All Chapters of The Dark soul: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
Chapter 20: Don't Get Involved
Asher's POVSummer had told him to leave the minute she left, but Asher just couldn't bring himself to do it.  How could he after everything he had witnessed that night?  Instead he remained in his car watching as she disappeared into the crowd of guests and reporters.  He continued to watch as they all began swarming her when they noticed her presence.  And when she disappeared inside the building with Michael he still remained in place.Something about the way Summer had acted wasn't sitting well with him.  There seemed to be something serious going on, but how serious it was he wasn't sure. As he sat pondering it the crowd gathered at the entrance of Bon Temps began to disperse.News crews loaded up their vans and cars before heading out as the guests that had made their way outside turned and left instead of going back into the venue.It seemed that after the big spectacle Sarah had caused the festivi
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Chapter 21: She's Pregnant
Summer's POVHer head was reeling as Asher's threat and words sunk in.  If he wasn't going to allow her to go back then she would figure out a way to get away.  For the time being she just needed to bide her time.There was no way she wasn't going to go back.  If her father or Michael returned and she wasn't there things would become so much worse.  "I owe you no explanations."  She narrowed her gaze as she took in Asher's expectant face. Asher remained unphased by her words.  "We've got all night."  He said leaning back in his seat as he got comfortable.Summer clamped her mouth shut.  There was absolutely no chance she would confide in Asher everything that had transpired.  Doing so would mean getting him involved and she absolutely would not do that.If he wanted to play this game then she would oblige, at least until she could figure out a way to escape and get back to where Michae
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Chapter 22: Let The Game Begin
Asher's POVBright blinding light shining through his eyelids roused Asher.  With a groan he sat up to find he was in his bed still dressed from the day before.Confusion ran through him as he tried to recall what happened. He had brought Summer back to his place to give first aid after finding her injured.  Then he forced her to not leave by threatening to call the police on Michael and her father.  After that.... what happened after that?  His head was still pretty foggy and the images were coming slowly.  What happened after and why was he now alone?What.....She expertly knocked him out when he was caught off guard, that's what.He began to wonder exactly how she had even learned to do something like that so skillfully.  Why had she had to learn it?"What have you been through."  He murmured to himself as he rubbed the sore spot on the back of his neck.Getting up cautiously Asher d
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Chapter 23: Run Away With Me
Summer's POVSince moving in with her father Summer hadn't heard from or seen Michael.  It was a refreshing break from the agonizing norm that she had had to endure for the past two years since her father sold her to him for power.  Although she didn't necessarily want to be under the same roof as the bastard that helped create her, she found it easier to breath while with him.Since being released from the hospital he had been too busy dealing with work related issues to even pay her any mind.  Add in the scandal that Sarah stirred up and she never saw him around.In the blink of an eye a week had passed and Summer had a meeting to discuss business with David Johnson.  She initially didn't want to accept, but she couldn't ignore work related issues, so in the end she agreed.He hadn't mentioned whether or not Asher would be there to join them.  She wasn't sure if she was disappointed or relieved.  She had wanted to see him t
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Chapter 24: The Beginning of Rebellion
Summer's POVThe room around was so silent you could hear a pin drop.  Asher held Summer tightly as her thoughts began to take a dangerous turn.Could she actually go through with killing her father?  Would she even be able to do it?  If she ever wanted to be free that was her only option, but was she strong enough to succeed in it?"What's your answer?"  Asher murmured his hot breath tickling her shoulder where his face was buried.  "Will you run away with me?"Tensing Summer bit down on the yes that was trying to make its way out of her mouth.Right now was not the time to be getting swept away by beautiful expectations.  Having only been part of her father's gang for a short time she knew that he was not an easy opponent."Summer."  Asher's alluring voice was threatening to break all her resolve as he continued to try to sway her. Taking a deep breath she used both her hands to grip his arms
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Chapter 25: Shining Light
Summer's POVWeaving in and out of yards Summer tried to lose the men that were pursuing her.She didn't know how long it had been since she called David or if he even took her words seriously, but she was beginning to grow tired by the minute.  If help didn't arrive soon she was going to be captured.Refusing to allow that to happen she picked up pace as the houses around her began to grow fewer in number until dwindling down entirely leaving her out in the open where the men could easily see her.She could hear the men cursing at her from behind as they continued to chase.  It seemed their fear of her father's threat kept them going and they were catching up to her fast."YOU MIGHT AS WELL GIVE UP!"  The man closest to her yelled as he reached out to grab at her.With a yelp she dodged his grasp causing her to stumble.The realization that she wasn't going to get anywhere by running hit her in that moment.  All i
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Chapter 26: The Truth
Summer's POV Asher remained in place clutching her like his life depended on it as Summer surveyed the area.  All three of her father's men were knocked out cold and heavily injured.  She still couldn't quite believe that Asher had been the one to do that to them.  Especially the Asher that while growing up had been so meek. "You about done?"  Although Summer would like to just remain like this she knew they needed to leave before her dad's goonies woke up.  "If so we gotta get moving." Letting out a breath Asher loosened his hold on Summer's waist leaving her with a sense of loss as he removed his arms completely. "Who are these men?"  He demanded standing up and taking in the men he had single handedly taken care of.  "Why were they after you?" Summer couldn't help but roll her eyes.  They were basically standing at a crime scene and Asher wanted answers right here and now. "Can we get out of h
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Chapter 27: How it all Started
Summer's POVSummer wasn't exactly sure how she should go about explaining why she came to be with her father.  She didn't even know how she should tell Asher about the dark world he lived in.  He was already blaming himself for what her stepfather did.  How would he possibly take knowing how much worse things got for her?"Tell me."  His pleading voice whispered.  "Why did you disappear?"Taking a deep breath Summer braced herself for the onslaught of emotions she would face as she told him everything."I had no choice in the matter."  She could feel her mouth growing dry as she tried to find the best way to reveal the truth.  "When I woke up I was already in a foreign hospital.""Why though?"  Asher's brows had furrowed from confusion.  "Was your father even involved for the first eighteen years of your life?  I don't remember you ever mentioning him.""That's because I never knew him."&nbs
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Chapter 28: Run away
Summer's POVBright blinding light pushed through the dreamless darkness that Summer was enjoying, beckoning her to wake up and embrace the new day where all her troubles were still very much existent.Sighing she allowed her eyes to open taking in the man that still slept soundly beside her. Up close Summer could make out every single freckle that littered his cheeks and nose.  With a smile she found herself remembering how he used to hate his freckles, claiming that they made him look like a child.  Now as an adult Summer found that they made him more dashing."Time to get up." She murmured reaching up a hand to push a stray auburn lock away from Asher's forehead.A grumble of protest erupted from his lips as he pulled Summer closer to him.  "Five more minutes." He tried nuzzling against her chest."No time." They needed to get up and get moving, there wasn't time to sleep in and be idle.Letting out a groan of
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Chapter 29: Long Night
Summer's POVSummer listened to the sound of water running as Asher showered.  She had used the opportunity while he wasn't in the room to call and touch base with Reggie and Taylor, just to let them know that she had arrived at their chosen destination safe and sound.  Promising to meet with them the following day she hung up and waited for Asher to finish washing.Despite knowing that she shouldn't be she couldn't help but feel nervous as she listened to the water turn off.  After all she and Asher had already done everything there was to do, but she still felt like the eighteen year old her as she began to feel slight expectation at what would happen with just the two of them sharing a room.As the bathroom door opened and steam rushed out Summer felt her heart constrict painfully.  Emerging from the room was a very shirtless and still slightly dripping wet Asher.  She couldn't deny that the man looked damn good.  Time had truly
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