All Chapters of What Love doesn't know: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
54 Chapters
Chapter 11
Was it wrong that he hated her as much as he desired her? Asher wondered. His thoughts floated in and out of his head as his heart pounded at the rhythm of his feet on the treadmill. When he thought about it, he actually hated Mia for the desire she had awoken in him. A desire so strong and consuming, it made him crave her more than his next breath. He had never known such a desire in his life; it pulsed in his blood with energy. Never knew it was possible to want someone so much, someone who didn’t even want him and had made it painfully clear on more than one occasion. He replayed their last encounter several times in his head. “... there could never be anything between us. So, you should go back to wherever you had disappeared to...” her words repeated themselves in his mind. And each time they hurt, just as they had the first time, he heard them from her lips. Lips he wanted to taste. Lips he imagined wrapped around other parts of his anato
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Chapter 12
While Asher had been back in the city, he had thought his mind had exaggerated the state of the building Mia lived in. But now Asher realized his mind had sugar-coated it. His mind had tried to make it less horrifying. The sight of the dilapidated two-storey building in front of him made him shudder involuntarily. To make matters worse, unlike the first time he had seen it, there was no security light in front of the building. That gave the entire place an eerie look. Forget horror movies and ghosts, Asher thought. He was almost expecting a cannibal serial killer to jump out of the shadows and send him into the afterlife in a heartbeat. It still failed to make sense to him how any sane person would live in such a place. He understood financial constraints and hard decisions, but where did self preservation and survival instinct feature in this equation?  He remembered something he had learned in school about Maslow’s hierarchy of n
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Chapter 13
He waited for her to let go of her control; she was halfway there, but then her sanity came back to her. How could she let go when letting go meant so much more than he thought? He didn’t have the barest idea what being intimate with her would result in. Unlike humans, werewolves bonded with their partners on a far deeper level than he would be able to understand. And she couldn’t exactly explain it either. She couldn’t exactly start an explanation about mating bonds just like that and definitely not while she was naked, lying beneath him. He couldn’t claim her or bite her, but she still knew sex with Asher Deavan wouldn’t be just a roll in the hay. An act that could be dusted off the next morning and forgotten. She shouldn’t let it happen. Asher kept a close eye on her. When he saw that she continued to hold back, lost in her own troubled thoughts, he brushed his lips against her skin in a light kiss. His warm breath fanned over her skin. He f
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Chapter 14
Asher blinked. It must be a trick of his eyes. It was not possible for her eyes to glow like a cat; he thought. But even though he reasoned it out in his head, he raised himself on his elbows and stared at her. “Your eyes…?” The words died in his throat; he couldn’t finish the question. He wasn’t even sure what he was asking. Asher gave his head a shake. When he looked again, her eyes were normal. He blinked again. What had he seen? “Mia?” he started, but she interrupted him. “Sorry I woke you.” Something in her voice got his attention. She sounded panicked. And now that he wasn’t wondering about the strange glow in her eyes, he realized she looked rather nervous. Her hands were clenching and unclenching repeatedly. She bit her lip and stared at the window before looking back at him. She looked like someone about to bolt. He sat up properly. “What is going on?” Every nerve in him became alert to the need to protect Mia.
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Chapter 15
The jet ran down the runway, gaining speed and getting ready to take off. Mia Held on to her seat with a tight grip. It was her first time on a plane. Werewolves preferred to keep their feet closer to the ground. And who could blame them? Something about the small tube shaped tin floating in the air thousands of feet above the ground made her wolf agitated. She wouldn’t want to imagine what would happen if she lost control of her wolf for even a second in the tight sealed space they sat in. Mia took a deep breath and tried not to think about it. She had to remind herself that this was an escape. The jet took off and after a few minutes; it leveled and the seatbelt sign went off. Mia released the breath she had been holding. Asher unbuckled himself and looked at her. “Hey, are you ok? Why didn’t you say you were a nervous flyer?” Sure, let’s go with that explanation, Mia thought. It was far better than the one about her wolf clawing
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Chapter 16
Connor felt like a dog chasing his own tail. He didn’t want to even imagine what the other werewolves with him were thinking or whispering behind his back. He had a group of four of his pack wolf shifters with him, ordinary betas who served as soldiers of the pack. The five of them had been tasked with finding Mia and returning her to the pack, but he was in charge. It was him that made the decisions, and him who got the unpleasant task of informing the alpha every time their lead went cold. And another lead had definitely gone cold. He felt like breaking something. He would have preferred to be in a bloody, gruesome, bone breaking fight right about now, then to accept that the alpha’s daughter had yet again outsmarted him. He had been so certain that he had her after catching her scent in the bar. That had been two nights ago. They had searched every inch and under every rock in the town they thought she could hide in and had come up with noth
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Chapter 17
Mia reached for her bag, which she had dropped by the door at the same time Asher’s hand wrapped around her arm to stop her. She was so angry; she was literally vibrating with the effort it took to hold her wolf back. “Let go,” she told him harshly through her clenched teeth. “Give a guy a chance to explain before you shoot him,” Asher responded quietly. He positioned himself so his front completely made contact with her back and cornered her against the wall next to the front door. It was a daring move, considering what he had seen her do to the two guys who had attacked her outside the bar the very first night he had met her. He had little doubt she could push him back and leave any second. The fact that she didn’t do exactly that gave him a tiny glimmer of hope. He sighed quietly and tried to reason with her. “Let me explain, it’s not what you think.” “You want to explain that?” She jerked her head in the direction of the kit
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Chapter 18
At her request, and against his strongest and deepest wish, Asher set Mia up in one of the guest bedrooms. Needless to say, he had picked the closest room to his own, and he spent hours straining to listen to whatever she was doing in the room next door. By the end of the night, he felt like a creep and he was exhausted to the bone. To add to his frustrations, Asher had to leave her alone in the house that morning because he had neglected his workload long enough. It was beginning to worry some of the investors and colleagues he dealt with. It always irritated him how fragile the business world was, but there was nothing he could do but reassure everyone that he was fine and his companies were not about to drown like the titanic. His only consolation was that she was in his house and he would see her in just a few hours.  Asher sat at his desk and tried to plough through as many of the documents as possible. He was doing an impressive job
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Chapter 19
Mia paced the hallway like a caged animal. In a way, if she thought about it, she really was an animal and probably caged, but not in the literal term. Asher hadn’t locked her in his house, if she wanted, she could have left the moment she woke up that morning and found herself alone in his house with only a note explaining that he had gone to the office and would be back in the evening. The note had sounded so domestic and normal. Well, there was nothing normal about whatever was going on between her and Asher, Mia thought. For starters, nothing was supposed to be going on between her and the human.  Wolf shifters didn’t mate with humans. It had never happened in all the history of the packs. Not that she would say that Asher and her were now mated. They only had sex once. But as though that was not enough of a crime she had already committed, there was also the fact that she was originally supposed to mate with Alpha Dylan of the Ice lak
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Chapter 20
She felt twitchy and her wolf howled for blood. She spared a moment and thought of Asher in the house, taking a shower and unaware of the danger outside his house. Every protective instinct she had came to the surface. In that second, she knew she would do anything to make sure Asher was safe. Her veins filled with rage even as her wolf clawed at her to get out. She had thought she would still have some time to figure things out, but it looked like time was not on her side. It took just a few seconds to step away from the house and walk into the dark backyard where she knew the intruder awaited.  The scent was unmistakable; it was the same one she had caught on Asher’s hand just minutes before.  The Vampire had followed Asher home. Any hope she may have had that it was all a coincidence that a vampire walked into Asher’s office and there was nothing to it, was gone.  Mia clenched her teeth. It was clear sh
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