All Chapters of Loving Jupiter : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
266 Chapters
Chapter 128
JUNO'S point of view"Thank you so much, Matilda and Gerard. We loved the dinner. The foods are amazing and well cooked. We hope to eat meal with you guys again for the next days of our stay here." "Of course, dear! Let me know if you two want something in specific. I'll see if I can cook it for you guys," Matilda said."Oh, I love crabs, Matilda! I hope you have some special recipe for delicious seashells?" Jupiter kidded and Gerard quickly answered."Oh, there is! My wife knows a few recipe and they're the best. I'm gonna have a look at the wet market tomorrow for crabs. Or maybe in the fish landing for cheaper price.""We'll then, I'm looking forward to it."I cling my arm around Jupiter's as we finally headed back upstairs to our room. We'll get our wallets so we can have a look around the beach for some casual clothes."Tell Venus, or Jacob, that we'll be gone for a few days." I reminded him as we arrived back to the second floor. "I'm wor
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Chapter 129
JUNO'S point of viewWe got back inside our room and decided to take turns on the bathroom for a shower. It's still pretty early and I don't think I'd fell asleep for the next three hours.While Jupiter was in the bathroom, I decided to rummage in the drawers and check if the small television mounted in front of the bed is working. Thankfully, we're lucky 'cause it is working just fine. I also found some CDs inside the drawers and I silently squealed in excitement when I realized they were horror films!I love watching horror films but only if I have a company. I'll put this in the DVD player later once I'm done taking a bath."What are you so excited for?" Jupiter stepped out of the bathroom with only his boxers on. He was drying his soaked hair using a white towel while raising a brow at me.I smiled and showed him the CD films I have found. "Let's watch later! I'm just gonna take a shower.""Hmm..." he walked towards me and crouched dow
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Chapter 130
JUNO'S point of viewI was woken up from my deep slumber when I felt multiple warm kisses all over my face. I groaned lazily as my eyes fluttered open, seeing Jupiter grinning down at me.I looked around the room and realized that the sun's already up. And based on the sunlight piercing through the curtain covered window above us, it's probably nine or ten in the morning."Get up, sleepyhead. I'm so hungry!" Jupiter whined before attacking me with his wet kisses once again, going for my neck this time.I giggled loudly and tried to push him away. His growing stubbles were tickling my skin. "We should get you a razor, babe! And maybe, look around the place for any barber shop. Your hair's growing a lot.""Hmm... you don't like my long hair? I think I'm slaying in this style."I laughed as I pull my head out of the pillow. "Not really. You aged a lot with all these hairs.""Aww, damn! You're right, let's look around for hair salons. I better
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Chapter 131
JUNO'S point of viewJupiter decided he'll have a haircut outside while I spend the noon napping inside our room. He asked if I would like to accompany him but I immediately uttered a big NO when we passed by the only barber shop in the beach this afternoon, when we were buying toiletries and junk foods for our movie nights."Don't fall in love with the lifeguards outside while I'm not beside you, okay?" I joked and he rolled his eyes at me before slamming the door close. I jumped back to the bed, the television was on and playing a corny romantic local movie. My hand searched for the remote to turn it off as I'm starting to feel bored and sleepy because of the afternoon sunlight.My eyelids were getting heavy and I was at verge of losing my consciousness when I heard my phone rang loudly from the bedside table. I groaned, scratching my head before sitting up the bed to check on the caller.Monica."Yes, hello? We're setting up the laptop before yo
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Chapter 132
JUPITER'S point of view"Ready to leave?" Juno teases me with her wiggling brows after packing my laptop and charger on a random tote bag she found in the closet. I frowned at her as I threw myself back on the soft mattress of the bed. I never want to leave! I just want to stay here with her all week! Or maybe, forever...Juno sauntered to me and held my arm, pulling me laughingly off of the bed. "Get up, come on! You need to leave early so you'd be able to come back early as well. I don't want you to drive after the sun.""I don't want to!""But you have to!""What if horrible circumstances come my way and forbids me from coming back here?" I asked worriedly in which she just responded with a laugh."Then I'm packing up to follow you home.""That's even worse! We can't even finish a whole week vacation. There's always gotta be a disturbance!"Juno sighed before sitting at the edge of the bed. I sat up beside her and threw my arms
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Chapter 133
JUNO'S point of viewAn hour after Jupiter left, I sat there on the bed, bored to death and contemplating whether I should put on a movie to entertain myself. I groaned when I realized they're all horror movies and I couldn't watch them all by myself. Sighing, I reached for my phone and texted Jupiter instead.Juno:Let me know once you've arrive safely. Miss you already!It's nearly lunch and my stomach's beginning to grumble in hunger. I rose from the bed and slipped in my comfy sandals to grab some food outside. On my way out, the door across me burst open and a tall man emerged out of the room. Our eyes locked for a second before I looked away and made my way to the stairs. "Hey! Uh... my name's Mike!" He catched up to me and introduced himself. "Did you check in alone? I just got here last night. Loved the ambiance of this place."I smiled politely and extended my hand for a handshake. "Hello, I'm Juno. Nice meeting you, Mi
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Chapter 134
JUNO'S point of view"Juno, dear!" Matilda sighed in relief upon seeing me stepped inside the house. The old woman was seated on the little counter and I smiled curiously at her reaction, striding my way to her."Matilda, hello! How is it going?""Oh. Gerard and I were looking for you and Jupiter to join us for lunch. I cooked the crab recipe your boyfriend had requested but nobody was answering when I knocked at your door earlier. Gerard tried to look around the beach but he couldn't find you two as well. Are you done eating?""Oh! Yes, I'm done eating. Unfortunately, Jupiter is out right now but he should be back this evening. I'll let him know to come home before dinner so we can join you and Gerard for the crab feast."Matilda laughed with mirth. "I see, dear. He's in the city?"I leaned in closer to the counter, getting comfortable with our conversation. "Yes. Needed to take care of some stuff at work.""I see. I cooked a lot so it'll be en
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Chapter 135
JUNO'S point of viewI woke up, gasping for air and totally scared from the near death experience I had from that dream. I sat on the bed and exhaled repeatedly to calm down myself. Now I'm ever more determined to stay away from that man! Call me judgement or whatever but he's really giving me the creeps!I jumped on my seat when a knock resounded from the door. A horrified expression crept up my face upon remembering the fresh nightmare I had a few minutes ago."Who's there?!" I yelled cautiously before peeking out the window. Just like in my dream, the sun is setting down outside painting the beach in a bright shade of orange."This is the biggest planet in the solar system."I let out the biggest sigh of relief hearing my boyfriend's corny response. I got off the bed and made my way towards the door to welcome him. Jupiter quickly wrapped me in his arms, showering kisses all over my face while I giggle nonstop in his embrace. "I brought us
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Chapter 136
JUNO'S point of viewOur plan to take a nap before dinner wasn't successful since Jupiter and I got caught up with our little catching up as if we were apart for a whole month.We just lay there on the bed for two hours, talking and hugging each other to satisfy our emotions."Did you see Venus? How is she?" "Yeah since I dropped by in the house to pull a larger bag. She's mostly in her room as what Jacob told me. He said she's barely crying now and just sleeping out the sadness.""Hmm... I couldn't say that's a nice progress. Crying and showing your emotion is better than locking them all up inside you. Please tell Jacob that he should keep a closer eye on your sister."He nodded, his head resting on top of my chest. "What about you, my love? Do you want to cry as well?"He chuckled silently before shaking his head. "I think I've already cried enough the first day. Thanks for being my human handkerchief.""Anything for my darling," I
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JUNO'S point of viewI rolled my eyes hearing my boyfriend's brave remark."Really? Or you're gonna scream like a barbie girl-""Hey!" He protested, glaring at me. "That's not what I did to Eugene. I beat him into a pulp when he dared to rise his tongue against you right in front of my face!" He even straightened his back and flexed his muscles to show how strong and courageous he was. I bit my bottom lip to stifle the laughter emerging in my throat."Of course you are, my dear. Now let's go and show that guy how strong my boyfriend is," I grinned at him teasingly as I clung my arm around his, pulling him out of the room."Seriously! I'm not kidding, babe! I would willingly get my knuckles bloody for you." He insisted as we marched down the stairs."Of course! And I'd... willingly sit down and watch those horrible movies for you."His eyes narrowed at my response. I laughed loudly as my hand slid down on his fingers, gripping them tightly w
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