All Chapters of Begin Again: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
196 Chapters
131|Stars In His Eyes
Accepting Isaac's movie invitation was a mistake. Eden knew that as soon as they bought the tickets, and he splashed out on popcorn and drinks. It was supposed to be a casual night out on the town between two friends. But, Isaac had stars in his eyes, and she had a lot of hurt in her heart. This wouldn't end well for one of them, or both, the same way it didn't end well for her and Liam. What did you think was going to happen, Eden thought sadly as she tried to follow the intricate storyline of the Rom-Com playing out in front of her. It sounded very much like the badly-written plot to her own love life, and there were a lot of similarities between her and the protagonist. They were both attracted to emotionally unavailable men and ignored the dependable guys who wanted to give them the world. Isaac was safe and dependable. He was a decent guy, a good friend and a fantastic handyman. He'd helped her repaint the inside of her house, and
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132|Lesson Learnt
Isaac went out of his way to make sure she's happy and comfortable even though the ride to her place was relatively short. He put on some upbeat music and turned on the heater to warm her up. They drove in silence for a kilometre or two until Eden grew restless, and she found herself babbling away to distract herself. She was so afraid that her hurt and anger would take over once again if she stayed still too long. She'd cried enough for Liam for one night. So she faked a huge smile on her face as she asked Isaac random questions. He was happy to answer them all while he negotiated the car through the nearly empty streets. Eventually, the conversation moved on to their respective jobs, and Isaac updated her on his latest divorce case, a couple with mega millions on the line, but the only thing they wanted to wrangle over was their ten-year-old Sphynx cat. "I get it," Eden said. "I would have fought for Snow, too, if I knew there's a custody ba
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Liam knew he should go home, regroup and calm the fuck down. They were both very upset, for different reasons, of course, and nothing good would ever come out of this night if he didn't walk away. But he could never think straight where Eden was concerned. When it came to her, his heart would always rule over his head. So without thinking things through or weighing his options, Liam ran up her rickety porch and banged his fist on the door. "Eden, come out right now!" He'd camp out here the whole night if he had to. But one way or another, they'd have it out tonight, and he'd get all his answers. The door flew open instantly. Unimpressed and properly pissed off, Eden stepped out of the house and pushed him down the steps. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You'll wake my son up!" "You mean our son?" Liam demanded. Confusion and something he could only describe as fear flickered across her face ever so briefly, but she qui
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134|The Gift Of Healing
Brenda came out of hiding the minute she heard the front door slam shut. She looked as terrified as Eden felt, and for a minute or two, they both just sat on the couch in total silence and stared at the blank TV screen. "Are you okay?" The nanny asked when the silence became a little too unbearable. In a surprisingly steady voice, belying the flood of tears brimming in her heart, Eden assured her she was okay; she'd been through worse where Liam was concerned. It was total horseshit, of course. Tonight's confrontation was by far their most brutal, heartbreaking, soul-crushing battle yet, and she was amazed she was still standing after all the bloodshed. "You should get some sleep," she added as she gently pulled Brenda to her feet and pushed her towards her bedroom. "It's late." "What about you?" The nanny asked as she paused in the hallway, the worry and fear etched on her face almost palpable. It was the first time Ed
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135|Grace And Humility
"What the hell happened to you?" His therapist couldn't hide her horror when he strolled into her office. The perplexed look on her face and her unusually shrill tone was a first for Liam. She was always apathetic to a point he had convinced himself she was really an android masquerading as a human. He was secretly pleased and somewhat perturbed to see Linda was just a mere mortal like him, and her cold mask of apathy slips off once in a while. "I need a fucking drink," he announced as he crossed the room and paused in front of the window and watched the fine droplets slide down the pane. It had begun to hail soon after he left Eden's place, but the torrential storm had lost its steam and fizzled out into a drizzle, pretty much like his feelings. Fighting with Eden always left him drained. "Linda, where's my fucking drink?" He asked without turning back from the window. "This is not a pub, Liam!" She snapped but rummage
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136|Code Blue
The sound of a key rattling on her front door snapped Eden out of her daze, and a moment later, her friends shuffled in, looking all cosy and comfy in their jammies. "Edie, what the fuck happened?" Lydia screeched as she dumped her pillow and duvet on the sofa. Since it was bound to be a long night, she came prepared. "Yeah, you haven't invoked 'code blue' since Simon," Cassandra added as she uncorked the bottle of red wine and waited for Sienna to hand her the glasses. Eden couldn't wait that long, though. She snatched the bottle as soon as it was opened, not caring at all she'd wake up with a banger of a headache or, worse, an upset tummy. She took a huge mouthful, stunning everyone with her level of commitment. They knew she'd gone on a bender recently, but it was the first time in two years she was drinking in their presence. They exchanged worried looks as she set the bottle down on the counter. "He knows," she announced in a dead
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137|Hindsight Is Always 20/20
Cheerful and chatty by nature, both James and Steven were unusually quiet on the drive back to his place, and Liam wasn't exactly in the mood to figure out the reason behind their long faces. He had a pretty good idea, though. Both men were less than thrilled with the way he'd handled his confrontation with Eden earlier. They'd be glad to know it made three of them. But he'd carry all the regrets. Liam didn't want to admit it, but Linda was right about everything. He should have given himself time to process and accept his new reality instead of rushing to Eden's place like a mad man. And he certainly should have given her time to acknowledge her mistakes. But now that he'd already backed them both into a corner and he saw no other way out. The only way to go now was forward. He laughed—but it sounded like a snort more than anything— when he remembered a bumper sticker he once saw on an old pickup truck, proclaiming hindsight i
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138|With Every Breath In Me
"Is it true Aiden McBride is your son?" Lois got straight to the heart of their visit as soon as they were all arranged around the fireplace in his living room. "How do you know about that?" Liam groaned and buried his face in his hands, already dreading the unavoidable inquisition from his parents. "James," Clarke replied. "You forget he reports to me." Right, Liam seethed. He should fire the whole lot of them and get his own people. "So?" Lois leaned forward, her eyes shining with hope and expectation. "He is," Liam admitted. "Has it been confirmed?" His father asked, a deep frown creasing his forehead. "Yes, it was." "Unbelievable," Lois burst into tears, and Clarke held her while she sniffled, and his sisters threw mildly unimpressed looks in his direction. Her eyes still moist, her nose red and blotchy, his mother stirred to life again with endless questions and demands. "Where is he? I want to see him. I w
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139|Cold War
Their cold war lasted three days. It would have carried on longer if Eden didn't decide to grow a pair and confront Liam. After wearing the tiles thin with all her pacing outside his office, she finally plucked up the courage and knocked on his door. She knew he was free. He'd cancelled his 11:00 AM and offered no reason. Of course, since he's the boss, she never asked because she was already skating on thin ice as it was. She waited exactly two minutes to be invited inside. Liam's disembodied voice drifting from the other side of the door sent an exhilarated spark up her spine, and she closed her eyes, remembering all the blissful moments he'd said her name, the way he'd touched and kissed her. God, she craved his kisses as much as she missed the way he called her 'Princess'. "Keep it together," she told herself. Getting distracted when she was so close to an important negotiation wasn't the smartest of ideas. She needed all her wits
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140|Choose The Extreme
Eden spent a restless night, imagining every possible scenario, her mind already inside the plush offices of Thomas Blaine Inc. By the time 5:00 AM rolled around, she was highly agitated. The longer she went through her morning routine and tried to pretend it was just like any other normal Wednesday morning, the harder it became to resist the urge to pack Aiden up and make a run for it. Liam would hunt her down for sure, but if she left now, she'd have a three-hour head start. She strolled to Brenda's room while she brushed her teeth and stared at Aiden, still sleeping peacefully in his cot. She could totally pull it off. She won't take a lot of stuff. Just an overnight bag and— Her phone pinged in her room, and she went to get it, her heart dropping to her feet as she read Liam's short but firm text. 'Don't even think about it.' Was he psychic? How did he know she was thinking of skipping town? Did he k
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