All Chapters of From Rags to Richmond : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
191 Chapters
Chapter 131
The following morning, they left the beach house, smiling from ear to ear. Olivia was grateful that she had some time to relax. After getting back home, when she returned from her kidnapping. Her father was doting all over her, almost smothering from love. She needed a break, but they didn't dare leave her alone since something might happen to her again.  That was the reason why she decided to go back to the hospital. Working was the only escape she had, so she buried herself in her work. It wasn't healthy, but it was a good coping mechanism.  Warren dropped her off in front of her door in Carnarvon. Her father and aunt Faith waited for her safe return and they were surprised to see just how much she was glowing. Olivia couldn't even hide her happiness. 'The little getaway with Warren must have worked wonders for her,' they thought.  Warren didn't plan on staying long with Olivia since she was back with her family again. Warren said his farewel
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Chapter 132
Harold screamed out in pain. He expected Warren wouldn't hold any punches, but he didn't think he would go that far. Did Warren attack with the attention to kill?  What Harold didn't know was that Warren wasn't even remotely serious enough. Warren's strength had grown to levels that even he was cautious about going to far. With such immeasurable strength, he needed to suppress his Reiteki constantly or else, it would suffocate those around him. Warren strolled over to Harold and laid his hands upon him. Within a few seconds, Warren completely healed Harold of his injuries. He then signaled to the rest of the cultivators to continue with their training. Warren brought Harold to his personal office where the two of them could talk in private. Harold felt really appreciated that Warren would want to talk to him about confidential stuff. "There's a certain man I want you to trace," Warren said suddenly. Harold didn't even give it a second thought and
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Chapter 133
Warren spent the next few days trying to figure out a plan of action. He knew that James must be keeping an eye on everything he did, so Warren had to thread carefully. That's why he decided to leave Gilford for a little bit. If James Parker could send someone in the middle of the night to his room, then it meant his location was exposed. In that case, it would be difficult for Warren to look for any clue about his grandfather. Since business was booming, Warren thought that he should go off the grid for a while. He needed to make sure that he was out of the reach of James Parker and decide his next plan of action. There was no way that Warren could let the news of him killing Samuel ever be made public. He had to prevent it at all costs, and the person who posed the most threat to that was James Parker. He needed to be eliminated. Late one night, Warren carefully snuck out of his room and left Gilford before anyone would notice him. But Warren wasn't stupi
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Chapter 134
Warren dropped Derrick off at the nearest town and told him to head back to Gilford and ask assistance from Harold Kock. He would be glad to have another cultivator to look after. Derrick did just as Warren said. He hit the road the next day.  Warren decided to disappear off the radar for a while as he visited the cave where he and Old Sage Uflyn were cultivating. He needed to lie low and improve his already monstrous strength if he wanted to catch James Parker with his pants down. Searching aimlessly for a man who was so good at hiding his presence, was a game Warren couldn't afford to play. He also knew that if he was caught doing something so underhanded, his reputation would be down the drain. So Warren spent the next two months away from everything and everyone. During that two month period, he had no idea about the calamity that would befall the Cape Continent.  It happened about a week after Warren entered the cave. James Parker returned to the Parke
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Chapter 135
The blushes on her face was clearly visible. Warren knew that leaving Olivia and going after the dark force that had been going around and exterminating people like vermin, could mean the end of his life. But he was also aware that if he did nothing, there was a possibility that, that force may arrive one day and claim Olivia's life. That was something Warren couldn't afford.  "Olivia, before I go there is something I wanted to tell you. Please don't hold it against me for keeping this from you," Warren said. He scraped all his courage together before he told her.  "I recently found out that I'm the son of Johnathan Parker, patriarch of the Parker family and the richest person on the Cape Continent." A minute passed, but Olivia didn't respond. Warren expected her to be shocked at the very least, but there wasn't a change in her expression at all. It wasn't as if Warren just told her a secret that he kept to himself for a long time.  "An
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Chapter 136
Warren felt at ease after he finally got his revenge. James Parker as well as his two sons would get what they deserved for treating his mother like a doormat. She was seen as even worse than dogshit in their eyes. Just because they had status and she came from a humble background, they looked down on her. Warren felt bad that he killed James like that without getting any intel from him. If James Parker could have at least revealed the location of Adam Parker, then Warren would have gained something from him. But he was still at square one. There was no one around to ask any questions. The attack that James used almost destroyed the mansion, but Warren inadvertently saves it. It wasn't his intention, but he thought he could use the opportunity to see if he found any valuable clues that may lead to the location of Johnathan and his family.  Warren scoured the mansion from top to bottom. He found a lot of valuables that meant absolutely nothing to him. He
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Chapter 137
Gary watched as Warren disappeared into the distance. Even though he was running, it took Warren less than ten minutes to reach his house. Because traffic was clear during that time of the day and everyone was fleeing the city. When Warren saw his house in the distance, he could make out Cassidy familiar figure sitting on the porch. Warren was relieved to see that she was till alright. He slowed his pace a little, but then he suddenly started to feel restless. He felt as if a predator was stalking him. Warren increased his pace and almost teleported next to Cassidy, in time to catch a knife that was thrown towards her. "Quite the reflexes you have there," was the words that came from behind a car quite a distance away. Warren knew that the man had to be skilled if he could through a knife from such a distance away and still retain the power and accuracy.  "It's not impressive at all. But I must say, just not very gentleman like to throw such dangerous th
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Chapter 138
Warren respected Samson's resolve, but he knew he couldn't allow him to live. If Warren wasn't around, then he would've destroyed the entire town. So Warren made up his mind and stabbed the man right through his heart. It was an instant death for him. After that, Warren took his body and buried it quite a distance away from his house. He later returned to wake up Cassidy who fell unconscious earlier. Warren waited for a bit as he adored Cassidy's beauty up close. Never in his life did he think that his primary school's crush would be so good to him that she would even go as far as risk her life to protect his house.  Cassidy opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Warren's smiling face. But then she remembered what happened earlier. Warren literally disarmed a man right in front her and there was blood spraying everywhere. Even the speed at which everything happened seemed unreal, so she wasn't sure if she hallucinated the whole incident or if it really
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Chapter 139
Warren could see smoke rising in the distance. It seemed like a building was under attack. For such a loud explosion, Warren expected to see a great fire burning somewhere. He thought that maybe it was a hoax or someone just burning down buildings since there wasn't any authorities around.  He still took it upon himself to check out the scene. Gary and Cassidy were too afraid to make a move. As soon as Warren left the room, they moved closer to each other and Gary embraced Cassidy. The fear of getting killed removed the animosity Cassidy felt toward Gary at that moment. Although he was pissing himself, Gary felt good to hug his wife again. It had been far too long. It took Warren two minutes to reach the place where the fire was burning. He was just in time to see three men using Reiteki to set fire to the surrounding buildings. By his judgment, Warren could see that the men were only A-Class cultivators. They were not worth his time, but he couldn't well look a
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Chapter 140
The two men didn't need a second invitation. They upped and left immediately to retrieve the body of their dead master.  Warren, on the other hand, had a lot to ponder about. It seemed like Adam Parker was the Dark Wizard all along. Warren couldn't accurately judge the strength that Adam might have, since he never met him, but he knew that he had to be at least several levels above Master Kalama to even think of controlling him. After killing his grandfather, Warren thought that the void he had in his heart would be filled, but he didn't feel any satisfaction at all. He kept yearning for something, but he wasn't exactly sure what it was. Warren was very young when he lost his mother and he made peace with the fact that Uncle Geoffrey and Aunt Joanne raised him as their own child, but he always had questions. Why didn't his father ever care about him? Was he even alive? Warren sometimes wondered as a child if his father had enough food to eat.  Even
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