All Chapters of Billionaire Love Story Children Series : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
489 Chapters
Chapter 24
Olivia Camery"Are you out of your mind Olivia?" Darren my brother bursted out and I just stayed silent"You ranaway 2 times , do you know how humiliating this is for us?" He bursted again"I'm not happy here Darren , I never felt happy in this palace before" I said calmly and he looked at me disbelief"You're a Princess , this is your duty whether you like it or not!" He said and at the same time my parents walked into the room. My father looked at me with the most scary expression that I've ever seen"You are grounded Olivia , I want you to marry Jeremy next week!" He stated and I showed them my hand. I threw the engagement ring"I threw the ring away , so there will be no marriage" I said
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Chapter 25
Olivia Camery"Let's horse ride," Samantha said and I shook my head. I'm not in a mood to do anything. I kept reading novels again and again which is crazy."Oh come let's go" She took my hand and pulled me out from my room"Samantha!""We're going to have fun today" My father wasn't joking that he will triple up the guards. He's crazy in this case and I swore I need to find a way to go out again. I mean I can use the same way as the previous one"It's been a week since you locked yourself in your room , let's have some fun will you?""Activity in the palace is not a definition of fun Samantha" I hissed and she chuckled"Oh come cheer up a little bit , you
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Chapter 26
Daniel Cesantio"Yes ship all the things here to America , after we'll distribute all of it from here" I said to John's secretary"Yes Mr. Cesantio , it will be shipped in 2-3 days. It will be arrive in a week because we have to ship some other orders to Brazil" He answered"Okay""Thankyou Mr. Cesantio" He said and I ended the call. I walked into my office and froze to see a bitch sitting on my desk"Baby" She smiled and walked to me in her skimpy dress. I looked at her disgustedly. She tried to hug me but I pushed her away immediately. I walked to my desk and called the security team"Baby don't do this to me" How can she even get in here?"Baby? Do you h
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Chapter 27
Olivia Camery"There's a lot of paparazzi outside" I said looking at them in horror"Yeah , just ignore them. Don't look at them" Daniel said and I turned to him smiling"I miss you""I know , you don't need to say that every minute" He smiled"1 month Daniel , that's quite long""I already booked a ticket to London""Cancel it , I'm here" I said and he chuckled"Later" He held my hand and pulled me to the seat beside him instead of across him"What did you say to your dad?" He asked"We fought a lot , it was a cold war b
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Chapter 28
Olivia Camery"This is crazy , we shopped for 1 and a half hour which is crazy" I said"Oh girl , we do this because we want to take you somewhere" Lauren smirked"Huh? Where?" I asked confuse"Somewhere fun" Crystal squealed"It's cool place and it's on the rooftop" I put all my shopping bags into the car"Let's go" Crystal took my hand. She and Lauren pulled me into a building beside the mall. We got into the lift and pressed the T button"Daniel won't like this" I said"Oh chill , he won't like this but you will see the side of that is so rare to see" Lauren said excited
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Chapter 29
Olivia Camery"I can't believe this! You're back!" Joan hugged me tightly and I chuckled"Yes I'm back" I hugged Autumn tooWe're currently at a cafe right now and we're planning to go shopping and just hang out for today. Daniel has to go to LA for 3 days and he will go home tomorrow anyway so that's not a problem."So how are you with Daniel?" Joan asked"We're good""Boyfriend girlfriend now?" Autumn asked"Not yet" I said"What?" They all said in unison , I chuckled"He hasn't ask you yet?" Cailey asked"Not yet but w
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Chapter 30
Daniel CesantioPrincess Olivia and Rex Hamilton? How about Daniel Cesantio?I threw my phone to the wall, completely pissed with the situation. Olivia didn't answer my call or my message. She rejected the call once and I knew she knew about my article and Camilla.That bitch wanted something and suddenly she kissed me. She hired a paparazzi to follow her and again they caught us when she kissed me. I pushed her right away.I walked out from the hotel room and knocked on Morris's room"What?""Call Autumn right now!" I said and he raised his eyebrows , he took out his phone and dialed Autumn right away"Hey babe" Autumn answered
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Chapter 31
Olivia Camery"He did that?" They all asked me in unison"Yeah""That's so sweet!" Crystal squealed"I didn't expect that" Lauren said"How come Morris not that sweet?" Autumn protested"He said he learned that Morris was like that so he didn't want that to happen" I told Autumn and she pouted"We need to cancel Rex then" Cailey said"No.. Let's test Daniel one more time""He knew that it was an act" I told them"He's no fun" Lauren sighed"Oh Lauren , I'm sorry" I hugged her
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Chapter 32
Daniel CesantioBreathtakingThat's the only word that I can think of when I saw Olivia. She's so beautiful until it made me speechless. Her white dress hugged her perfectly , her hair pulled into a bun and her red lips. It's a definition of perfection.How can I get so lucky?"Hey" I kissed her cheek and slipped my hand to her waist and she turned to me. She looked so beautiful"Hey" She smiled"You look beautiful" I whispered and she chuckled"Of course , you need to watch your girl tonight" She whispered back and I smirked"Of course" We walked in , she came to the event with the girls. I was worried
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Chapter 33
Olivia Camery"I can't believe they all went to Washington!" Autumn squealed in excitement"They will be home tomorrow" Joan said"I know but still , they're gone! Let's party" Autumn squealed and yes we're currently at Autumn's house. We just hung out and ate a lot. We're all basically a hungry piranhas"I desperately want a drink" Cailey said"Should we?" Calla asked"Let's just go , they won't know about our whereabouts anyway" I said and they all turned to me"I have an idea" Lauren suddenly smirked and we all looking at her waiting for her explanations"Let's wear a dress and double it with our usual clothe
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