All Chapters of Loving Jupiter : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
266 Chapters
Chapter 118
JUNO'S point of viewI was in a really foul mood during our dinner after what just happened this noon inside the bathroom.Thankfully, they sober up before eight PM 'cause my stomach was already grumbling in hunger. I kept glaring at Jupiter who seemed oblivious of what just happened to us."What's wrong?" He asked softly when I hissed in irritation after he put more pasta on my plate. "You don't like the pasta? What do you want, babe?""Just eat! I can manage on my own. You don't have to constantly pour food on my plate."He bit his lower lip, his stares were confused and weighing me gently because of my mood."She's mad because we all passed out and she was left to clean on her own," Venus chuckled on her seat which also earned her a glare from me."You weaklings! We didn't even finish the beer case and you all are already down?"She snorted and rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry that we're not alcohol freaks!""Neither am I? You party m
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Chapter 119
JUNO'S point of view"So w-what are we gonna do now?!" I yelled at him when anxiety and fear began rising to my chest. "My God! You have one freaking job! And now you're here on the verge of killing me and my boyfriend!""Juno, calm down, babe..." Jupiter held my hand before carefully approaching the driver to check on the boat's issue."How big is the hole? Do you have anything there to cover it up?"My eyes widened and I felt my hands getting colder when I saw the water slowly making its way to the passenger space.I looked back at the beach and was slightly relieved that we haven't gotten so far yet. I reached for my phone and nearly screamed in happiness when I saw the signal bar in full capacity."I'll call Venus and ask her to send us a rescue boat here."Jupiter nodded while the driver remained embarrassed about the situation. Venus quickly picked up the call. "Hey? How's snorkeling? You calling me from under the water?" She lau
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Chapter 120
JUNO'S point of viewI couldn't properly my wrap my head around the informations Jacob had just told me. The woman's name is Leticia Guevara, and apparently, she's somehow connected to Engineer De Silva. Yes. The same Engineer who fucked up the ACF building project."The twins... have you told them yet?" I asked Jacob shook his head."I was planning to tell Jupiter once vacation days are over so I won't spoil his fun. Didn't expect it'll be cut off shorter because of the accident. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if this accident isn't really an accident."My stomach felt cold hearing that. Somebody was purposely trying to kill Sebastian Acosta?We went back to the third floor to check on the twins. Leticia Guevara was already nowhere in the room when we arrived back."Jupiter, I need to talk to you outside." Jacob called him out so I was left alone with Venus inside the room.I dragged a chair closer to her. "How was it? What can yo
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Chapter 121
JUNO'S point of view"Why was the ketchup red?" I laughed out loud 'cause I already know the joke but I kept going and pretended I didn't know it. I leaned back on my chair while clutching my stomach. Jace has been telling corny jokes the whole time we're in the restaurant and he's totally unstoppable!"Okay, why?" I answered, nearly tearing up."Because he saw the salad dressing," I chorused with him and he glared before I burst out laughing once again. We're on our second bottle of wine. He seemed to have a strong control over his alcohol like me. We're already flushed on our seats and the restaurant was nearly closing as the customers are slowly leaving. "Hey, that was mean! Stop stealing my thunder, Juno. You're supposed to shut up while I'm telling the joke.""Sure, Jace. You corny ass!"I looked at my phone to check the time. I haven't touch and look into it since Jace arrived. I was extremely disappointed of Jupiter 'cause he
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Chapter 122
JUPITER'S point of view I let out an exhausted sigh as I leaned back tiredly on my swivel chair. My eyes felt so heavy and I feel like I'll pass out anytime in front of my computer and all these papers that needed an urgent attention.I barely got any sleep. And I barely have time to go home so I just sleep on the couch of my office and wakes up really early to continue whatever was left on my table the day before.I glanced at my wrist watch and saw that it's nearly twelve in the afternoon.My stomach grumbled and I realized that I only had a cup of coffee since I woke up this morning. I reached for my personal phone to send Monica a message. My eyes lit up when I saw some unread messages from Juno that she sent an hour ago.I clicked on her message first before texting Monica. Juno:Babe! Good morning! I hope you're eating well. Please take care of yourself.Juno:By they way, I'm in class right now and I just finished this art
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Chapter 123
JUPITER'S point of viewVenus hasn't uttered a single word since I arrived in the hospital. She's just crying and very unresponsive. And I totally understand. I, too, is still in a state of shock after the news. We're very lucky that Jacob and Monica were both there to assist us.We have decided to cremate our father's remain instead of purchasing a casket for his burial. I heaved out a deep sigh before fishing out my broken phone inside my pocket. I nearly faced palm when I remembered my dinner date with Juno tonight! Oh, fuck! I've been late for more than an hour! I typed in a short reply informing her about my father's death, and that I wanted her to be here so I can personally apologize for leaving her hanging in the restaurant. Also, I badly need her right now. Her presence calms me down and I feel sane whenever she's around.We signed a few papers and paid for the hospital bill before contacting a cremation center that would handle my fathe
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Chapter 124
JUNO'S point of viewI sat down silently inside the car, watching as the guests leave one by one after the burial ceremony. It's been two hours since they buried Sebastian Acosta's cremated remains. But Venus, on the other hand, remained kneeling in front of the black marble tomb of her parents.Jacob and Monica were both beside her. Jupiter, meanwhile, was the one entertaining the guests who are all on their way out of the cemetery."You sure you don't want to approach them?" Leo asked who's also seated inside the car with me. We've been here before the ceremony even begins, just watching them from afar.I couldn't approach them since I'm afraid that Jupiter is still mad at me. I'm afraid he'll just drive me away again like the last time. And Venus... is she mad at me as well?I expelled a deep sigh before pushing the door bravely. I know Jupiter is aware that I'm here since we're not even hiding to begin with. The fact that he didn't make any eff
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Chapter 125
JUNO'S point of viewI wasn't sure where is he taking me but I didn't mind at all as I set there on the passenger seat silently beside him. My eyes darted out the window. And clearly, we are not heading to their house, or his condominium. The car is actually taking the route out of the city.Where is he possibly taking me? Why do we need to go out of town for this 'talk' to happen?I licked my bottom lip and gave him a quick glance. His forehead was slightly creased as his eyes were deeply focused on the road. I noticed how he isn't taking care of his self really well these past days. It clearly shows physically on him.His body got a little thinner. The stubbles in his face are growing thicker and there dark bags under his eyes. I sighed and pursed my lips. I want to touch and hug him to my chest right now. I want cuddle him up and run my fingers along his hair and tell him that everything will work out eventually in the end."Jupiter... wher
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Chapter 126
JUNO'S point of viewI wasn't sure how long did we just sat there on the bed in silence. But I cried with him. While he was soaking my shirt, I was doing the same and crying silently on his shoulder. I patted his back before pulling away from him slightly so I can see his soaked face. I smiled weakly as I wipe away the traces of tears on his face. His eyes were both bloodshot red and puffy, as well as his nose. I shifted on my seat and pulled him with me towards the center of the mattress so we can lay down for a bit and have a more comfortable position.Jupiter laid his head close to my chest as I wrapped my arm around his weak and trembling body. "So this is how it feels like? Losing both of your parents?" He heaved out a shaky breath before snuggling closer to me. "I couldn't imagine how painful it was for you back then, Juno. You were young and alone. Your parents' death were sudden unlike mine that is subtly preparing me and Venus for the worse.
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Chapter 127
JUNO'S point of viewAfter our joyful lunch by the seaside, we slept through the whole afternoon. It was nearly six in the evening when a knock woken me up from my deep slumber.I yawned drowsily, pulling my body out of Jupiter's warm embrace. I stretched shortly before swinging my leg off the bed. "Coming!" I said as the knocking continued. Jupiter stirred on his sleep as his arm and eyes immediately searched for me. I chuckled as I walked towards the door, reaching for the doorknob. Matilda's face greeted me and she quickly flashed me an apologetic face upon seeing my newly woke up puffy eyes."I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep, dear. I came here to invite the two of your for dinner. Would you like to join me and Gerard on the backyard?""Oh!" I exclaimed, smiling in excitement. "No problem, Matilda. Of course, Jupiter and I will be there in five. Please give us a minute to prepare.""I'm glad to hear that! I'll see you two downstairs."
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