All Chapters of TRENT: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
302 Chapters
<< 17 >> Live Your Life
The scandal gets messier and messier as the days go by!  Jeep! Just a day after the encounter with the press and Dax dies? Just like that? Okay, I was pissed off and I wished hell would swallow him. But I didn't mean it literally. I would never wish death on anyone honestly.  "You have not checked the second page." Grammy tells me.  I wonder what's on the second page.  BECCA STERLING HANGING OUT WITH FOOTBALL PLAYER, KYLE WALKER A DAY BEFORE HER EX DIES!  The media must be making thousands of pounds from this juicy story. And it gets juicier by the day.  "The media can't seem to get enough
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<< 18 >> Innocent
For a swift moment, my mind goes blank and my heart stops. I freeze. Just when I thought all this drama was coming to an end. Then this happens. How the hell am I the first suspect? I was not even in London at the time of the accident. How the hell could I have killed him when we were miles apart?  Grammy just stares at me, confused about what to do. Confused about what to say.  That's when Bruna calls. Where has she been the entire day when I tried to reach her?  "Becca, I just saw the news," it's the first thing she tells me. "I'm sorry..."  I'm really glad I have a new number
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<< 19 >> Locks Boy
The press turns to Trent and it's a whole lot of frenzy now. Trent manages to get to me amid the journalists and drags me to his car. Troy follows us behind and sits in the back seat of the car.  I can not believe I'm seated here, driving in Trent's car. That's the last thing I needed. I have a lot of drama going on in my life and Trent being here is adding onto more drama. I've not said a word to him since we got in the car. And he has not said anything either. That's better. I'm seated at the front with Trent and he's about to start the engine when I call,  "Troy!"  "Yeah..."  
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<< 20 >> Since Marriage
Ever since the tape came out, it's been just twists and turns which have blown my mind.  But this? Tim? It doesn't make sense.  Why the hell would he kill Dax? Did he even know him? What's the motive? What did Dax do to him? All this just doesn't add up. There's just something missing.  Some minutes into the shocking news, I hear a knock on the door. I rush to open and Detective Trevor is standing next to another policeman.  "Ms Sterling, we need you to accompany us to the station for questioning about your former work colleague, Tim Stephens."  My heart skips a beat when h
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<< 21 >> The Old Boy
I knew Bruna's dad is rich.  But I didn't know the old guy was filthy rich to be precise. Bruna's car pulls up in a massive brilliant white mansion with huge glassy windows after she enters the password on the golden gate. It doesn't take long for her to drive through the gravel driveway on her way to the parking lot.  "Here we are!" She says in excitement.  Through the drive, she didn't say much after revealing she suffered a miscarriage. She says the doctors told her the reason for the miscarriage was due to mental stress. She didn't say much on the mental stress part just that Josh and her were having some problems but they were working on it. For some reason, I don't believe that narrative.
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<< 22 >> The Ambulance
Bruna lets out a painful cry and starts shaking her dad hysterically. Our dad, to be precise. Our dead dad. A dad I wanted to patch up things with. A dad I wanted to give a chance to make up for all the years he was not around. A dad I wanted to spend time with together in his last days. That dad is lying there, lifeless. Dead.  And there's nothing I can do about it but stare, my feet stuck on the ground. I can't move. I can't believe he's dead. Dead before being the father I wanted him to be. Dead before making up for all those lost years. Dead when I needed him the most. Bruna stops shaking his body and runs to me. She knocks me with an emotional embrace and sobs uncontrollably on my shoulder.  "He's dea
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<< 23 >> Strong
Honestly, what the hell is this freaking hot footballer doing just standing at the door staring at me? He should be with Sophie.  The last time I saw him, he made it quite clear that he didn't want to see me and also, he said some pretty mean things. Trent steps in and warmly hugs me. "Josh told me about your dad. I had to come right away... I'm so sorry..."  What the heck is wrong with this guy? We are not cool. We are not an item. We are not together. So, why the hell is he here acting all lovey-dovey, giving me stupid warm hugs?  "Trent." I pull away and step back. "What are you d
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<< 24 >> Poor Taste
A lot of things come rushing in my head and before I can even utter a word, the shackles are on my wrists and the Detective is dragging me outside. "But... but..." I stutter. "You have no evidence.  Why am I being arrested?" Detective Trevor snickers. "Tim finally revealed that you are the mastermind behind the murder."  "What! That's not true. I had nothing to do with it."  Detective Trevor grins at me. "By now, you should know that I don't like you. And I don't care if you had anything to do with it or not."  
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<< 25 >> Clara Clyde
A little flashback to the time this same woman, whom I loved and respected so much, stood in front of the press and slandered my name shamelessly.  Remember that? Well, if you don't. I remember that so clearly. It's something that will never leave my mind. Her husband slandering my name was okay. But her? A person I adored so much? A person I looked up to since I was a kid? A person I considered a mother from another womb? I didn't expect that from her. But now, this same woman is standing in front of me while I'm behind bars, and I'm supposed to believe that she wants to help me? How? Why?  "Why?"  Diana winks her perfect lashes at me. "Pardon?"
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<< 26 >> Expose Her
I met Clara Clyde back when I was a freshman.  She was probably fifteen or sixteen when Dax invited me to their home. She had braces and used to wear round glasses with her long hair pulled up in a bun. Now she has this blonde hair tumbling down. The braces along with the glasses are gone.  She looks prettier and more mature now.  She stands up the minute I get in with Bruna behind me. She looks nervous and restless.  "Becca!" She comes over to hug me.  That is strange. The media says I killed her brother and she is here hugging me so tightly and warmly. "Clara." I hold her
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