All Chapters of From Rags to Richmond : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
191 Chapters
Chapter 111
'Elizabeth Cole'. Johnathan started to shake and he seemed to be fearful of something. This wasn't the reaction Elaine expected.  "Father, what's going on? Why would the name Elizabeth Cole make you so afraid? Please tell me what's going on!" Elaine said. She couldn't understand her father at all. He promised that he would beat her if she mentioned Adam Parker again, but when she did, only his expression changed. Instead of anger, he was afraid. And them mentioning Elizabeth Cole only added to the fear. "Elaine, what was the name of the person who told you this? Surely you must have met him before, right?" Johnathan asked. He hoped and prayed that she would answer any other name than the one he had in mind. "It was Warren Cole. I will never forget him after what he did to me I'm Flemond," Elaine answered resolutely.  "It's all over, he knows," Johnathan said. He seemed to be in some limbo, ignorant of what was going on around him. Elaine rep
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Chapter 112
Elaine nodded. She just found out she had a brother and now her brother wanted to destroy her father. But she didn't want to get involved in their matters. She felt that it would be unfair and unreasonable to ask Warren to change his mind, since she could see the determination in his eyes. "Are you not going to try to talk me out of it? You know I might just annihilate the whole Parker clan if I see fit," Warren told Elaine. "You already made up your mind, so I don't think I should try and change it. After all, you're only looking for justice because of what happened to your mother. However, if you decide to come after me, I promise that I will kill you on the spot!" she warned her brother. To Elaine's surprise, Warren just burst out into laughter. "You're too cute," he said, while still trying to control his laughter. Warren started to grow fond of Elaine. The two of them met regularly after that. He did ask her to keep their meet
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Chapter 113
Warren went to open the gate that lead to the mansion. When the guards took him into custody, it was in a room on the outside of the yard. Warren was just about to blow the gate open, when he felt one arm around his leg. He looked down, and groveling in the dirt beneath him, was none other than Allison Banks. She was adamant about not letting Warren enter the estate of the Parkers.  "The only way you're going in there, is over my dead body. I will not allow you to disrespect the Parker family with your presence. If you don't want to die, then you should just leave," Allison said. When Warren heard the last part of her statement, he stopped for a minute. The way Allison said that was more from a point of sympathy than a threat. Warren suddenly felt that something was going on. Allison never contacted him for the past two weeks, and Elaine, who Warren was starting to develop a good relationship with, never came to visit him. Warren thought there was progress and E
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Chapter 114
"Master Ford, what's going on? Why are you here?" Warren asked confused. It has been almost 4 years since he last saw his master, but this was the last place he expected to see him. After Master Ford sent Warren on a suicide mission to confront the Fire Fangs, Warren never heard from him again. He had second thoughts about what his master was thinking, that's why Warren wanted to see him. Now that his master was in front of him, Warren was at a loss for words.  "Who the hell allowed him to get in here?" Master Ford asked angrily. It's true, he didn't expect Warren to be there. Joshua and Julian had their heads bowed down low and Johnathan, was sitting on the couch, without a care in the world.  "Master Ford, I asked you a question!" Warren said. Warren had very little patience after he had to deal with the two women earlier and then he happened to stumble on such a scene.  At that moment, Julian lifted his head and he looked at Warren.
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Chapter 115
Warren prepared himself for the barrage of attacks that Master Ford was about to unleash on him. But to his surprise, Master Ford had compassion and he only hit Warren with one punch. However, the weight in the punch was evident that Warren never stood a chance. Clearly Master Ford wanted Warren to know the disparity in their abilities. Warren coughed up blood. His knees felt weak and he lost all his strength. "You are hundred years too young to think that you even remotely stood a chance against me. I am certain that no one from Johnathan's descendents are worthy to lead my clan." Master Ford said."By the way, please stop addressing me with that made up name. While my name is James, my surname is actually Parker, but I couldn't tell you since you would have made the connection. It's either Master Parker or grandfather to you, thank you very much," Master Ford said. Warren was too lightheaded to even comprehend what his master was saying. Johna
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Chapter 116
Elaine also returned at that moment. She was surprised to see that Joshua and Julian were injured as well. Her father wasn't aware of the close ties she built with Warren over the past few days, and she wanted to keep it that way. "Is this the time to arrive? Where have you been all this while?" Johnathan asked Elaine. She looked down to avoid his gaze and responded that she was out to meet Warren at the gate, but was knocked out. She didn't actually lie, but she wanted to keep their relationship secret.  "So he got you too then?" Julian said. He was still very weak and struggled to support himself to his feet.  "After what I did for him, he had the nerve to barge in here and attack me in my own home! He shouldn't think that I will take this humiliation lying down," Julian declared. Both him and Joshua felt embarrassed about what Warren did to him. Elaine, on the other hand, was conflicted. She tried to stop Warren, but ultimately failed. So she bla
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Chapter 117
Warren then started to explain to the Wilsons about how Samuel tried his best to bring his sister home and all the lengths he went to. Warren also made the point that Samuel lost his life while performing such a heroic act.  Warren had enough time to fabricate such a lie and he told the family that it took him a while, but when he finally got hold of Samuel's body, it was perfectly preserved. The heartbreak was evident on the faces of Mr Wilson and Nathalie, but so was the relief. They finally found closure. Warren brought the family out to the hearse, where he took the liberty of bringing Samuel home in a specially prepared coffin. The Wilsons broke down and their cries could be heard in the next city.  Mr Wilson thanked Warren for his thoughtfulness and asked him to stay while he made preparations for the funeral. Warren also invited Henry to attend the funeral, since they were all close friends. After the ceremony, everyon
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Chapter 118
After more than an hour of torture, the assassin couldn't take it anymore. Warren did all sorts of things to him, yet he resisted. But when he lost two of his fingers, he started to sing like a canary. Warren learned that Julian placed a bounty of 100 million dollars on his head and that the top assassins from all over the Cape Continent were looking for him. Warren felt a thrill rush through him. He was excited by the chase. But learning that Julian was willing to go that far to take his life and his supposed father did nothing to call off the hit, only strengthened Warren's resolve. He felt bad for Elaine and Allison, since they were the only two people he had a good relationship with. Warren made up his mind to repay Julian in full. If he was brave enough to kill, then he should be prepared to be killed. That's why after torturing the assassin, Warren saw no use for him anymore and took his life. Then he buried his body back in the huge yard
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Chapter 119
However, before Julian could even think about escaping, Warren already dealt with the four bodyguards in front of him. The only ones left were Julian and the guard protecting him. So Warren slowly walked towards the two men as fear engulfed them.That's when Julian recognized him. The bloodthirsty demon after him, was none other than Warren who embarrassed him in his own house. Julian wanted nothing more than to make Warren suffer eternally for the disgrace he suffered at Warren's hands. But now that he saw Warren I'm front of him, all that was meaningless. The only thing Julian wanted at that moment, was to escape with his life in tact.Warren looked at the sole surviving bodyguard and gave him an ultimatum. He would either forfeit his life trying to protect Julian, or he could leave and Warren would let him live. The bodyguard chose the latter.Finally, it was only Warren and Julian left. Julian had tears in his eyes as he fell to his knees. He could only hope
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Chapter 120
While Julian was rended unable to move, Warren wade his way to the Parker mansion. Having a hostage made him pretty bold. He thought that if James Parker wanted to use force, using Julian as a shield should prove pretty useful.  Julian used all his might to get his body to move, but to no avail. He knew that the problem was his neural system and that the damage was because of Reiteki. So he could use Reiteki to solve the problem. But then Julian realized he couldn't even infuse Qi. Warren made sure not to take any chances. He was thorough before he left. Warren arrived in front of the Parker mansion, to be greeted by a relieved Allison. She tried contacting Warren, but never got through to him, so she was happy that he was alright. But she was also getting worried. What was Warren doing at the mansion? It could only spell trouble. "Master Cole, what brings you here today? I hope everything is alright," she said. She knew that Julian ordered a hit on Warr
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