All Chapters of Alpha of Knight: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
102 Chapters
Chapter 71
 "A key?" I ask, looking down at the small key resting on his palm. "Yeah." He whispers. "I found it in Branson's collectibles." "Wait…he has his collectibles of dark objects?" I ask. "Duh. Who do you think would otherwise tell me about magical objects if they didn't have a few in their possession."  "Fine. But what does this key do? Open doors?" I raise my eyebrows, questioningly.  "I'm not sure about that either. But I can feel its magic. Don't think I am crazy but when I was in Branson's store house filled with these objects, I had this strange feeling that something was calling me. And I opened the drawers to find this. This appears like a normal key, but it expands so much energy. I think it's used to open some secret doors." He says in an intense stone.  "What secret door?"  "I don't know. All I do know is that I wil
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Chapter 72
 I wake up in the morning feeling tired and mentally exhausted. I blame the night for that. I couldn't sleep at all and kept changing sides. The thoughts of Alex and Peter Pan storm my mind. Argh! I need to confront Alex and talk to him. He seemed normal for the time we talked about the key but I don't know what happened later that he started to act so—rude.  I pull off the bed sheet from my leg and walk off to the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower, I step out and find Tessa preparing herself for the class. She looks at me and smiles. "Good morning."  I yawn. "Morning."  She frowns. "Hey, are you alright? You look tired."  "Tell me about it. I couldn't sleep last night."  "But why? Was it the weather? Or did—what I said bug you?" She fidgets with her fingers.  "Nah, I don't mind you being with P
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Chapter 73
 "The magical objects are known to be one of the most powerful creations of the witches." Professor Sheila places her long stick on the digital projection that flashes on a white screen. "They are easy to use, and except a few, don't have any limitations on who uses them. The magic never goes out and they can be preserved for eternity."  "Wow. That sounds so tasty. You wonder if we have any objects here." Tessa whispers in my ear, but I don't reply back. She finally remembers me when Peter's out? How amazing! I have so many thoughts going in my head, that's why I don't let her share a mind link with me. I don't want her to know that I don't like the fact that Peter Pan is stealing all my spotlight. So, I focus on what Professor Sheila has to say on these objects.  Though, it's still like rubbing salt on my open wounds because it reminds me of Alex. He talked about the key before he started to act like a total prick. Bl
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Chapter 74
 I walk over to the wall where I remember we first entered. Things have changed a lot since then. Not that I am complaining but my friends seem to be drifting away from me. And that puts the question in my head. Will we remain friends?  "I didn't expect you to come so early." A voice comes from my behind and I smile.  "Neither did I expect you to have our friendly trip so early." I say and turn towards Tristian who stands straight,his hands shoved inside his trouser pockets. Charming as ever.  He gives me a smile that melts my heart and his eyes slide down to my neck where his gift rests. I hold the pendant of the necklace in my hand and smile back at him. I was quite amused by the fact that he chose a necklace that is fashionable. It goes well with my top. Something I won't regret wearing every single day.  "Looks good on you. Whoever gave you that has a pretty good
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Chapter 75
 "Ladies first." He holds the door for me and I step inside the restaurant. It is a small,cozy space with picture frames hanging on the yellow coloured walls. The smell of food waffles my nose and Tristian leads me to a table in front of the glass window. It doesn't really like a friendly hangout anymore. Not that I mind.  He pulls a chair for me and I smirk. "That's probably too much." I say.  "It's something I do." Tristian smiles and somehow I feel like I can believe what he says.  I shrug and settle on the chair while he takes the seat across from me. The menu cards lay on the furnished grey table that almost looks a shade of yellow under the light. I pick up one and look through the dishes. Hmm. Though there is no need for me to look since Tristian would be doing the orders, I find it a comfortable thing to hide behind his penetrating gaze. He should know that the way he looks makes my bo
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Chapter 76 
 We all stepped into the arena in front of a larger door. Today is the day when a lot will be decided yet I can't stop thinking about Tristian and my time with him yesterday "You all will walk inside and the one who comes out first from the other side of the chapel wins this contest!" Professor Harold shouts as usual.  I don't know why, I don't feel nervous like before. It's just something inside that tells me that I can do it. Maybe it's because Tristian trained me so well and I now know how to use the special arts technique. But where is he?  'Aurora, look at your back.' Sia says and I turn at to find Tristian standing with Peter at his side. I frown. Why is Peter not participating? I guess that doesn't matter right now since the most important thing is Tristian standing beside him,his arms folded over his muscular chest, his baby blue eyes trained on me. He mouths a "don't disappoint me." and I
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Chapter 77
 "Whenever using your techniques make sure you have all senses of yours wide open." Tristian said and I nodded my head. "Nobody will wait for your permission to strike you down and tell you beforehand they are coming . You have to figure it out and take the right chance to turn the table to your side. A good Luna is not just strong, but has sharp wit and understands the rules of the games she is playing. No matter what happens,you need to have a clear head while making decisions because it can later affect a lot more than you think it would."  Sia growls as I remember what Tristian said. The knife digs into her flesh making some blood fall on the floor. The pain makes me want to run away and hide somewhere. I don't want to feel all this. I want to go back to Tristian. But then again, I won't! Sia turns back to the team and gives a huge growl. I won't go back! I've come this far not to be a kitten and hide behind the bushes. Which I certainly di
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Chapter 78
 I stare at the staff putting the bodies of the injured students in the stretcher and taking them away. My heart drops dead at the moment when I realise that if I was a bit more earlier with my time I would have been able to save some of them. Bloody hell! I couldn't even save Sasha. A dreadness looms in the air on which I breathe and my eyes feel heavy on myself. I can't thank the MoonGod enough for saving Tessa before whatever fate waas coming for her. I wonder what would have happened to her if I had reached a minute late. I don't want to imagine it. The picture is terrifying. Though the current one isbt a bit less.  Someone touches my shoulder but I don't tilt my head an inch to look at that person. It's like I don't have the energy to even say a word. My wounds are closed and burn through my entire body. The Nurse put an ointment for it to heal fast and bandaged them. But the pain inside is more excruciating. I can't tell what's the differ
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Chapter 79
 Tessa flickers her eyes open and finds me sitting on the tool beside her bed. She sits up and frantically looks around,her eyes wide open to take in the surroundings. "How are you feeling?" I ask her, praying to the MoonGod again and again for saving my best friend's life. I don't know what would have happened if she wasn't alive. I don't know what I would have done.  "What happened?" She asks, her hazel eyes confused.  I sigh. "You passed out in the maze, under the influence of the fog and didn't wake up for a long time."  "No! I remember seeing something. There was a shadow in the fog that scared me and then I passed out. Though it was definitely foggy. It was the fog before that made me unconscious. But then I woke up again and saw something being around the fog. It was hard to trace but then I saw it sucking blood. I was so scared that I—I" she holds her head. "I guess I passed out
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Chapter 80 
 We all take our places in the assembly hall with Tessa sitting beside me, Tristian sitting on the front row and Peter accompanying him. Alex is nowhere near, sprouting my doubts on his strange behaviour. What is wrong with him? After the fight, he didn't care to even meet me or talk to me.  "Tessa? Did you talk to Alex?"  "Yeah. We spoke this morning before the assembly. Why?" She frowns, completely unaware of the situation. Or maybe she is aware but she is not going to give in.  "No, nothing. I didn't get to talk to him or ask him about his condition. You know after what happens. Is he alright?" I ask, trying my best to keep my normal face up. If I somehow learn that Tessa is mixed with Alex in this, I don't know what my mental condition would be. There is that certain feeling inside that tells me that my friends are sliding away from me.  "Yeah. He looked fine. Tho
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