All Chapters of LADYS GUY PRINCE DOUGLAS: Chapter 541 - Chapter 550
664 Chapters
Chapter 542
Chapter 542Prince has been in a coma for two weeks.It's not as simple as you think, Princess. You did something stupid, and the opposing spirits took advantage of it to harm your twin brother. I need to take you two to the hospital for medical attention. We must leave the throne house right away.They also drove to the hospital at the Mountain Top Mansion Complex. The Princess drove her automobile to the hospital, while Grandma and His Majesty drove Grandma's car. Grandma and Princess were also admitted.  Princess called her adoptive parents to inform them of what had occurred. Her parents couldn't handle it any longer. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson drove to the hosp
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Chapter 543
Chapter 543 The first Lady Prof Mayfair was shot to death. However, Dr. Boating did not react to Prof. Mayfair's query. When the phone rang, the second lady was right alongside her. She could hear her answering the phone. Prof. Rosaline asked Prof. May after she finished the phone call, "Is it OK for you to come to your father's invitation?" I recall Prince telling us not to leave the mansion. And our movements should be limited to two: from home to office and from office to mountaintop mansion. So, if you'd listen to me, please don't leave. Again, you stated that your father's voice was not clear, so sister, please do not go; instead, wait until Prince has been recovered, and he has permitted us to travel wherever we want. Prof.  
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Chapter 544
Chapter 544Prince resurrects from a coma to rescue Prof. May and her mother.By 6 a.m., a shrewd Commander and Divine servant had arrived at the summit house complex. Jeeta escorted them to Angelina's refining room to collect the material. The Commander and Divine Servant dashed to His Majesty's chamber. They waited for Dr. Mumba and King Young Junior at His Majesty's residence.When they arrived at the mansion, His Majesty brought them to the hilltop royal hospital. They were granted the opportunity to visit Prince in the ICU. Because the in-charge doctor was sober, he brought them to Prince. His Majesty requested that the Divine Servant pray. All the seniors in the ICU were requested to close their eyes so tha
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Chapter 545
Chapter 545Princess Shocked Prince on bed.Jeeta and the brave birds were taken aback to see Princess so proudly bending to apologize to them. They informed her they had accepted her apologies and that she should apologize to all the ladies, particularly Barbara and Angelina.Princess thanked them and went into the Prince's mansion to apologize to Angelina and Celestine. They accepted her apology as well. She then went to BB Bank to meet Barbara. The receptionist was quick to notify the staff and manager that they had a special visitor in the empress's form. Princess was escorted into the banking hall by the receptionist. Princess did not welcome anyone when she entered the hall and simply passed past. She did n
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Chapter 546
Chapter 546Prince captured, leading to fighting among the royals.When his first lady, Prof. Mayfair Boating, and her mother, Madam Tina Boating, were released from the royal hospital, Professor Prince Peter McLean was overjoyed. He charged Angie with creating a special elixir to aid in the healing of Prof. May and her mother.The prince believed it would be prudent to check on the royal guards at their palace. As a result, he dubbed Father his enchanted frying horse. He jumped to the back of the horse. He flew with his horse to the Royal new mansion at Rich Park without alerting the ladies of his plans. The prince was surprised to see so many brand new cars on the royals' property. He dashed into the royal guar
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Chapter 547
Chapter 547Prof. Prince Peter McLean betrayed.His Majesty and the rest of the Indo-Continent royal family ordered that the burning dead be buried in a mass grave and that the premises be cleansed. They want the site to be preserved in its current state so that future generations can witness some hardships endured by the Indo-royal Continent's family.The head of national security agreed to the instruction from the Indo Continent family head. His Majesty, after his instructions, they boarded their automobiles and drove away from the scene of the accident, into the mountaintop mansion complex. His Majesty gathered all the wives of princes who had become part of the family, as well as the heads of the nation's sec
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Chapter 548
Chapter 548Prof Prince appeared before His Majesty Bright Budu of Green Eyes Continent.The information the strangers had left at the airport was swiftly reviewed by security officers. They followed it until they realized all the information they had provided was false. Because they had filled out all the forms with fake information.As a result, it became difficult for security personnel to continue to search for the strangers. With the information provided by the strangers, it became difficult for security personnel to continue their search for the Prince of the Indo continent. They returned to His Majesty Sir Justice Maclean to notify him of their discoveries and how the strangers had lied to them. His Majesty was in
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Chapter 549
Chapter 549Prince shattered the Palace of Green Eyes Continent.By lunchtime, the last main door to the hall had been opened, and everyone in the hall had risen to their feet. The guards also bow their heads to the ground when the elders stand, and the military salutes and holds their rifles well. There were two lines of females, one on his right and the other on his lift. They all marched ahead in unison. All of his wives took their seats, leaving the Emperor alone in the middle to proceed confidently towards his throne.When Prince raised his gaze, he noticed the ancient lettering prominently displayed in His Majesty Bright Budu's magnificent gown. And the meaning was flashing beneath the letters. It suggested that The Green Eyes Continent was one of Peter the Great'
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Chapter 550
Chapter 550Prince asked for a sexual partner in the old world.Prince is still falling down the rabbit hole. He was dropping slowly, which means Prince could have returned if he wanted, but he understood it would be difficult for him to get back to the top, so he continued falling into the hole.There was no food or drink for Prince, and he felt the heat since, as the proverb goes, the higher you go, the cooler it becomes, and because he was heading downwards, it was getting hotter.Six months later, Prince landed on the strange world beneath the mountain from which he had fallen. Prince passed out and collapsed by a lake. The father could summon the charmed horse from its porch. The horse attempted to resuscitate Prince by s
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Chapter 551
Chapter 551Prince killed the Killer the king of the cage battle.One month later, they return to the context. Junior was well prepared for the third fight for the night. Papa Lee, his trainer, brought him into a separate room. The organizers were surprised why such a beautiful young man would wish to take part in such a deadly competition that could end his life.The organizers thought Papa Lee was too old to be a trainer. How can such an old person train someone to be effective in a competition like a cage battle? and Junior was too fine a young man to compete in such a fight. The bout of Junior had been promoted bec
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