All Chapters of Billionaire Love Story Children Series : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
489 Chapters
Chapter 4
Olivia Camery"Good Afternoon Your Majesty. I'm Marco-""She hate when people call her that , just call her Olivia" I glared at the guy earlier and he shrugged"Let's just introduce ourselves first. Hello Olivia , I'm Matthew" The brown hair guy introduced himself"I'm Andrew""Cailey here""Crystal here""I'm Lauren , nice to meet you""Marco""Aiden" "Christian""Archer""I'm Autumn , nice to meet you Olivia" 
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Chapter 5
Olivia Camery"Are you guys insane?" The guy named Paxton looked at me and the rest crazily"One night" I said smiling awkwardly"Your Majesty I-""Call me Olivia" I cut him and he looked at me disbelief"This is crazy and insane , I can't keep a Princess here" Paxton said"I'll stay here to make sure everything is okay. She will stay only for one night" Daniel said and I looked at him weirdly. Since when he's so kind?"Daniel , we will get kill by the King" Paxton said"I will guarantee all of you here that my father will never touch you. I will guarantee it" I said seriously and Paxton turned to me
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Chapter 6
Daniel CesantioI woke up because the room is so damn hot. I might accidently press the remote and turn it off. I got up from the bed and took off my shirt. It's damn hot and I'm sweating crazily.I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I walked out from the room and decided to check on Olivia. I knocked on her room and no answer. Maybe she's still asleep. I walked to Paxton's kitchen and I slipped as I saw Olivia standing there making a coffee."Good morning Dan-" She gasped and closed her eyes"You just got up?""I went to the mart and apple store to buy a new phone," She said, still covering her eyes. I smirked and walked to her"Never seen a guy shirtless before?" I whispered to her ear and walked t
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Chapter 7
Daniel Cesantio"Where were you?" My dad asked"I met a friend""In Dubai?" He raised his eyebrows"Yes" I answered him"Let's go play some buggies" He patted my shoulder. I changed my clothes into something comfortable and walked out from my room"How is she?" I jumped when Matt suddenly appear"You scared me idiot. She's fine" I said"She will leave his house today right?" He asked and we entered the lift"Yeah""Aren't you worried?" He asked and I turned to him"Why should
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Chapter 8
Olivia CameryI was scared.I thought they were good guys but they ended up wanting to rape me. Thank God Daniel came to me fast or else I will be dead. It gave me a shock and I felt so lifeless from it.When I got into the car , the girls calmed me down. I can't help but still shaking right now. We got into the hotel and they helped me to cover up myself. Daniel put his arm around me and acted like we were a couple.I owed a lot to Daniel seriously"What will they react?" Archer asked and I'm worried because I will get Daniel and the others into trouble. We walked out from the lift and Daniel pulled me into his room."Stay here for a minute okay?" Daniel said and I nodded. I sat on the bed while waiti
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Chapter 9
Olivia CameryIt's raining heavy outside and they decided to just order pizza and burgers instead. We just ordered it and now Joan pulled me into her room to chit chat a little bit with the other girls."So Olivia , any boys that caught your eyes?" Lauren asked"To be honest , no. No one caught my eyes. I live in a palace too much, that's why it's hard to find someone. That's why my father decided to arrange marriage me with Jeremy" I said and they looked at me sadly"We always want to be a princess but I never thought being a princess this difficult and so.. uhmm unhappy?" Crystal said"It's not as easy as you think it would be. Everything has its rules , when you're eating , you're walking , you're talking. Everything has it rules , since I was
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Chapter 10
Olivia Camery"How can you fight like that earlier when you saved me?" I asked Daniel"We're not ordinary Olivia. Matthew's words are right""You're the 7 Gold Lifes" I stated and he nodded"Aaron , Sky , Alex , My dad , Luke , Sebastian and Nicholas are a really successful businessman since they were young and they sat on the biggest and the richest businessman in America. They have a lot of enemy before they got married and after they got married" Daniel said and I kept listening to him without interrupting"Since they were young , they always train to protect themselves cause there will be times that our team can't protect us so they trained like an FBI agent. Can use helicopter , boat , jet , car , bike , they learned how to use guns , grenade
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Chapter 11
Olivia Camery"I'm completely fine here Samantha" I said because she can't stop worrying"Father is so mad until now" Samantha sighed"How's mother?" I asked"She kept telling you that you will be fine but still you're father's precious kid. He's completely so worried about you. I hope you will come back soon" Samantha saidTo be honest.. I don't want to go back to the palace. It's so comfortable being here with Daniel and his friends. I don't want to go back to my princess life. I do miss my family but that's not the point right?"Samantha""Yes?""I like being like this" I said to her
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Chapter 12
Olivia Camery"Are you okay?" Cailey asked me and I turned to her"I'm fine" I smiled to her assuring her that I'm fine"What is it? We're going to have fun but why are you keep looking out the window blankly?" She asked"I'm just a little sleepy , I woke up at 6 today" I reasoned out"Of course you will be sleepy" Cailey smiled to me and I nodded"Let's go" Cailey said today's plan is to take an air balloon adventure. So we're going to get on an air balloon , how cool is that? It's cool but the fact that me and Daniel were not on good terms made me a little bit sad.I can be comfortable with others but Daniel is the most comfortable one. I mean I'm use to
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Chapter 13
Daniel Cesantio"You seems to open up with Olivia" Axel said as he sat beside me on the bar. I sipped my alcohol and scoffed"I pity her" I said"That's not a pity Daniel" Axel said after he ordered a drink"Just shut up Axel" I hissed"Oh come on Daniel , Camilla's case was 2 years ago. Get over it already and find someone else" He said and I hate when someone brought up about Camilla"I'm over it but I'm not ready to let someone in" I said honestly"Olivia is not bad" Axel said"Then you date her" I said as I sipped my drink again"Nah she's all yours" Axel chuckled lightly and we both sipped our drinks silently"You helped her , comforted her , asked our parents for her to stay with us , took care of her and other things that you never do for someone else""I did that for you guys" I said"Outside our circle Daniel , you know what I mean" Axel said in a really teasing tone"She will be with
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