All Chapters of Guarded Secrets : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
99 Chapters
Chapter 71
The rest of the day went smoothly. Bradley took her shopping and acted very romantic towards her the entire time, making sure to hold her hand. He even took her nursery shopping, of course there was a small group of paparazzi waiting for them, per her husband's request, she was sure. He had an unnatural obsession with the media attention they received. She hated it. Their life was carefully orchestrated by him. She was his pawn and soon her baby would be apart of this. She didn’t know if she could go through with it. She thought about who would be able to help her. She could try Pete once more, but she didn't know if she could trust him any longer. He seemed like a different man. He seemed uncaring and loyal only to her husband.  Her mind went to her only friend, her hair/makeup stylist, Danita Jones. Surely she could make up something so she
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Chapter 72
Pete’s neutral attitude kept Elayna guessing about where he truly stood. She didn’t want to get burnt by him again. It felt like a trap for her to speak about Nick without Bradley being in her presence. “Yes, I am happy to be carrying his child. We've always wanted to start a family together. It’s perfect timing.”  She lied smoothly. She knew Pete knew that wasn't exactly true. Bradley had always been vocal about her not being able to raise a child. She looked out the window then. Her lies were painful to tell. They had to be worth it in the end. So much had changed and yet stayed the same since yesterday. The car stopped when it was in front of an elegant restaurant. 
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Chapter 73
She was happy to be going home to her solitude. Pete hadn’t said anything else to her and she was grateful for it. The things he had said had not helped in her resolution to forget everything about Nick. She was also angry because Pete could have assisted them in their escape or bought them time at least, something more than bring her luggage with a tracking device inside of it. She wondered if he had ever had come to think of her as a sister or was it all some sort of tactic so he could do a more efficient job of watching her. She couldn't be certain without asking him and right now was not the time. She had her husband who was stuck to her side ever since she arrived back. It was almost to the point of smothering. She just wanted to sleep in her room and stand in her own closet. He had been keeping her so busy and so close to him that she could never seem to get away to enjoy her side of the house
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Chapter 74
Nick felt like it was failing miserably. King had finally bested him. Nick was glad Mr. King thought he was a step ahead of him right now. He had been painted the monster for this man’s greed and ego. He had rescued Elayna and the mayor’s wife. Mr. King along with Pete and his other men had abandoned them,leaving him to do what was necessary. After that he knew she wasn’t safe with him or in the city. She had wanted to leave as well. He had only done what she wanted and now he had kidnapped her, the audacity of it all shocked him. He could never show his face around town again if he wanted to. King made sure of that. Smearing his name and his honor. He was an ex marine. He had seen things that would make King piss his pants. He was blinded by his wealth, thinking it empowered him to be and say whatever he wanted.
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Chapter 75
Pete was standing outside of them. She had startled him.He stood up.“Mrs. King? Are you alright? Do I need to get Mr. King…. What happened in there?” Pete noticed the red handprint on her face and the corner of her mouth swelling. “Did he hit you?” He asked already knowing the answer. He took a step towards her.She looked away and took a few steps back. Then she spoke.“I wanted to go for a drive. I need to go shopping for some things. You can call my husband. I’m sure he will approve me leaving the house.”“Yes ma’am.” He used his cell phone then. “Ah, Yes Sir, Mrs. King says you’re authorizing her shopping unchaperoned today.”
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Chapter 76
Danita opened it and let her in. They hugged and it seemed to be Elayna’s undoing. She was sobbing uncontrollably. Danita said nothing, just shut the door as fast as she could behind her, and showed her to the Living Room couch.She sat down beside her. Elayna removed her shades and put them back inside of her purse. She looked thin and frail to Danita. She could see dark circles of fatigue beginning to form under her eyes. She could also see the corner of her left mouth was swollen. Danita went into her Kitchen and poured them both a nice cup of hot, lavender tea. She put a splash of jack daniels in hers and just as she was about to put some in Elayna’s drink she held up her hand, and stopped her with that motion.
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Chapter 77
She opened the door.“Hello Danita. I was just in the neighborhood,and wanted to stop by and thank you for doing such a wonderful job on my wife hair at my company fundraiser.” He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a small wad of cash and extended itt her.She took it, admired it, and fanned it out. This was too much money even if she had done a spectacular job. She had already been compensated handsomely. It felt wrong, like Bradley was trying to buy her off. She restacked the money neatly, folded it in half once more and handed it back to him.“Thank you, Mr. King but I’ve already been compensated for my services by Mrs. King.”His eyes seemed to be searching behind her. It was as if he was looking through her. She knew then tha
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Chapter 78
She went inside of  her suite and inhaled the sweet scent of fresh hyacinth and lavender she requested the maids to use. It was immaculate and clean. She walked over to the other set of large double doors with the gold handles and opened her bedroom door. Oh, how she missed sleeping in her large bed, missed the tranquility of her own area. She walked inside her large closet and went to her formal dress section. She had so many expensive designer gowns she had only worn once or twice. She looked through the ones that were unworn and still inside the plastic, or still had the price tag on them. A pale pink sweetheart gown made of chiffon and rhinestones caught her attention. She easily found matching pumps and along with some rose gold, Garnet jewels. She kept thinking about Danita. She had heard the way her husband spoke to her and how he had tried to int
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Chapter 79
Bradley put his arm around her waist as they walked through the crowd towards the bar.“A party?” She asked, smiling.“Yes,” He agreed looking down at her and smiling. “I thought with all the stress of the last few days a nice party would get both of us out of a funk.” He kissed her on the lips then.To everyone they looked so in love. “Let’s mingle darling. Also, we are telling no one about the baby at this time. ” He whispered that to her as best he could.“What? ...why?” She asked.“Because of the timeline.” He looked as if he wanted to throttle her. The expression vanished quickly. They made it to the bar.
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Chapter 80
“My husband?” Elayna finished for her.“I’m sorry, I don’t want to accuse anyone...I’m…”“It’s alright. You wouldn’t be the first, or the last.”“I just want to know the truth.” She looked at the fountain then.“I understand.” Elayna said. “My husband is a monster. There is no telling what he is capable of.”“I read your husband’s interviews in the papers, and the unfair bias they placed on your bodyguard. Nick was the only one who saved us. We would be dead, or worse if it had not been for him. Your husband is letting the media crucify him, why?”“I
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