All Chapters of LADYS GUY PRINCE DOUGLAS: Chapter 521 - Chapter 530
664 Chapters
Chapter 522
 Chapter  522I took a sip of honey and sat down to unwind. I reflected on what I had learned during the previous few days. At midnight, I formed the chanting sign and knelt in the air, chanting.I slept after three hours of chanting. When I awoke at 7 a.m., I noticed Grandpa was still sleeping. As a result, I took the honey and drank it in four mouthfuls.Also, lie down on the rock to recall some of the battle formations and tactics. Two young men appeared out of nowhere in the cave. They exude a powerful aura. Their presence tainted the environment, making breathing extremely difficult. I took a sip of honey and sat down to unwind. I reflected on what I had learned duri
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Chapter 523
Chapter 523Beauty2 rushed to open the door for me, and I proceeded to the washroom to take a bath. I was exhausted, so I ate a few fruits and retired to my bed.I was awake by 8:00 p.m. When I emerged from my chamber, I discovered that all the ladies had gathered in the main hall. They all bowed their heads to the ground as I marched magnificently into view. Thank you very much for bowing down to me. What's up with Daddy and Campus? Daddy is OK, and everything appears to be in order. Oh, that's wonderful. If Daddy is fine and doing well, I wouldn't bother him. Tomorrow, greet him for me. I took out my phone and dialed Commander's number. My greeting was returned by him. Commander, how are you doing? My Pri
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Chapter 524
 Chapter 524On the wedding day, we all arrived at the mountaintop house complex on time, and all the bridesmaids joined us. My in-laws were all there, so we got in our cars and drove away. The patrol cars of the police department were ready to lead the way. The royal guards use their jets to perform aerial displays.  The mountain top house complex was evacuated by about 90 executive big luxury cars. We slipped through the inner city to the Divine temple because of the many police motorbikes. The line moved along the city's newly constructed roads. Indeed, I was pleased with the street painting. We arrived in the officers' Mess Divine Temple about 20 minutes later. The environment was tastefull
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Chapter 525
Chapter 52Commander dialed the number, which was picked up by the location's manager. Sir, my name is Prince Peter Justice Maclean. Oh, and I am honored to hear your voice. Is it possible for me to assist you, Lord? Yes, I'd like to know if we should bring some student mattresses for roughly 200 kids.If you are coming with fewer than 500 couples, I don't believe it is required. Oh, we're around 300 people. There's no need for it then. Thank you, we're on our way now. We are waiting. Thank you, my Lord. Mad Juliana, Princess, and Grandma came. It is now time for everyone to board the chopper and take off. Rosaline and Mayfair joined me in one room. All one hundred and eighty jet planes took off, followed by twenty-one helicopters.
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Chapter 526
Chapter 526 You are awake, my Lord. I am, indeed. Are you all right? May persisted in her inquiry. Yes, I'm hungry, and I'm having some headaches. We have your supper waiting for you because you didn't take it. Thank you very much. But why are you all in my room sleeping? You don't want any of my brides to come to see me, do you?My Lord, you were almost dead, and you were thinking about the visit of your brides. I was sleepy after watching the video and reading Justice Mark's submission, so I went to bed. My Lord, I tried to wake you up so you could drink some water, but our efforts were futile. How do you intend to imply that I died in this manner? My Lord, you weren't breathing, and where the rest of us okay? Please wake your ladies and send
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Chapter 527
Chapter 527 I noticed the gate was being opened in the morning. Several disciples entered the prison and led me to the main hall, where the sect master sat on his throne. Today, I would assassinate you because you assassinated one of my commanders. The sect master declared, "I would kill you myself." I remained silent and said nothing. I heard a plane has landed a few minutes later. But I did not know what kind of plane it was. Another plane landed five minutes later, and six young men in their thirties entered the main hall, bow to the sect master, and are given some chairs to sit on. They were dressed formally in suits and leather shoes. They were well-dressed. I noticed they were two distinct groups of people. Based on the dressing. This is your useless Prince, according to the sect m
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Chapter 528
Chapter 528I sliced his head with the bully sword in one swing, and the head was bouncing on the mountain as blood flowed from the body in the mountain. I took the sect master's head and hung it on a rod. I was furious, and even though I was hungry, I didn't think about relaxing.When I noticed that there were gallons of petrol, I grabbed a gallon and splattered it all over the room.When I was pouring the gasoline, I noticed Prof Magdalena, who was crying and looking at me. "Why are you sobbing?" "I'm sad? I'm sorry I couldn't come to open and lead you out of the prison, Prince."Yes, I had been waiting for you all night, but you couldn't risk your life to rescue me. My Prince, I apologiz
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Chapter 529
Chapter 529At that precise moment, I invited Prof Rose to join us. We boarded one of the engine boats and set sail. Mark stated that he would like to show me around. Unfortunately, we were met by a larger boat.Justice Mark believes the people on the incoming large boat are criminals. They could be pirates on the high seas. What shall we do, my lord? He was shivering and warned us they would attack us.Don't be concerned; simply concentrate and move on. I noticed the criminals were a long-distance powerful away. I asked my astral mirror if they were indeed criminals. They were criminals, according to the mirror. With my powerful eyes, I saw they had devised a plan to
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Chapter 530
Chapter 530I was exhausted, so I rushed inside to shower and sleep. The first and second females arrived to tell me they were bored and needed some entertainment. I told them I wanted them to hold a dancing competition, but I was weary, so they could do it without me. The first and second ladies felt that dancing would be boring, and since their spouse was not present, there was no need to compete in the dancing competition.They all went into their rooms to spend the night in their beds. The ladies learned early the next morning that the island had once again been surrounded by mysterious strangers who were ready to attack them. They instantly alerted their husband, who instructed them to fight the opponents.
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chapter 531
Chapter 531He couldn't keep up. To avoid the triple sword assault, he moved quickly to release a shield in front of him. The commander was difficult to give up. He tried hard to make sure that he protect himself from my attack. I'm sorry, it was too late for him. The three swords cut through the shield so easily that all three swords pierced through his guts. BANG! BANG! BANG!.He tumbled several times in midair until landing on the ground BAM! in the grip of his blood. He wailed like a child as the blood splashed out from his body. Aside from wailing, his both eyes were opened wide, and tears were falling from them.  The thirty men in the air assumed I had lost attention and matched forward as well. They were fast to surround me. They were unaware that the
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