All Chapters of Begin Again: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
196 Chapters
121|Like You Too Much
It was still dark when Liam returned home after dropping Eden off, but the house should have been at least lively with Dave and the housekeepers as they got ready to start their day. It was surprisingly quiet, though, and the silence was even more deafening now that Eden was gone. Liam picked up the gift box with her dress and underwear and took it upstairs, smiling as he relived their conversation earlier when he asked for his shirt back. He was teasing her about the shirt, of course. But if he was honest, he liked having something of hers close to him. The smell of their lovemaking, still lingering in the air, hit him as soon he walked into his bedroom, and his eyes immediately fell on the tousled sheets, and he suddenly found himself missing Eden with a force that left him stunned for breath. He pulled out his phone and sent her a quick text. 'I miss you.' She replied immediately. 'You just miss fucking me, that's all.' Liam laughed and typ
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122|Buckle Up, Princes!
Mathew called Eden into his office as soon as she came in and gently broke the news to her. She was being reassigned back to the CEO's office. Reeling from the announcement, she asked. "Why? Did I do something wrong?" "Of course not." Her boss shook his head. "If I could keep you, I would. But you were hired to work in Liam's area." "Until he got rid of me!" She reminded him. "I don't want to go." Matthew touched her shoulders gently. "Liam means well. You'll learn a lot in his space." "I fail to see how," Eden said stubbornly. "He sits in meetings the whole day; there's only so many minutes and reports and presentations I can take. At least in your area, I can work with the user experience and marketing teams—" Matthew waved her off. "Eden, don't make this difficult. He's already on the way here to get you. We both know why he wants you back. He needs you close to him. He's not comfortable when he doesn't see you." "I am not h
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123|Let Them Stare
The girls were already seated in a corner booth, nibbling on their quesadillas and sipping their warm drinks, when Eden stepped into Rise in the food court some five minutes later. "Gah! I need something strong today!" She blew out an exasperated sigh and hid her face in her hands as soon as she sat down. "That bad, huh?" Cassandra asked, patting her back gently. "Here," Sienna murmured and slid the chai latte they'd ordered for her across the table. "Have something light instead. You'll thank me later when you wake up with no hangover tomorrow morning." "Thanks," Eden mumbled and stared broodily at her cup. "I must have been insane. Honestly, I think I've lost my mind. Why didn't you guys stop me when I applied for a job here?" "Well," Lydia smiled wickedly and shrugged. "We did, but you wanted Liam's dick so bad it was obvious anything we said wasn't gonna fly!" "Lydia!" Eden looked around the room cautiously, making sure no one had
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124|Simple, Standard Stuff
Liam held the door for her, and she jumped in the backseat. He joined her a second later, and they pulled away from Anderson Logistics. "Where are we going?" Eden asked as they left the skyscrapers behind and sped towards Glen Eagles. "To see my parents since they couldn't make it for the board meeting," he replied, taking her hand in his and held it on his lap. She relaxed in her seat and stared at their entwined hands, liking the calloused feel of his palm in her soft one. Liam had good manly hands, thanks to the countless hours he'd spent in the past—back when he was still a motorsport driver—tearing apart his cars' engines and putting them back together again. Eden remembered watching one of his interviews once where he had given an in-depth guide to his car maintenance routine. "Are you nervous about meeting them?" Liam whispered in her ear as he pulled her close to him. His low, gruff voice sent sparks of awareness twirling at her centre
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125|Make This Right
Liam's been back from lunch with his parents for a while now, but no matter how hard he tried to settle down for the afternoon and trudge through the thousands of proposals screaming for his attention, he couldn't. He pushed away from his desk and stalked his way to Matthew's office. "King Liam, twice in one day! To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit this time?" Matthew mocked him when he walked in and crashed on the couch. "Eden's old office," Liam said. "Don't you think there's something wrong with it?" "You mean apart from its size?" "Look at all the other offices; they're all cluttered with shit from their homes, family photos, travel boards, birthday cards." "So?" Matthew pushed away from the desk. "Eden doesn't have any of that. When I fetched her this morning, all her stuff fit in a small box." "Maybe she doesn't like clutter." "I get that," Liam blew out a frustrated breath. "But what about her son
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126|Fashion Week
It was hard to be in Rock Castle in the last week of April and not be steeped in the fanfare and drama that came with Fashion Week. Even if Eden didn't have a ticket to her front-row seat, there was no way she would have missed out on any part of the weeklong festivities because Sienna had a backstage press pass to cover the daily shows. Lydia, too, had secretly recorded the entire opening event, giving her a sneak peek of what to expect when she attended her hump day evening show. By the time Wednesday rolled around, Eden was a bundle of nerves, unable to sit still or hold down anything she ate. It was her first Fashion Week and as close to a red carpet event she would ever attend, but she'd also chosen today to break the news to Liam about Aiden. It wasn't their impending talk, though, that had her stomach in knots; after all, she had the custody agreement to help smooth things over. Eden's biggest worry was finding the right outfit
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127|House Of Cards
"Eden!" Laura was a picture of joy and politeness as she dazzled her with her megawatt smile. Eden could see right through her fake friendliness, though. But she smiled back anyway as she tried to side-step her. Laura quickly blocked her path. "Can we talk?" Eden didn't think they had anything to talk about, considering they didn't know each other very well. Before she could refuse, though, Liam's ex took her hand and pushed her to a dimly lit corner a few meters from the restrooms. "What's this about?" Eden demanded as soon as they were out of earshot and prying eyes. "I get to ask the questions, and you just listen," the other woman snapped, her saccharine smile vanishing as quickly as it had appeared, leaving a frostiness that chilled Eden to the bone. "Now, how long are you planning to keep this up?" "What?" She asked, baffled by the question. "Your innocent act," Laura murmured. "We both know you are hardly the saint that
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128|Truth Is Permanent And Fixed
Liam was neck-deep in reports and proposals when Clara knocked and came in with a tray of refreshments and his head of security in tow. She set the afternoon snacks on his desk and excused herself, but not before reminding him he had a 3:00 PM meeting with Matthew and the marketing team. "Mr Anderson, the report you asked for on Ms McBride and her son," James said when they were alone and handed him a brown A4 envelope. "You took your time," Liam murmured as he reached for his espresso and motioned for him to take a seat on the couch. "Ms McBride keeps her son out of the spotlight, and she doesn't seem to have any other social media accounts other than her I*******m. We had to do a bit of surveillance work." The head of security explained why it took his team a little over a week to get him the report. "What did you find?" Liam asked. His fingers were already ripping through the envelope, though. And within seconds, he came face to fac
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129|Without Trust
As soon as his head of security left, Liam gathered up the paternity test results, birth certificate and the report on Eden's dating history, stuffed them in the brown envelope with Aiden's photos and locked them away in his safe. He couldn't take any chances. The last thing he wanted was information about his son ending up in the wrong hands, or worse, getting leaked to the tabloids. He'd just thrown on his jacket and fixed his tie when Clara strolled in, a notebook in her hand and an anxious look in her eyes. She paused just inside the door and announced, "Sir, they are waiting for you. Ms Edwards and her team are already here." "I'm right behind you, Ms Winston." Liam nodded and followed her out of his office, his mind still racing at unprecedented speeds with endless questions. Twenty people were seated around the oval table when he walked into the boardroom on the 35th floor, but Liam only cared about one. He held Eden's gaze briefly before makin
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130|Your Only Warning
"Fucking hell, Laura!" Liam barked at his ex and pushed her away from him. She stumbled and fell in a clumsy heap at his feet. "She lied to you, and you still want her—" She spluttered out her bewilderment, but his cold, piercing gaze was enough to shut her up real quick. He gulped down more of the bourbon, resenting her even more for complicating his already messy evening. Now he not only had one but two issues to work through with Eden. "When did you find out?" He demanded when her words sunk in at last. "That night at Crush when she fought with her boyfriend. I tried to warn you the last time I was here, but you were adamant he's someone else's kid." "You knew!" His voice was dangerously soft as he placed the now half-empty bottle on his desk. "You knew, and you said nothing!" "You hate kids, remember? In all the years we were together, you never wanted them. I figured there's no need to tell you since you were so co
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