All Chapters of Loving Jupiter : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
266 Chapters
Chapter 148
Third Person's point of viewThe wind by the beach side blew harder which added more fuel to the fire. Jupiter's heart hammered loudly against his chest as he felt the threatening tears peeking through the sides of his eyes. He tried to dial his girlfriend's number once again but this time, it was sent to voicemail. Unlike earlier where it was still ringing."Please! Let me in. My girlfriend is inside. Please! I need to help her out," he almost begged to the firemen circling the beach house's perimeter. "Sir, please. Step to the side. We are not allowed to let you in unless the fire is completely out. Let us do everything that we can to stop this fire."He glared at the man in uniform. "And what, huh?! Let my girlfriend suffocate to death? Or... or let her d-die into ashes? Nobody is doing anything to save her! All of you are fucking cowards!""Jupiter," a hand pulled him by the shoulder. "Calm down, dude. They're planning to get inside but the fire's growing bigger. They need to me
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Chapter 149
Third Person's point of viewJuno sat back down on the heated mattress, totally hopeless as the fire began tearing down the walls of the room they were staying at. She whimpered fearfully, tears cascading down her cheeks.She had turned off her phone after firmly telling Jupiter not to risk his life to save her. It's the rightful thing to do instead of endangering both of their lives.Juno rose up from the bed and made her way to the comfort room. Every single steps felt hot against the skin of her toes. The flipflops was useless as it wasn't enough to protect her delicate feet from the burning heat. She quickly turned on the two faucets inside the bathroom, hoping that the tiny amount of water would prolong her life. She washed her face and exhaled painfully. The intoxicating smell of smoke had infiltrated her nostrils and it hurts like hell! It was difficult to breath for her.She then stepped under the shower and let her body soaked in the water. The temperature inside the room ke
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Chapter 150
Third Person's point of viewTwo days after the fire, another sad news struck the beach of La Paz. Four dead bodies was found floating on the island nearby. One of the bodies was identified to be Gerard. Unfortunately, the authorities found their boat and it was reported to be damaged. Juno wiped her tears as she watched the reporter on the television narrate the tragic story. At least now, she's a bit relieved to know that Matilda didn't leave the world on her own. And Gerard didn't have to suffer in loneliness."They are indeed soulmates," Jupiter whispered to her ear and she nodded in agreement.She's finally out of the hospital and back to her house. Since then, Jupiter haven't leave her side yet. "Indeed. Their story would make a great romance novel."Jupiter chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. "I bet they will. And you'll be a great immortal character in a book."Juno laughed at his joke. "Well what can I say? I'm the main character. Nobody can defeat me.""Anyway, the girls
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Chapter 151
JUNO'S point of viewI rolled on the bed and yawned in contentment when I felt my boyfriend's warm body beside me. I could already feel the irritating heat of the sunlight piercing through the windows of my bedroom as I forgot to cover them with my curtains.My eyes then fluttered open and a smile break free from my lips when I was met by the beautiful tattoo on his upper arm. His skin has finally healed and I could perfectly see the art on its final form now. It's pretty! And it's me!I leaned in closer and placed a chaste kiss on the beautiful symbol of his love for me. I heard him groaned. And few seconds later, his yes fluttered open, quickly searching for my presence.I smiled widely at him and touched his face, caressing his cheek gently. "Good morning, baby. What do you want for breakfast?""Oh, wow." He rasped, chuckling silently. "My baby's gonna cook for me? Is this a miracle?""I'm very good in cooking, for your information! It was you who forced me to stay away in the kitc
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Chapter 152
Third Person's point of viewVenus made a reservation in a nearby shopping mall and the girls were all excited since Jupiter lended his card to the women as a treat. They were already listing down the things they'll be buying to drain his card. Juno would like to shop some clothes and Venus insisted that they get everything from a branded designer shop. She was hesitant though and didn't want to abuse his generosity."Idiot. It's what you deserve after he baited you multiple times to the grim reaper," Monica smirked through the huge mirror while they were all seated in the salon, having their hairs treated nicely. Venus laughed out loud and agreed. "He practically made you his bullet proof vest everytime an enemy is on attack. You shouldn't be doing that for free, honey."Juno rolled her eyes, her lips curving upwards at their jokes."But are you sure you want to stick around him, Juno?" Monica cocked her brows. "I'm just saying... you're safer without him.""I hate to admit it but
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Chapter 153
Third Person’s point of view The living was already out of lights when Juno arrived home. The only light eliminating the ground floor of her house was the tiny bulbs perching on the hallways. Her lip’s pursed as she struggled to carry the fancy paper bags in her hand. Her eyes then darted on the long stair case she’d have to climb up to get in her bedroom. She rolled her eyes and sighed in tiredness. Maybe she’d just leave them on the couch and get them back in the morning. Juno bent down and removed the killer heels she was wearing. She then sulk on the couch to massage her aching feet. A pleasured groan escaped her lips as her feet were finally freed from the goddamn pumps that tortured her the whole day. Finally! She thought to herself. Next time, she’ll remember not to wear such shoes if she’ll be hanging out with Venus. Or will there ever be a next time since today’s events somehow served as a warning to her. “It’s eight in the evening. Where have you been?” Juno nearly ju
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Chapter 154
JUNO'S point of view“I’ve been sure for so long, Jupiter. I’m just waiting for you to finally have the balls to move and claim me.” He stared down at me with his darkened eyes. His lips grazing on his bottom lip sexily as he let his eyes wander all over my face. "We can pretend that you didn't just say that, Juno. We can go to sleep instead and wake up in the morning while I practically pretend as if your horny side didn't just make an appearance tonight."I smirked as I encircled my arms around his neck, pulling his face closer into mine. "Fucking shut up and kiss me instead, you pussy!"His eyes widened at my use of vulgarity. "Oh well, I'm a slave to your words so I'll do whatever I'm told."My heart burst into flames as his warm lips finally enveloped mine. The way they were moving against me is making my head spin and slightly ace. Quickly, I wrapped my legs around his waist so he won't get away again... or change his mind. I've been very patient of him for a long time now a
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Chapter 155
Third Person’s point of view Jupiter couldn’t take the teasing and taunting anymore. He needed to be inside her now. He needed to feel her wrapped around her or he would lose his fucking mind. He grabbed her body and slammed her back on the mattress, underneath him, where she rightfully belongs. Juno let out a silent squeak before his mouth quickly covered hers. Their tongue battled passionately as his fingers made its way to her wetness. His chest swelled in too much pride knowing how ready she was for him. He made her wet! He was able to make her body respond to his touches. Their mouth parted and he sat back in between her legs, parting them wider so he can freely access her pulsing center. “Honey. Remember… we can stop anytime. Just let me know, okay? I’d pull away quickly,” he remind her. Although, he’d be deeply disappointed if she would ever push him off. “That’s not happening,” she smirked playfully at him. “Put it in now. You’re such a turtle.” He smirked back at her b
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Chapter 156
JUNO'S point of viewI yawned in boredom after finishing a book with a horrible ending. I felt like I wasted my whole afternoon because of it. I should've checked its reviews online first before I sat down to read it.My eyes then darted on the huge clock plastered on my bedroom wall. It's just two thirty in the afternoon. I'm already bored and missing Jupiter a lot and I don't think I could wait for another three hours to see him. Quickly, I hurried inside my closet and slipped into a white sweater and black skirts. I'll surprise him in the office! But before that, I need to call Monica to know if he's busy right now. I don't want to just suddenly appear and take his time off of his work. He could be having a lot of paper works on his table right now.I pouted and crossed my arms in front of the mirror. But I miss him! It's okay if he wouldn't be able to entertain me. I just want to have a glimpse of his handsome face!I didn't want to bother Leo anymore so I just booked an Uber to
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Chapter 157
JUNO'S point of view"What the fuck? Is this some kind of fetish, Juno?" He sat up beside me and threw me a weird look. I burst out laughing and smacked him on the arm."Yeah, I think it's somehow a fetish since I've been secretly fantasizing about it when I became your secretary," I shamelessly confessed to him. My lips pursed as I scooted closer to him, clinging my arm around his and leaning towards his face for a kiss. "I should've come here in a corporate attire instead. I look like a school girl waiting to be fucked by a handsome billionaire CEO."I watched him swallowed hard, as if trying his best not to give in to my temptations. "I... I d-don't I can grant your f-fantasy right now, babe. I have a lot of work on my table as of the moment." He looked away, jaw clenched tightly."Oh," I huffed in disappointment. "I can help in keeping them away, darling."He turned to me, his eyes throwing daggers to my direction. "No," he uttered firmly. "Go home. I'm calling Leo to pick you
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