he need vampire blood despite having more than a dozen vampires in his dungeons? Why not
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Set's story
Omerta’s POV "What is it that you want to know, little one?" Set’s question pulled me out of the past and into the present. The two of us were driving to Tirano. You got that right; it was just the two of us. I was a fool to think that Lucifer was going to ride with me to Tirano. After all that I had seen and all that was shown to me, I should have known better. The last time around, Avo forced him to ride with me. This time around, the second Avo’s car left, Lucifer shifted into his wolf and sprinted away right in the middle of the road. So much for keeping all this werewolf stuff a secret from the world. "You have still not answered me, Omerta," Set called out to me again. "From what you said earlier, it seems like you already know it all." "It’s not like that." I looked at Set as I spoke. "That’s not how it works. I know a bit, yes, but it’s just the scenes that I was shown. I am not even sure if I was given the full picture, or if I am interpreting those scenes correctly.
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Abaddon and Draco
Omerta’s POV "I wish I had a concrete answer for you. The truth is that there is no clear explanation for the word lycan." Set told me. "At some places, it refers to a curse that Zeus placed on his enemy, while other texts refer to it as a disease or a plague that drove men crazy." He made no effort to hide the disgust in his voice, as he continued to explain about lycans. "Avo prefers the legends that refer to us as a part of the evolution, moving towards a stronger being, which is imperative for the evolution of the blessed ones. But the truth is, we are far from that. We are monsters." He raised his voice as he went about a self-deprecating monologue. "Do you know that we have poison running through our veins? Anyone who drinks our blood, werewolves and vampires alike, ends up dead. And that too is a painful one; their insides rot away slowly, decaying their organs. We are cursed in every sense." I was still not clear as to what he was talking about, but I knew he was venting
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