All Chapters of Our Hearts Beat For Anne: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
180 Chapters
My Deceit
Anne I saw different emotion play on her face all at once. There was shock, confusion, then anger. She wasn’t expecting that at all. That was my aim. I needed to rile her up before I entered my next plan of action. There wasn’t much time. I knew Joshua was already fed up and was going to enter and put a bullet through my skull. I had to act fast and maybe buy Vincent some time to get to me. Immediately she told me about Vincent visiting her, I knew it was set up. Thank God Joshua wasn’t here when she said that. He would have figured it out and ended me way sooner. “What so funny?” she asked in annoyance. “Poor you,” I began as calmly as possible while trying to get my hands out of the chains. It hurt like hell, but I fought the urge to scream. I wasn’t going to jeopardize my only chance at freedom. “You’re too blind to see what’s right in front of you,” I said calmly, slowly shaking my head from side to side. “What do you mean by that?” she asked in both confusion and annoyance,
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Turning Tables
Anne “Think about it. What does he stand to lose if you’re dead? He’d get his freedom from you. He’d no longer be your puppet. He’d even get to run the business without getting threatened by a whim like you.” She shot her eyes towards me at the last statement. I simply shrugged and said, “His words, not mine.” “He wants to kill me?” she asked in a tiny, unsure voice. I let out an “mmhmm” while nodding my head and maintaining a straight face. “Not just that, Fifi fire, the first time you sent him to get rid of me, he told me a story… a dark one at that,” I said slowly for effects. “He indirectly mentioned having a hand in your father’s death.” Red, wet daggers stared straight at me, widening ever so hugely, almost threatening to jump out of their sockets. “What?!” came a low, threatening growl from the deepest part of her agonized throat. “Uh! Are you okay?” I asked ever so innocently. Just then, Joshua walked in, followed by one of the guys, who had a gun tucked in front of his
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Fight for my Life
Anne The man fell with a thud to the floor. Blood gushed out of his forehead, surrounding his lifeless body in a matter of seconds. My heart pounded against my ribcage, threatening to jump out and flee. Joshua’s eyes were like saucers as he stared at the dead man. His eyes burned with fury as he looked from the guy to Fiona, who still had the gun pointed at him. “Fiona, please,” he said beneath gritted teeth. He was trying really hard to suppress his anger so that he won’t meet a similar fate as the guy on the floor. I might have made the whole story up to get Fiona against Joshua, but from the looks of things, I wasn’t far from the truth. Joshua did murder Fiona’s father. While all this was going on, I’d successfully freed one of my hands and was forcing out the other while darting my eyes towards both of them to make sure they’ve not taken notice of me. The sounds of gunshots in the distance were increasing in both tempo and nearness, but these two didn’t look that bothered.
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Vincent She shoved me back and wiped furiously against her mouth, as if trying to expel the repulsive thirst of my lips. Leaning back on the wall, she kept heaving, staring at me under hooded leads. Even before she did it, I knew she couldn’t resist. If she had a hand in Anne’s disappearance, it would be because she wanted me by her side. She leaned off the wall and rushed towards me, jumped up and wrapped her fore and hind limbs around me, then pounded her lips against mine, suckling profusely and moaning loudly like someone who’d been starved of food and water for ages. I wrapped my arms around her and deepened the kiss. She moaned, leaving my lips and feasting on my face, neck, and everywhere she could get her lips on. She almost pushed me off balance with how she kept pressing into me with all her weight. To stop myself from falling over and to move to the next phase of my plan, I carried her to the long couch and gently laid her there, following immediately because I couldn’t
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A Freaking Island
Anne A stone! This was my last chance to save myself. The next bullet wasn’t going to let me live. I knew that. Without wasting time, I grabbed the huge stone with my healthy hand, then with all the strength I could muster along with my last chance at life, I flung it towards her. The stone made contact with her head just as the bullet busted out of the gun and flew towards me. I yelped and bent over, shutting my eyes as I awaited another heart-wrenching piercing. Nothing came. I raised my head and looked around me, then searched my body for any more holes. I saw nothing. I looked ahead of me and saw Fiona sprawled on the floor and the gun, nowhere in sight. Mustering up strength, I held onto the floor with my healthy hand and lifted myself. When I got up, the whole ground started dancing beneath me. I staggered towards the wall and made painful contact with its rigid, rough, iciness. My cries knew no bounds. I fell to my knees and wailed profusely. My hand was hurting badly, an
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Something Bigger
Andrew After a series of confrontations by the police, we all came to an understanding, but not before I was pushed to the edge and wanted to unleash fury on those bastards. Vincent, who had always been on the unleashing end, was now the one holding me back. Those idiots didn’t want to get any case against them because Joshua was an influential billionaire. Any order from him and everyone in the police would be fired. That is what they made us see during our last clash. However, when they saw the target had changed to a not-so-influential threat, they cooperated, though they were still apprehensive. I swore to myself that I’d have all of them fired when we find Anne and get her back safely. Before Vincent went in, we had placed ourselves on different locations on the lookout for Fiona’s moves. I prayed she’d want to get things over with, now that things between her and Vincent were seemingly looking up. That is exactly what she did, because a few hours into watching Vincent enter, w
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Vincent Dad had involved more people than I thought. The army and many security agencies were now part of the search, but it was made top secret. Although I was sure Joshua had Anne, I still concurred that it could be anyone. According to them, Anne and I had made public waves for a while, and the media just got to know of the companies and other investments I owned, so anyone could have taken Anne to make money. It was all bull! Joshua took Anne, and I was going to find her, my way. I wasn't going to look at Anne's mum and sister one more time and tell them I couldn't find their daughter. The Scott family had arrived the day after we told them of Anne's disappearance and since have helping out the best they could. Though most times, all Anne's mum did was cry her out. Makayla was the one rubbing minds with us . After my encounter with Fiona, I’d slept off for a while because I was really inebriated but the effects didn’t stay for long. The thoughts of Anne and her whereabouts, a
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Fatal Wound
Anne If it were just the sea in sight, it would have been less shocking. I was rooted to the sand when all around my view lay bloodied bodies. I gasped and covered my mouth as huge, electric shivers ran from the tip of my feet straight to the core of my heart where, just like the steam engines of the Titanic, it began grinding against my heart. I couldn’t breathe. It was just like in Umende, but this wasn’t a virus. These people were shot dead. There was blood everywhere. ‘Vincent!’ I gasped, darting my eyes around. I forced myself to keep moving and get to safety, wherever that was, to avoid meeting the same fate as the people laying on the sandy ground. Too late. Right in front of me stood Joshua. He had dumped the jacket he had on earlier and was wearing his white designer’s shirt, which was now ripped and bloody like every dead body here. I stared at his predator-like stance and evil smirk, then wondered if truly it was my end. “Aren’t you the little damsel in distress ever
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Animalistic Shriek
Anne I couldn’t breathe! I couldn’t see properly! It was as if a dead weight was placed on top of me, making it impossible to get air in. ‘What the heck is going on?!’ I inhaled all the air I could gather in my lungs when I felt relief from the heaviness on my body. The light entering my eyes was harsh. I had to squint to see properly. My vision was blurry, but I could make out men in uniform surrounding me and lifting a bag of stone off of me. ‘Was there an explosion?’ I thought, feeling myself being lifted off the floor into a sitting position. I must have passed out from the explosion. “Ma’am, ma’am! Are you alright?” I heard one of the uniformed men ask me. “Yeah, I’m fine. What happened?” I asked, still squinting to see properly. “He knocked you off when he blocked you,” the man said with a glint of pity in his eyes. I creased my brows to understand what he was yapping about. ‘Who knocked who off?’ That was when it hit me. “Vincent…” I started confused, “Vincent! Vi
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Anne There was yelling everywhere. I could also hear the annoying loud shriek of the siren just inches from my ear, making me scrunch up my face in sheer annoyance. “Anny!” I heard someone call out to me. It sounded so much like Pamela, or was Makayla, no...mum! I couldn't tell. ‘Was she in danger?’ I asked myself, trying to reach out my hand to her. But every movement I made came out futile. It was as if something like straps were holding me down. The worst part was, everywhere was freaking dark. ‘Am I still held captive? Did they pluck out my eyes? Was seeing Vincent, Andrew, and the uniformed men all a dream? Am I dead?!’ All these thoughts flew through my head in quick succession, but no answers were forthcoming. I tried again to open my eyes and move my limbs, but nothing. The only part of my body I could access were my ears, which I couldn’t, unfortunately, turn off; and my mind’s eye, which was floating in the abyss of confusion. I tried to scream. I did scream, but the so
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