All Chapters of Stutter Boy: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
128 Chapters
61. Are you thinking about Ethan ?
Nate's POV Ethan was completely ignoring me the last two days. Monday, in Calculus class, he went and sat at the back even though there was a free chair beside me. During lunch although we sat together, he didn't speak a word to me or look at me. I tried to talk several times but each time he ignored me like I was nothing. I thought Gavin or Grace would interfere and ask him to drop that attitude and talk to me. But they didn't say a word. I'm sure they noticed I was miserable. Still they didn't do anything. Tuesday he bunked history hour. I can’t explain how much angry I felt. I was hoping to finally sit with him in history and he didn't come to class. Then at lunch, Gavin asked him why he was sitting with Gabriel in the canteen during first hour. " I didn't feel like going to class. And first hour was free for Gabriel.", was his nonchalant reply.  So he now like to sit with Gabriel than me. Earlier he was sayin
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62. Is he alright?
 Soon the opponent team arrives and the players start parading around the ground. Our school team has a white flag with a golden eagle on it. The other team has a light blue one with some other bird imprinted on it, maybe a skylark ? I stand up from my seat as the crowd around me jumps up and starts chanting together something along with the cheer girls, which sound totally gibberish to me. " Hey..", Andrea says over the sound of the crowd and I tilt my head to her. She stretches her hand to me. Simultaneously Grace also reaches out her hand and holds mine. I look around and see everyone is holding hands. I take Andrea's hands and my both hands are suddenly raised by the two girls on my left and right.  The whole crowd and the cheer girls are now holding up their hands and cheering loudly.I look at our team and see number twelve standing in the front, just behind the captain who is holding the flag. I can't see him clearly as they are standi
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63. He has went through a surgery
"He's alright Nate and he'll surely recognize you.", Grace tells me patting on my shoulder as we sit on the cold steel chairs put outside the casuality. I nod my head a little in reply and keep on looking at the floor. My eyes are still pooled with tears and I don't want Grace or anyone to see that.The awful silence, the suffocating smell of antibacterial wipes, the dull white paint, everything about hospital sucks. And it's more than two hours since we are sitting in this horrible atmosphere. After Ethan was taken away from the field in that van, we went to the school nurse and asked what is the issue. She said it was probably a concussion and Ethan will be alright. We then directly drove towards the hospital in Milan's car and was send to this unfortunate area to sit and wait. The coach and a few of the footballers joined us a little later after that, seeing how they had to finish the match first. I heard one of the players telling
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64. Better sit at home and give me some peace
“Kids, You all may go back now. It's late. And now Ethan's mother has arrived. She might be taking him home. So, no need of you to wait for him here. ", Coach told us after sometime. " We'll leave after seeing him.", Grace said. " I think it's better you guys don't see him now. He won't be able to recognize you and it will make him anxious. Didn’t you see how worried he got last time when doctor asked him whether he can recognize you ?", Coach asked." But he would recognize us since he recognized you.", One of the footballers said. Right then the doctor came out of the room, smiling at us. " Ethan has got back his memory. ", he announced. " Oh..thank God ! ", Grace said and jumped up from the chair. " How suddenly, Doctor?", the coach asked in surprise. "His mother's blue eyes has brought back his memory about Michael and that way he recollected every related incidents. He now wants to se
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65. Human brain's so complicated
Ethan's POV It's three days since I heard Michael's voice. I didn't call or text him after I came back home. He texted me the last two days, but I didn't reply. It's Gavin's order. He told me not to call or text Michael until I reach back school. He said our plan is working. I also think it's kind of working. He is showing signs of jealousy and he is so upset at me ignoring him. But this whole thing is making me crazy. I can't get that look of his out of my mind. He was so upset when I last saw him at the hospital room. His eyes clearly told me he cried. And later Gavin and Grace told me Michael really cried and he was so worried. But the reason for all this is him. I couldn't concentrate in the game after I saw him and Andrea talking. They looked like they were talking some serious matter. To see them better, I went near to the railing. Andrea looked kinda flushed as she munched on the popcorn, Michael offered her. And then the refere
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66. Ethan, I can't live without you
Saturday afternoon after having lunch, I lie on my bed, thinking to take a nap. Mom went to office and Eve is in the kitchen with Mrs B, baking chocolate chip cookies for tea. Suddenly my phone makes a pop sound indicating a notification hit it. Maybe it's a text from Michael ? I quickly pick the phone from the beside table, eager to read Michael's text through the status bar. But soon I'm disappointed. It was actually a text from Gabriel asking me how I'm doing. Gabriel had texted me Thursday evening. I actually didn't have her number with me but I recognized it was her, through her profile picture. She said she got my number from Gavin. Stupid Gavin ! He isn't satisfied with making stories about me and Gabriel but he had to give her my number too. I instantly texted Gavin why he gave her my number. And then he told me to text her back and get a bit close with her, so that I can make Michael jealous with her when I reach b
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67. Do you like him ?
Nate's Pov The feeling of long fingers caressing through my hair along with the light giggle of a baby woke me up from my slumber. Feeling uncomfortable, I let my eyelids opens to see the image of my big sister standing beside my bed, carrying her baby in her arms and both of them smiling down at me. " Hey ! ", I quickly jumped up smiling in surprise. " Hey ! ", she laughed. Her one and a half year old baby girl, Angela made grabby hands at me whilst smiling cutely at me with her gums. " When did you c..come ?", I asked her whilst stretching my arms to Angela, who happily crept into my arms and onto my lap, giggling in excitement. She and I are great friends. " Just now.", Anna replied. " David's also there ?", I asked referring to her husband. " Yeah..he is downstairs talking with Dad and Mom.", she replied and sat down on the edge of my bed whilst smiling fondly at me. " Why
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68. Do you hate me ?
I finally saw Ethan after one week on Wednesday. I had reached back hostel last night and Ethan arrived this morning. On hearing he arrived, Grace and I went to his dorm before class. Ethan exchanged a quick hug with Grace but he didn't even look at me. That white bandage had disappeared from his forehead and instead there was a sticky bandage on the right side of his head. " When can you get rid of this bandage ?", Grace asked him. " Probably by Friday or Saturday. I need to go to the nurse today to redress it.", He told her. " So how do you feel now.", She asked. " I'm feeling better. But it's a bit itchy. And it's days since I washed my hair.", he replied. " Yeah...your hair smells like shit. ", She said and laughed to which Ethan replied with a sigh. I didn't talk anything. He wasn't even averting his attention to me, for me to start a conversation. And I had decided I won't act so de
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69. Tornado
The next morning Grace woke me up at 7 and told me that we are going to an Amusement park along with all the hostellers and warden and we must be in front of the hostel office at 7:40 with extra clothes and stuff. I was beyond surprised. Grace explained that our Warden Mr Garvey joined them at the auditorium yesterday after I left and played games with them. Then some  guys put forward to him the idea of going for a picnic from hostel. Surprisingly Mr Garvey asked them whether they want to go to the amusement park today. Everyone was surprised and loudly shouted ' Yes'. So we 72 people who are currently in the hostel are going to the Amusement Park in a tour bus. And we don't need to spend a single penny from our hands. The expenditure for this will be taken from the school Hostel Fund. Grace said, I was sleeping when she came back at dorm, yesterday  night and I looked so tired that she didn't feel like waking me up. I only remember fal
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70. You did it on purpose !
Ethan's POV " What the fuck did you do, Ethan ? Why did you let him hug you ? And why were you caressing his face and all ? That too in front of Gabriel ?", Gavin asked me as we moved a little away from the Tornado. " He got really scared when the cart entered the tunnel. He might have panicked if I didn't hug him. And Gavin, I can't control myself when he smiles.", I said brushing my hair backward, thinking about Michael's dimples. "Gavin, I don't think I can continue like this anymore. It's okay if he don't confess to me. I just want to be close to him. And I think he is okay with that now." Gavin sighed." I thought you were starting to like Gabriel.." " What ?", I asked surprised. " You seemed so happy when you were sitting with her yesterday at the auditorium. You both were laughing hard and talking endlessly. You like her, right ?", he asked. " What ? No ! Weren't you the one who told me to act close with G
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