All Chapters of The Dark soul: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
50 Chapters
Chapter 40: Hospital
The cab pulled up in front of First Crest Hospital with a squeal.  The whole way Summer had been nagging the driver about not driving quick enough spurring his annoyance.  Throwing bills at him Summer quickly exited and ran to the entrance.A woman sitting behind the reception desk looked up at her curiously as Summer rushed to inquire about Asher's whereabouts."Which room is Asher Roth in?" Summer demanded slamming her hands down on the desk."Asher Roth?" The woman repeated before beginning to type on her computer.  "The trauma patient that just arrived?""Yes, him..." Summer said quickly.  "Which room is he in?""He is currently in surgery." The receptionist explained."Surgery?" Summer wasn't sure if she had heard the woman right.  "Why would he possibly be in surgery?""I can't tell you that." The receptionist explained.  "You will have to wait until he is out and moved to a room.  The doctor c
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Chapter 41: I'm Alive
"Are you done?" Asher asked as Summer's tears finally dried up.Nodding Summer sniffled, "Yeah, sorry about that."Feeling embarassed she tried not to look at Asher.  She couldn't believe that she had just spent all that time crying like a baby while the person that should be crying watched. "Don't say sorry." Asher muttered as he attempted to smile.  "Especially to me.""But..." Summer tried only to be stopped by Asher shaking his head."I told you that you aren't the one to blame for this." He repeated sternly.  "You tried to keep me away and I was the stubborn one that refused.""None of this is fair to you." Summer sighed.  "I should have never let you get involved.""Too late for that now." Asher pointed out.  "And even if we repeated the same situation I would have made the same choices all over again.""Why are you so kind?" Summer asked sitting up to look into Asher's eyes.  "I don't
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Chapter 42: Next move
The sun had fully gone down by the time Summer rolled away from Asher gasping for breath.  For a man who had been severely beaten and had even had surgery he was still so full of energy.  Despite Summer attempting to stop him and insisting he needed rest he just couldn't be satiated."Are you okay?" Asher asked turning his head to look at Summer.  "Was that too much?""I should be asking you that." Summer countered still trying to catch her breath.  "You're a patient after all.""Minor wounds." Asher insisted reaching towards Summer again."No more." Summer said sternly swatting Asher's hand away.  "You need to focus on recovery.""I think I've shown that I'm just fine." Asher pointed out."Be serious please." Summer insisted sitting up and scooting to the edge of the hospital bed.She wasn't sure how long it would take for the doctor to come back and take a look at Asher, but she didn't want to be caught comp
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Chapter 43: Hideout
"Are you sure it is safe to move him?" Summer asked as Reggie and Taylor began lifting Asher off of his hospital bed. Wincing Asher tried to feign being okay, but by the look of pain on his face it was easy to tell that he was hurting.  Summer couldn't help but blame herself as she watched, she was sure the exertion from earlier hadn't helped matters, even if he seemed fine during, it didn't mean that he actually was. "Stop being a worried mother." Reggie chuckled as he and Taylor began to move towards the exit.  "Your man's going to be just fine." "He isn't...." Summer began only to stop mid sentence with a look from Asher. With everything that had been going on Summer wasn't entirely sure what they were.  They hadn't set any particular label and they hadn't even really discussed anything.  To her they were just two people who were sleeping together, but she didn't know what Asher thought. Shaking his head Reggie let out a
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Chapter 44: Father and Son Argue
"You've grown some balls Summer." Allen whistled after Summer finished telling her story.During her tale Asher had managed to get an arm around her pulling her to sit on the bed beside him.  Even after she had obliged he hadn't removed the arm, making it clear he was showing her emotional support.  Summer appreciated the notion, but the looks she was recieving from everyone in the room due to it was a little much for her."It was a long time comin' if you think about it." Reggie pointed out in Summer's defense.  "Should she just has stuck around with Michael all her life?"At the mention of Michael's name Asher's arm tightened around Summer's waist a movement that went unnoticed to everyone except Summer."I think she should have gone about this smarter." Allen countered shooting Reggie a look.  "To do it this way, this was just asking to die.""She was almost killed before this!" Asher who had remained quiet until now snapped.
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Chapter 45: The plan
Summer waited until Asher was fully asleep before she snuck out of the room and headed towards the common room of the Wilson's hideout to find the twins and their father still awake and deep in discussion.  From the looks on their faces, it was clear that whatever they were talking about was pretty serious.Noticing Summer's presence they lifted their heads and fixed their eyes on her as she made her way towards them."What's up?" Summer asked as she reached.  "I didn't mean to disrupt you.""It's no big deal." Reggie quickly said.  "This involves you too anyway.""Oh yeah?" Summer asked sitting down beside Vincent.  "What's going on?""Your father called." Vincent said slowly weighing Summer's reaction to this news.  "He wants to have a meeting with you.""With me?" Summer repeated.  "Did he say when?""Tomorrow." Reggie respoded as his face darkened.  "You can't possibly be planning on going."
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Chapter 46: Last Night
"What's the plan dad?" Reggie asked once everyone was settled and ready to listen.  "Better be a good one." "I think we should have Summer purposely give herself away." Vincent explained. "ARE YOU INSANE!" Reggie yelled hitting the table.  "Are you going insane in your old age?" "Hear him out." Summer murmured piqued by Vincent's suggestion.  "What do you have in mind?" "I have some people on the inside that Jackson still isn't aware of." Vincent continued to explain.  "They can keep us updated on what is happening with Summer and help us get on the inside." "But what if he hurts her?" Asher demanded taking Reggie's side on thinking the old mans plan wasn't the best. "Could you let him finish please." Summer snapped shutting up the two men.  "Vincent please continue." "As I was saying," Vince grumbled, "we can let her get on the inside...." "DAD!" Reggie bellowed cutting the man off again.
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Chapter 47: Return
Summer's POV "Leave them out of this." Summer hissed keeping her gaze fixed on her father.  "This is between us and neither one have anything to do with this." "Son?" The word could just be heard through the earpiece Summer was wearing.  "Did he just say son?" Trying to ignore the chaos that was beginning to break out on the other side of the line Summer watched as Jackson began to move towards her. "But they do." He said now laughing.  "Had neither existed then you wouldn't have been disobedient.  You would have listened to everything I said and been a good submissive daughter." "I wouldn't have been submissive even if they didn't exist." Summer pointed out in disgust.  "People aren't tools you can use as you please." "Oh aren't they?" Jackson countered as he closed the distance between them.  "Everyone is a dispensable tool to me." Summer didn't have enough time to react as Jackson produced a taz
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Chapter 48: Take Action
Summer's POV "....How much....." The irrirated voice drifted to Summer through her hazy state. "......Longer..." As Summer began to come to she felt a chill run up her spine at the voices that were breaking through her hazy state.  Memories of what had happened right before she blacked out began to drift to her as she slowly became aware. "Did you use too much electricity?" Michael demanded sounding ready to explode. "Does it really matter?" Jackson responded in annoyance.  "Worst that happens the bitch dies, best she wakes up an idiot." Summer had to stop herself from laughing at her father's harsh words, neither man had noticed that she had woken up yet and she wanted to keep it that way. "The men will be here soon." Michael huffed, "If she doesn't wake up soon what good will she be for them?" "I'm sure they'd enjoy even if she was asleep." Jackson chuckled. No longer able to remain calm Summer shot
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Epilogue: The End
Asher's POVThe car Reggie was driving screeched to a stop in front of Jackson's house.  The scene in front was that of a horror movie with all the ambulances and firetrucks that lined the streets and driveways.On the lawn ahead laid an unmoving woman that paramedics crowded around, while a foot away from her lay a body underneath a white sheet.Filling his heart begin to pound in his chest Asher jumped out of the car despite the yells of Reggie and Taylor, making his way quickly forward."SUMMER!" Asher yelled just as a police officer held out an arm to stop him from coming any closer.  "LET ME GO!""I'm sorry but you can't move any closer." The police responded calmly while easily holding the frantic Asher back."Please!" Asher begged trying to break free.The longer Asher was held back by the officer the more his panic and fear grew.  Everything about the scene he was watching was similar to that of six years ago.&n
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