All Chapters of Loving Jupiter : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
266 Chapters
Chapter 138
JUNO'S point of viewI awkwardly laughed to ease the growing tension in the table after Jupiter's remark. Mike laughed as well, as if he's accepting an unspoken challenge that is being served to him.The dinner was goddamn awful. I couldn't even taste the food in my mouth because I was tensed having an asshole sit beside me. Jupiter had hid arm wrapped around my shoulder the whole time, never minding the challenge he's facing while eating a crab in one hand. I flopped down on the bed and groaned, absolutely relieved that the small feast was over. Jupiter dove down beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist."Let's not ruin our whole night because of that bastard, hmm. Let's put on a good movie-"I grumbled louder, knowing that he'd insist to watch a corny and awful local comedy movie. "Or... wanna take a dip?"My eyes immediately fluttered open. I turned to him excitedly, nodding my head repeatedly. "Oh my God! I'm gonna change into some
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Chapter 139
JUPITER'S point of viewMy hands went up to her waist as I let the tiny waves sway our entangled bodies together. I was hugging Juno from the back, her head was leaning comfortably against my body. The water barely reaching our chest.I looked up at the sky and sighed in relief. The moon was glowing up above us, which added to the tranquil atmosphere of the beach."What do you want for tomorrow's breakfast?"I heard her snorted at my question. "Why? You'd cook for me? I doubt Matilda would let you mess around the kitchen.""Why not?" I chuckled, kissing her shoulder. "The beach house owner is my girlfriend.""This is not a conjugal property," she rasped. "Yet..." I added which earned a giggle from her. "Fine. I'm getting sick of the junk foods here so cook me some fruit pancake.""Hmm... we'll have to see what's available in the pantry first."She nudged my stomach softly. "Then don't ask me what I like! Just go and cook whatever's in t
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Chapter 140
JUNO'S point of view"That guy! Seriously!" I exclaimed irritated as we marched our way back to the beach house. "What does he actually want? I can't spend another day with him creeping around here! I am kicking him out!"Jupiter sighed, his arms wrapped around my waist as he catch up to my quick pace. "I don't disagree with you, babe."So without another thought, we stepped inside the house and approached Matilda who seemed to be getting ready to leave the front desk and call it a day. "Hello, love birds! Seems like you two finally decided to enjoy the water... or not?" Her brows shot up inquiringly seeing the frown in our faces.I nodded, sauntering close on the wooden desk as I folded my arms on top of it. "Matilda, I don't want you to think that I'm power tripping with this little request I would have to ask from you."The old woman's face twisted in bafflement. "What is it, dear?"."It's about Mike." Jupiter squeezed the side of my waist."Okay,
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Chapter 141
JUNO'S point of view"What are you thinking, hmm?" I laid down beside him after turning off the television. We just finished a movie, and as usual, it was only me who was paying attention on the film.He seemed to be quiet lost in his own thoughts."Care to share what bothering my love?"He chuckled and shook his head, snuggling close to me from under the thick comforter."Nothing. I was just thinking about that man...""Huh?" My eyes snapped up at him. "Which man? Don't tell me you found a hottie in the beach when we were out earlier? Who was it?!"He chuckled once again, pinching my nose this time. "No, silly. I mean that asshole, Mike.""Oh..." my mood turned sour. "What about him?""I don't know, babe. He seemed to be quiet familiar." His forehead creased, as if thinking or trying to remember something. "I feel like I've seen him before. Couldn't remember, though.""Oh gosh," I sighed out.
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Chapter 142
JUNO'S point of view"Thank you, babe! Now turn around. I'll put lotion on your back as well." I grabbed the bottle of sunblock from him so I can apply on the part of his skin that is unreachable. He took off his white tank top and let his back faced me. We have less than two days left to enjoy the beach so we decided we'll roam around the place and look for some beach activities we can engage ourselves to. We'll also buy some souvenirs for Venus and Monica.After we're done putting lotion on our skin, we finally pushed to our feet and went out of our room. Matilda was occupied when we passed through the tiny front desk. Seems like news guests have arrived to replace Mike and I hope they aren't much of a creep as he is. I winced a little when I felt the burning sand under my feet despite the slippers I was wearing. Jupiter must've felt it too and I chuckled, watching the frown on his face as he struggled to walk beside me."We should've boug
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Chapter 143
JUNO'S point of view"I got it!" The man came running down the short staircase while waving a red book in his hand. I chuckled and made a tiny jump, slightly amused 'cause the tattoo artist was just as excited as we are. "Thank you, Sir!" I accepted the tiny notebook he was handing us. "By the way, my name is Juno. And this is my boyfriend, Jupiter. We are guests here and leaving in two days. Thought we'd get a tattoo as a souvenir."The man nodded, smiling. "I see. My name is Joseph. I've been working as a tattoo artist for twelve years now in this beach.""Twelve years? Wow!" Jupiter exclaimed, totally amazed. "Well that's very assuring that you won't mess up the design you'd be inking on our skins."I laughed as I began browsing on the book."Oh, I won't! I'm very passionate and careful about my work."I turned to Jupiter and handed the book to him. "You may choose for us, babe. In the meantime, I'll sit down with Joseph here 'cause I a
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Chapter 144
JUNO'S point of viewI was seated pretty far from them while facing the tattoo book and waiting for Jupiter's tattoo to be finished. I'm not sure how many times I've already taken a photo of my own tattoo since I was too happy and obsessed with it!I sent a few to Venus although she hasn't responded yet.I looked across the room and smiled as I watched Jupiter wince in pain. The tattoo artist was inking his left arm and I'm assuming that the design was a lot bigger than the ones I have on my wrist. He refused to tell me what it is since it's supposed to be a surprise, as he said.Half an hour later, he waved at me and flashed a thumbs up, to let me know that the tattoo is done. I dropped the book and excitedly sauntered towards them so I can have a look on his little surprise.My eyes widened and I slapped a hand over my mouth in surprise. Jupiter smiled expectantly at me. "Did you like it?""Oh my God, babe! I love it! This is beautiful!" I ex
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Chapter 145
JUNO'S point of viewJupiter and I were deeply satisfied by the finish design of our matching tattoos. Since it was hard to see it by ourselves, we just take photos of one another so we can take a look of it.Jupiter gave the man a big tip aside from the original price we're supposed to pay. We exited the tattoo shop totally satisfied with the arts now permanently inked on our body.I turned on my phone and saw that it's almost four in the noon. I looked at Jupiter who was wincing from time to time because of the huge tattoo he had inked on his left arm. I laughed and nudged him to get his attention. "That'll heal faster if you would dive in the salt water." I said, pointing at the beach.He glared at me, his lips in a thin line. "That would hurt like a wound being poured on by kilograms of salt, Juno. Do you want me acting like a worm here?"I laughed hard. "Well, maybe not. I don't deserve a boyfriend that'll publicly embarrass me.""You and
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Chapter 146
JUNO'S point of viewThe following day, we were shocked to see the flat tires of his car in the parking lot. Not just one, but all of them! Which makes it obvious that somebody purposely ruined his car so we wouldn't be able to leave.I held on his arm, feeling even more scared. When my eyes darted around the are, my heart raced nervously when I saw Mike looking at us from afar. A satisfied smirk was on his face. I glared at him, letting him know that we're aware that he's the one who did this. He left after that, leaving me seething on our feet."What are we gonna do now, babe? Do you know how to fix tires?""I know but I only have one spare in the trunk. Maybe let's ask Gerard if there's a nearby car repair shop here?"I nodded as we sluggishly walked back to the house with our luggage."What happened? Did you two left anything in your room?" Matilda inquired when we stepped back inside the house. I sighed wearily, scratching the si
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Chapter 147
JUNO'S point of viewThe beach house was made in bamboos and woods which made it easier for the fire to spread all over the house. I coughed out loud as the smoke grew thicker inside the room, my eyes getting blurry as they sting so bad from the rising temperature.I reached for the doorknob and flinched when I felt it scorching against my palm. I felt like crying 'cause I'm running out of hope that I'll make it out alive.Where is Jupiter? Where is everyone? Matilda and Gerard? Why didn't they knock on my door when the fire isn't severe yet? I could already hear the woods breaking down from the other side of this door. I hurried towards the luggage and pulled out a thick shirt. I wrapped it around my hand before I marched back to the door to twist the doorknob open. I succeeded in doing so.But the hellish fire that greeted me as soon as I opened the door would be a lot challenging to escape. I bit my bottom lip as I felt my body trembled anxious
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