All Chapters of The Songbird : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
83 Chapters
Just Under the Surface: Darkness
 Darkness “Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise.”-Les Miserables Victor Hugo   Sara looked around with all the new activity going on in the area. News crews began to show up. More reserves for different departments were also showing up.The trucks that were being used to collect the water from the pond where being filled, and then they drove off for the processing to begin. Things were taking shape more and more around her to make this officially a crime scene.The plans she was mentally coming up with for the recovery of the bodies once they were recovered one by one were not going well. She was coming up with the worst-case scenarios for each waterlogged possibility. She wants to hold on to this case now for as long as she could. It wasn’t jus
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Just under the Surface: Gravity
Gravity Just because I carry it all so well doesn’t mean it’s not heavy….   ~unknown   Reed looked around the scene again. This time she knew some of the factors that would be going on around her. She didn’t like this news that she had got about her being looked at for more for another job. It was news to her, and she wasn't sure it was a good thing to even have in her mind right now. Knowing Mason also had a weird sense about the scene was good.She had watched him before on scenes, and she did enjoy him and his weird sense of humor and honor. He was not bad looking, she thought to herself though she often tried to base any interactions or possible ones off of their personalities instead of outwards looks, having found th
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Just under the Surface : Rain
Rain Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain. ~unknown     “Reed, I think that you should stay close while on-site,” Mason said as he looked down at her as they were alone again walking to her car when it was found to be completely blocked in.“Wonderful.” She said as she looked at the cars and trucks blocking her way. It seemed all was lost of her getting out of this mess for some time. She was already thinking of calling a rideshare car, but then she knew she wouldn’t get one out here at this time.“Hold on,” Mason said with a slight chuckle as he saw her about ready to lose her temper. It had already been a long day for both of them.
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Just under the Surface: Peace in Chaos
Peace in Hectic times She was an angel craving chaos. He was a demon craving peace.~unknown    As the two stood out in the pouring rain with their arms wrapped around each other, they knew they both looked like idiots. Neither of them cared, though. They stood out there until the car drove on the street, and they both looked up and laughed as the person got outran and gave them their food and ran back as they stood still in the rain still.“Time to eat.” He said as he took her hand in his and pulled her back to the house. Though it was her house, he led the way back inside. She smiled at him, and he just watched her like it was the first time he had really seen her. He was in awe of how beautiful the tiny woman was in front of him even though she was completely soaked through from th
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Just under the Surface: Moons
 Moons Everyone is a moon and has a dark side. Which he never shows to anybody... ~Mark Twain     Reed woke up with a startled gasp. She was sitting upright in her bed, wondering for a moment what woke her up. She heard noises coming from downstairs. Also, the faint breathing of Mason as he lay on his back. She looked down at him and saw the spot she had been a few moments before. His hand was still there as if her head was there underneath it.“Mason.” She said softly.“Hmmm.” He murmured back. The next time she shoved his slightly, “Mason!”“What?” he said as he opened his eyes and saw her sitting there. It took him a moment to realize he was in her bed and not his own, and the simple fact what
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Just under the Surface: Choices
Choices Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear the path…. ~unknown     Mason pulled Reed closer to him as the other men looked at the pair. Mason didn’t care about his lack of clothing or the fact they were the center of attention. He didn’t have to much time to process that he had just had sex with the woman he wanted the most in the world, let alone that now it seemed he had bigger problems than just the issues at the lake. Someone was trying to take what was his. That wasn’t going to work out well for the mole person.“I guess we need to call in one of the dogs to see where this tunnel goes.” One of the detectives said. “Amber
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Just under the Surface: Decisions
 Decisions When you can’t look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark.~Unknown     Reed looked at Mason as the entire group was watching them as they talked. When the two finally came back to the group as they waited for the dog to arrive on the scene, she was slightly calmer. Mason, for his part, didn’t look thrilled with any part of this. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. Nothing was supposed to happen this way. He wasn’t supposed to be there. He knew that. Even though the car was different in the driveway, the person still felt it was okay to try and get into the house.If Reed had been alone, there is no telling what would have happened. Mason felt her hand in his and knew he was glad he was there. He got a look at the person. It was so odd to him to
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Just under the Surface: Fate
Fate It may be unfair, but what happens in a few days, even a single day, can change the course of a whole lifetime…. ~Khalid Hosseini  Reed stood in her front yard again, with the dog now rooting around her property. It was alerting too many different places, and everyone seemed a little confused. She just knew. She was shaking her head when the hands on her shoulders just pulled her a little closer to him. She looked up to see his face as he watched the dog alert to yet another spot.“This has been going on for a while,” Mason said softly as he too was feeling the confusion as to why the dog was alerting everywhere in her yard. Even the handler was a little confused.When she spoke, everyone heard her clearly in the stillness of the night. “Who knows how lon
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Just Under the Surface: Evolve
Evolve We are not meant to stay the same. Change is good. ~unknown  “He is what?” Mason asked as he moved her away from the man standing there.“He was always around my uncle. He kind of adopted him in a way. I don’t think he had anyone else.” Reed said, shaking her head. She looked over tot eh man standing there and knew he was not the mastermind behind the lake. “Luke isn’t the killer despite what he said. He isn’t all there mentally, and he was given small tasks around my uncle’s place for his room and board. I barely remember him, though. My dad and uncle had a falling out when I was really young. To be honest, I forgot the man was still in the area.”“What was the falling out about?” Mason asked.“I have no idea,
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Just under the Surface: Memories
Memories  Isn’t it funny how, day by day, nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different. ~C.S. Lewis    Reed was lost in her own thoughts as he drove. She wasn’t even paying attention to where they were. When she looked outside again and saw the trees whirl by, she was slightly surprised. He didn’t seem the type to live out in the wilderness. He was more a city boy or at least a townie.She looked at him again and wondered if the playful flirting at the scenes over the years was his way of actually trying to work up the nerve to ask her out. If he had, she didn’t know what she would have said. This night for all its twists and turns, she had to wonder at that one.Reed was not the type t
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