All Chapters of From Rags to Richmond : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
191 Chapters
Chapter 81
Warren didn't understand the implications of the old sage's words, that's why he asked the sage to clarify things to him. The old man told Warren to sit down. He then proceeded to tell a tale of ancient times. What transpires next was set in a time of more than 20 years ago. ***Old Sage, Uflyn, and his trusted friend, Orius, were following their master, Great Sage Gotaz on his travels throughout the Firea Continent. There they came across countless cultivators, which they simply knew as wizards. The cultivators of that continent were particularly skilled in their manipulation of fire. Their mastery of the dark arts were exceptional, where most of them were masters of S-Class and higher. Great Sage Gotaz took his two apprentices, Uflyn and Orius to this specific continent so that they may learn the art of wizardry. To his surprise, both Uflyn and Orius quickly grasped the concept of the arts and after spending only a year in the Firea Continent, they
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Chapter 82
Old Sage Uflyn brought led Warren to a secluded area in a mountain nearby. There he spent a whole week with Warren with nothing to survive on but the berries and insects which they found in the vicinity.Old Sage Uflyn made sure to unseal Warren's Reiteki. Although it took him more than a week, he finally succeeded. Warren was ecstatic when he felt the familiar sensation of Qi flowing in his body. He regained his previous status as an S-Class Level 6 Master. However, Old Sage Uflyn told Warren that was only the surface of his true strength. Warren didn't even scratch the surface of his latent ability."Your Reiteki supply is almost as endless as a bottomless well. However, I am surprised to see that you chose to put limiters on your Reiteki supply? Are you afraid that your power would be too massive or something?" Old Sage Uflyn asked him."What do you mean when you talk about limiters? I never did such a thing. Isn't it probably because I still hav
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Chapter 83
Warren returned to Wellington a day later. However, he didn't spend too much time there as he was still about to find the whereabouts of Master Ford. Warren felt that his sensei kept some important information from him, and he wanted to know why he did that. Whether it was about his Reiteki or the abilities of the Ferocious Five. He had to know if Master Ford was someone who he could trust.After searching Wellington thoroughly, Warren didn't find any trace of Master Ford anywhere. Dejected, he returned home. Warren wanted to go to Flemond so that he could see what Samuel was up to. The last time he saw him was more than a year ago. Warren also remembered that he was low on cash. If there was one thing he learned when Johnathan Parker took the food right out of his mouth, it was money controls the world. Warren still didn't give up on his plans to build his own empire. He needed to do at least that much for himself. Two days later, Warre
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Chapter 84
Warren met with Miss Miller the next day. He was surprised by how young she looked. When they talked over the phone the previous day, Warren pictured her as a mature old lady. However, she didn't look a day over thirty.  "You must be Warren Cole. We share a mutual friend, Yvonne. She was the one who recommended you. You don't mind if I ask you a few questions, right?" Miss Miller asked. Warren gladly obliged to her request.  "Have you ever done any security work before?" "No, I haven't Ma'am, but I'm a quick learner. I get the hang of things quickly and I promise not to disappoint you," Warren responded eagerly. He really wanted to give a good first impression. If he could be a bodyguard for the Firea Continent young master, he would have access to maybe some crucial details of the Dark Wizard.  "You know being a security guard involves a lot of risks. If push comes to shove, are you prepared to lay your life down for the client?" Miss
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Chapter 85
"Teach them a lesson right now!" Master White commanded. However, Griffith stood frozen still. He clearly knew he was out of his depth."If you don't want to, then I will do it myself!" Emile reiterated. Then he used all his strength and hit one of the bodyguards. The person he hit, was none other than Warren. In terms of age, Emile could clearly estimate that he and Warren was in the same age bracket. So attacking him was easier. Also, he had a moral compass which didn't permit him to ever lay a finger on a lady. Other than that, the other 4 bodyguards looked pretty rough. So Warren was the safe bet.To Emile White's surprise, when his fist made contact with Warren's face, it felt as if he hit a concrete wall. He expected Warren to scream out in pain, but he was the one who shrieked. Previously, Emile White heard about strong cultivators, but this was the first time he ever encountered someone like Warren. A person who could tank a blow from a D-Class mas
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Chapter 86
"Samuel, what is going on? What are you doing here?" Warren asked perplexed. The masked shooter, who turned out to be his best friend, struggled to his feet. He looked at Warren with furious eyes."What I'm doing has nothing to do with you! I'm warning you, let me go right now, or face the consequences!" Samuel threatened. With those words, he opened his jacket and revealed the bomb he had strapped to his body."I thought you would be the one to follow me here. Luckily I made provisions for it. I know about your strength all too well. If you don't let me go right now, then I'm going to blow both of us to smithereens. The choice is yours, Warren Cole." The conviction in Samuel's words were proof of his resolve. He wasn't joking about that. That was the thing that bothered Warren. He knew Samuel. He was the kind of person who would avoid violence at all costs. He would rather suffer harm, than to cause harm to someone else. Warren couldn't recog
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Chapter 87
Samuel still felt frustrated because he couldn't finish his assignment. He was tasked with getting rid of Emile White, but that plan was foiled when Emile ducked out of the way at just the right moment. He had to improvis,but was confronted by Warren. That's why he had to get rid of his friend in the process. The mission was too important to worry about their friendship. If Samuel had to way the stakes of the success of the mission against his friend's life, then the mission clearly tool priority. Samuel entered a dark building which was surrounded by lush greenery. He felt fear engulf him the further he entered. The supposed death of Warren was nothing more than a distant memory of his.  When he finally reached the further room of the building, a guard blocked his path. The guard then searched him before allowing him entry into the room. There Samuel met with a masked figure. The man in front of him purposely hid his identity from Samuel.  "Is it d
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Chapter 88
Since Emile White was in danger of being assassinated, he made the decision to hide himself. He also requested his bodyguards to stay by his side without them ever leaving. While Warren was lying low in hope of getting news of the movement by the Supreme Admiral, certain rumors were spreading about him through Flemond. Samuel knew Emile was still in hiding, but he wasn't about to give up in his mission to get rid of him. He also knew he couldn't mess up or else everything he did would be for nothing. He had to keep himself occupied or else he would have lost his mind. Since he had less than 48 hours to find and kill Emile, he went out shopping to get some supplied. That's when he met with Yvonne. She was ecstatic when she saw him, because it had been so long since she saw his face after he disappeared so suddenly."Hey stranger, I'm glad to see you're still alive," Yvonne greeted him. Samuel wasn't in the mood for small talk, but he
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Chapter 89
As strong as Warren was, even he could not pick up the threat lurking outside their window. Samuel made sure to mask his presence extremely well and waited for the optimal moment to take his shoot.  As fate would have it, Emile and his bodyguards were in Emile's room at that moment. Samuel's rifle was aimed at the living room. He was waiting patiently until Emile made his appearance. The moment he would catch a glimpse of Emile, he would take the shot.  Meanwhile the unsuspecting group of men in Emile's room were still listening to Emile as he carried on with his story from earlier. "Whilst the Dark Wizard may be the one who wiped out all the cultivators of the Firea Continent, my grandfather told me he had a suspicion that there was someone else pulling the strings behind him." This little bit of information made Warren stop and wonder for a little bit. If there really was someone behind the Dark Wizard, then that person should be unbelieva
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Chapter 90
Warren looked at his bloody hands. The reality of him killing his own friend with his two hands, hit him extremely hard. As he laid down Samuel's lifeless body, Warren knelt beside him. In the space of a minute or so, he lost a friend he just made and right after that, he killed his best friend. Warren forgot all about the incident when Samuel tried to kill him. He was just feeling remorseful about the way he reacted to that. Jr didn't even think about the reason why Samuel would have done that in the first place. 'Nathalie!'Warren recalled Samuel's last words. He mentioned something about Nathalie being safe. Who was she and why would Samuel smile while mentioning her as he was about to die. Warren then fished through Samuel's pocket and retrieved a photograph. In the photograph was a young Samuel and an even younger girl next to him. The smile the two of them shared on the picture was proof of the immense joy
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