All Chapters of Loving Jupiter : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
266 Chapters
Chapter 158
Third Person’s point of view Monica smirked as she hit the play button of the recording she just made after she caught the finance department head, Isabelle Mariano, being the culprit of the lies spreading around the building. Apparently, the woman confessed to Jupiter in the past. And due to her big ego and pried, she didn’t take the rejection sportly. So now that she found the chance to avenge her shattered ego, she quickly jumped into it and tarnish his impeccable reputation. Juno sneered in irritation as she listened to the short recording of Isabelle’s voice. The woman was so proud and satisfied of what she has done. And apparently, she had also accidentally spilled that she slept with one of the directors to have her promoted as her current department’s leader. Juno rose up from her seat. “Tell me where I can find this bitch! I swear to God I will rip off all the present hairs in her head!” She demanded angrily. Jupiter, on the other hand, remained silent on his seat. Altho
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Chapter 159
Third Person’s point of view Monica didn’t for the most part hesitate to do what she specifically was generally told to do. In fact, she’s even sort of more excited to actually see how this particularly little drama would unfold. God, she love dramas so much, fairly contrary to popular belief. It’s her actually daily dose of serotonin and happiness, which mostly is fairly significant. Well… there’s Alec too, of course. But that ‘awkward definitely stick man’ as what Juno called him, generally has been acting even weirder these days so she needed a new source of entertainment to distract her away from him. And this one would literally do. It’s maybe even for all intents and purposes more than enough. Monica essentially walked towards the speaker and connected her phone to it in a sort of major way. Isabelle definitely was watching her with pure horror in her eyes. She smirked triumphantly, remembering her heated pretty past encounters with the said woman. Isabelle specifically has
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Chapter 160
JUNO’s point of viewI actually laughed out kind of loud seeing the heated scene inside the conference room during the emergency meeting Jupiter for the most part had imposed to the board this noon, which actually is fairly significant. Monica made a group chat for the three of us, and she essentially sent a clip from the surveillance camera installed inside the conference room, for us to see what we had missed.I witnessed the confrontation that actually had literally happened and how Isabelle and and Mr. Chua basically embarrassed themselves in front of the board members.My heart basically swelled in happiness seeing and hearing my boyfriend mostly stand up for himself.The door chimed kind of opened and I excitedly got up from my seat, running out of the kitchen to definitely go and check if it was Jupiter, which is fairly significant. A happy grin made its way to my lips seeing him generally entered the entrance door.“Well, hello there handsome. Seems like you really earned your
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Chapter 161
Third Person’s point of view The couple sort of spent the whole noon roaming around the biggest shopping mall in the city, clinging particularly into each other like fucking koalas. Juno literally thanked all the saints that she didn’t specifically choose to wear a basically high heeled shoes that day or her feet will kind of be crying not even two hours into walking together. They stopped in the food court for an ice cream break. Their hands definitely were already full since Jupiter essentially decided to splurge once again and really spoil his royal highness, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. Juno glanced at her phone and basically found that it’s almost six in the evening. They for all intents and purposes have not basically had a proper kind of meal yet ‘cause all they essentially are consuming are junk foods and sweets. She pouted and slightly kicked his leg under the table, really contrary to popular belief. “Let’s eat a proper meal, please? I’m hung
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Chapter 162
JUNO'S point of view I was unable to speak after what I just heard. My legs and fingers began to tremble, unable to believe the secret he had just revealed to me."You... you're kidding, right?" I croaked out, hoping he'd take back the words he just spout out to me.But he remained silent. He remained trembling and unmoving in my embrace which later on triggered the tears out of my eyes. I bit my bottom lip, feeling extremely sad for him. And fucking angry at the world and to whoever abused his body.So this is the reason why he was so firm in rejecting Venus' birthday invitation? He literally developed a trauma out of a fucking yacht!And surely, his twin sister doesn't know. 'Cause if she does, she couldn't be that insensitive to throw around a fucking yacht party on their birthday and invite him over?Has he been keeping this trauma for so long... all to himself?My heart broke even more for him. I hugged him tighter and wiped my own tears."Who did it, babe?" I asked, my voice f
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Chapter 163
Third Person’s point of view Jupiter gulped as his girlfriend’s wild side made another comeback appearance in a fairly major way. She stripped naughtily in front of him until she’s left in her two piece underwear, which definitely is fairly significant. “Good thing I wore the same color today,” she generally winked at him, giggling cutely. “What are you waiting for? Do you for all intents and purposes want to dip in the pool fully clothed?” He cleared his throat and really looked away shyly… as if she haven’t seen all of him just yet. Seriously, what the fuck is he basically being shy for now? They made love two nights ago… and he just actually told her his deepest, darkest, and most disgustin secret in a particularly dramatic way. So disgusting that even him actually felt so grossed out of himself. “Wait. I’ll just… I’ll just tell the staffs to leave the ship now so we can have our privacy.” “Hmm… well okay.” he basically watched closely as she quickly opened the closet to kind
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Chapter 164
JUNO'S point of view"Fuck off! I'm not doing that!" I glared hard at him."As expected, she's a coward." He teased me, smirking widely."I'll have truth instead!" I changed my mind. When I said dirty, I meant it in a sexual way! I didn't expect he'd dare me to do such nasty stuff. But oh wait..."Do you have foot fetish, huh?" I accused him."What? No, I don't!" His eyes widened, cheeks flushed realizing that he actually come off as a man with that nasty fetish because of the dare he's asking me to do. "Fine! I'll ask you instead."Shoot!""Rate my cock.""Oh my God!" I burst out laughing at how straight forward he is. "I would say... eleven out of ten."He smirked proudly before spinning the bottle once again. I frowned when it landed on me again for the second time."You're the cheating here!" I angrily accused him and he looked at me with wide eyes."Excuse me? I'm not doing anything."I rolled my eyes and huffed. "Truth!""Oh, love... your cowardness is showing.""Just fuck off
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Chapter 165
JUNO'S point of viewJupiter:Are you done with class yet?I rolled my eyes heavenward seeing his text from an hour ago. This man is so persistent! I told him that I can manage. That he didn't need to drive and pick me up anymore but here he is, waiting for my class to finish so he can leave his company and run into me. Literally dropping his work just to pick me up!I groaned out, although my lips were curving upwards as I couldn't help but be touched by his sweetness and protective nature.I read his message one more time before typing in a reply.Me:Yes! Just finished packing up my things. I promise you don't have to come over here and delay your work. I can just call Leo to drive me home.He replied in two seconds!Jupiter:Nonsense! I'm on my way! See you and love you. Don't reply to this text anymore.Gosh. What a fucking cute dork!I went out of the building and waited for him at the bench outside. I was busy browsing shits on my phone when I felt somebody occupied the space b
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Chapter 166
JUNO'S point of viewI was weeping so hard inside the car because of the unbelievable news that just bombed me few minutes ago. I couldn't believe it! I wouldn't believe it until I see it with my own eyes that he's actually gone!It can't be! We were just talking on the phone about an hour ago! He said he'll be here to pick me up! And he told me that he loves me!I definitely sobbed louder, my shirt beginning to soak from the river of tears of I already really cried out in a subtle way."I'm so sorry, Juno." Niel basically whispered beside me. He kindly really volunteered to drive me to the hospital, kind of further showing how he kindly essentially volunteered to drive me to the hospital, or so they particularly thought.He even left his boyfriend and ditched the supposed date night with his partner just to drive for me in a definitely big way. Seriously, or so they particularly thought. It can't for the most part be in a subtle way. What actually am I gonna really do if he really le
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END*******JUNO’s point of view“Sat!” I yelled all over the house, looking for the hard headed kid who’s hiding away from me, trying to escape his usual ten thirty in the morning bath time.I looked at my dear husband who’s watching comfortably on the living room couch. His face was stuffed with pop corns while our youngest girl, Mars Avery, who just turned four years old two days ago, was playing with her big barbie dolls beside him.“Jupiter!” I yelled and his eyes immediately snapped up to me. His dark brown eyes widened seeing my irritated face.“Babe! W-what’s up?” He kept away the pop corns and rose from the couch to approach me. “What’s the problem, huh?”“Where is your goddamn son? I was supposed to bath him after Mars!”“Oh, uh… he said he’s gonna play xbox upstairs?”“And you let him go?” I asked, brows arched so high the Mount Everest would be shy. My hands rested on my hips and I glared sharply at him.This man just won’t literally stop spoiling our kids in a subtle way.
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