All Chapters of Loving Jupiter : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
266 Chapters
Chapter 98
JUNO'S point of viewOne final glance from the closed window, I carefully pushed the door open, just enough for my body to slide out of the car.I was sweating hardly from anxiety and fear of being caught in the act. I glanced back at the window to check on the three men outside. I'm still facing their backs as they were busy puffing cigarettes and talking shit near the cliff.One more silent push, I bit my lower lip and bent down carefully before pushing one leg out. I'm not even breathing anymore! I was too afraid that even a simple sigh would jeopardize my escape plan!I muttered another prayer before pushing the door wider to finally let half of my body out. My eye were never leaving the demons outside. I swear if they got me killed right now and I find out that my good boyfriend is not doing anything to save me, I'll come back as a ghost to haunt him every fucking night!I'm literally risking my life for you! I screamed inside my head.
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Chapter 99
JUNO'S point of view"I live in the city but I usually come and hang out here when I need some time alone. My grandfather own this land and he built this tree house for my sister."I continued munching on the bread while listening silently to his stories. I found out that his name is Niel. He's just twenty and still in college. Apparently, he failed one subject and got into a heated fight with his mother, reason why he's in here right now."My grandparents' house is ten minutes away from here. We can go there and get you slippers? And treat your wounded feet, too."I leaned on the window and looked around."Can I borrow your phone?""You can. However, I already ran out of battery. The charger's in my car and it was parked in my grandparents' house."I sighed and smiled at him, nevertheless. I brought my gaze back to the window with alertness."Why are you here? Are you running away from someone?""Yes. I was kidnapped this morning."
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Chapter 100
JUPITER'S point of view"Are you crazy? They're just gonna run after you and drag you back here. You're not the fastest runner I know." Venus silently admonished me while trying to hold me back from escaping away. She's tightly gripping on my shirt just to stop me.I rolled my eyes and tried to swat away her hand. "We'll see about that. Stay here and don't follow.""Of course, I'll follow! What? Those cops are surely gonna chase you and I'll be left alone here? Hell no!"I groaned out loud at her stubbornness. Of course, why do I have to share the same personality with her?I didn't respond anymore. All I could think about now is Juno and her safety. Without any hesitation, I forcefully pulled my shirt out from my sister's grip and jogged across the road. When my feet finally touched the grasses, that's when I started quickening my pace."Jupiter! Goddamn it!" Venus yelled, and so as the cops. I run faster when they began chasing me.
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Chapter 101
JUNO'S point of viewI teared up happily as we watch from the window how the police easily caught the man who brought threat to my being. Neil clapped and cheered joyously which gathered everyone's attention. Relief flashed on everyone's faces upon seeing us. The police quickly motioned for us to come down so we didn't waste any more time.Neil threw out the ladder rope and climbed down first, assisting me right after. I was so thankful and amazed 'cause they were able to locate us! I thought it'll take me quite long considering that my phone was gone. There is nothing left to use to trace me. "Are you hurt, Ms. Soledad. We're already calling an ambulance to have you checked," one of the police interrogated me and I chuckled before shaking my head."I got slapped once but I don't think it's that serious.""Yeah? Look at your feet," Neil pointed out and I cussed when I remembered how severely wounded my feet were.It must be the relie
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Chapter 102
JUPITER'S point of viewThe relief that washed over me when I saw Juno being carried out of the forest was above the sky. I thought I've lost her! I thought we're too late!I carried her to the ambulance when I saw her wounded and bleeding feet. She must've ran for her life, barefooted in the woods... scared and feeling helpless.I couldn't help but blame myself continuously for this. Venus and Juno... the only women in my life, I nearly lost them today. If they weren't brave enough to defy those fucking demons who want nothing but to harm them, I'm probably mourning by now.I shook my head to erase those thoughts in my head. I shouldn't be thinking of those what-ifs if bravery and luck didn't cooperate with us today. All that matters right now is they are both safe. "Jupiter, son!" My Dad appeared in the hallway after I exited Juno's room to face the police. "What is happening right now? Your girlfriend and sister got kidnapped? Where are they? I
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Chapter 103
JUNO'S point of viewSebastian Acosta left the room after paying us a visit upon hearing the kidnapping incident. He wasn't able to stay longer since he still have so much problems left on his plate from the recent company issue.Venus totally understood. And the old man didn't have to stay with us longer anyway since we're not badly injured in the first place. Unexpectedly, Jupiter arrived back sooner. We were actually on our way out after Venus was done signing my discharge papers. Neil was kindly helping me with my wheelchair while I was eating some fruits on my lap.My eyes sparkled happily when Jupiter appeared on the hallway and jogged towards us. "You're back early! What did you say to the police?"He smiled, bent down, and then kissed me on the forehead. He looked at Neil shortly, as if telling him that he'll take over in pushing the wheelchair for me."Dear God, I hope you didn't screw up the interrogation!" Venus muttered hopefu
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Chapter 104
JUNO'S point of viewI stretched my limbs and searched for Jupiter beside me. When my palm met the empty mattress on my side, my eyes quickly fluttered open. Where is that man again?!I yawned out loud before sitting up on the bed. I slept in his condo to grant his personal request. When I looked around the bedroom, I rolled my eyes when I saw his used clothes scattered on the floor. He must've gone to work really early 'cause it's just seven in the morning based on the wall clock across me!I looked at the bedside table, expecting a hand written note from him but found nothing in there. I assumed he must have placed them on the fridge or near my food.However, my expectations were met by disappointments when none of those things are around the kitchen. No hand written letter. No food on the table. I groaned out loud and pushed the wheelchair towards the coffee maker. I bet that man didn't even eat or had his coffee before going out. I'm disa
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Chapter 105
JUNO'S point of view"Juno, stop!" Jupiter laughingly swatted my hand away when I tried to tickle him for the hundredth time that morning. "I'm driving! Do you want us to cause an accident, huh?"I pouted and gave him an innocent face before fixing the red beret hat I was wearing. "Do I really need to wear this?"We were on our way to my art school today to finalize my enrollment. Jupiter bought this hat for me 'cause he said it'll make me look like an actual legit painter! And he said I look cute in it! Everytime I'm trying to take it off, he was quick to put it back and gave me his dagger eyes.I pursed my lips and crossed my arms. This is so dramatic! He even want me to wear a denim romper jumpsuit! Of course, I didn't let him win on that one. "Please baby, you look so cute on that hat. Don't take it off," he pleaded cutely at me. Before we left the house, he was hyping me up so bad and taking so much pictures of me! I think he's even more
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Chapter 106
JUPITER'S point of viewI looked around the garden anxiously before glancing at my wrist watch. We have an hour and a half left before dinner so I let out a silent breath of relief. We're done setting up the table so I have more time left to rehearse my confession speech to Dad.Yes. Tonight, I have decided to tell him everything. Venus and Juno helped me out to make the setup and meal extra special. We brought the dining table here in the garden and put on some light bulbs to make the atmosphere more aesthetically pleasing."Hey. Chill! Breathe in, breathe out." My girlfriend approached me and I have no idea if she's genuinely trying to calm me down or just mocking me because I can clearly see her lips twitching to hold back her smile.I glared at her and lightly pinched her nose. "Write me a few sentence so I'd have an idea what to say later. You're pretty good at it, right?""Oh, absolutely not. Keep it real and genuine, Jupiter."I exp
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Chapter 107
JUNO'S point of view"W-what? What, Dad? Did I hear it right?" Venus gasped dramatically. And based on her facial expression, she didn't take the news as a good one.Jupiter was silent and stunned beside me. "Yes, Venus. The wedding will be-""Oh my God! Stop!" I bit my lower and looked away when Venus yelled at their father. It feels so wrong to be sitting in the same table with them right now. This is a family matter and I feel like I shouldn't be here right now and listening to their personal quarrel."Venus, darling-""I said stop! This news is fucking ridiculous, Dad! A wedding out of nowhere? We didn't even know you're seeing someone right now? How long have you been dating this woman we don't even fucking know?!"Sebastian dropped his utensils and sighed heavily. "Venus, we can talk about this without shouting."I looked up and found Venus beginning to tear up. Her mouth opened up, but then closed again, as if holding back
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