All Chapters of Our Hearts Beat For Anne: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
180 Chapters
Making Things Right
Andrew I thought Fiona said she left. Before entering Pamela’s apartment, I had called her to tell her to leave but she didn’t pick up. Later on, I got a text from her telling me she’d left. From the text, she said she’d overheard my fight with Vincent and it made her pack up and leave. She said that it wasn’t her intention to cause a rift and that she would strategize and inform me of her new plan. She didn’t. Spending time with Pamela made me forget all about her. The moment Pamela opened the door, half of the anger and pain I felt when I was driving was washed off by her radiant smile. The rest drifted away when she made me freshen up and have dinner, then we lay on the bed with our feet up on the wall and talked through the night. When sleep was imminent, she’d told me to sing for her. I told her I’d lost my zeal to sing, and my old songs tasted bland. She’d urged me to give it a try and had slipped her fingers into mine, there in the darkness of her room. I sang. I was shocke
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Anne I knew he was getting himself the minute he slowed down and finally stopped moving. He went quite for a while. All I could hear was his heavy breathing against my ears, which from the sound of it, you could tell he was trying to control himself. “Anny,” he croaked, slowly releasing his hold on my neck, moving it down to my back, then releasing his hold on my butt, raising it to rest with his other hand. He was now hugging me back. “I’m sorry. I kinda lost it,” he apologized. “You did lose it, hommy,” I replied, trying to lighten the mood and calm my rapid heart at the same time. “You’re scared.” It was more of a statement than a question. “Maybe,” I voiced in a funny tone, trying to make him feel less guilty. “I’m….” “That’s enough sorry for one day,” I interrupted, placing my index finger against his lips. “Stop blaming yourself for everything,” I said, slightly pinching his cheeks. I tried to back away and go back to cooking but a part of me pushed me to ask, “Are you
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Sweet Punch
Andrew Pam didn’t respond after several knocks. I called out her name, pleading and begging but she didn’t respond to me. I got several stares from a couple of people passing the hallway. They were all looking at me like I was crazy. I didn’t care. I wasn’t leaving till Pam talked to me. After several minutes of knocking and calling out her name, I turned and laid on the door, then slowly I slipped down the door and sat on the floor. I covered my face with my hands, resting my elbow against my elevated knee. I don’t know how long I sat there. I don’t know how many more people gave me more stares. That wasn’t my concern. All I wanted was to see Pamela. After what felt like ages, I felt a tap on my shoulders. I jerked my head up and looked. There, Pam stood, staring at me, with a bag of groceries which she held against her chest. She hadn’t been in the house, and I’d slept off on her door. I sprang up, almost falling back down from the force of my movement. “Pam…?” “What do you w
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Uncle Patrick
AnneI felt sore all over. It was as if a colossal lorry landed on me.It had started out all romantic and fluffy clouds with Vincent in the bathroom. I knew I wanted it so badly, but when I felt my body stretching beyond its usual and the sharp pain that followed, I’d wanted to push Vincent off of me and run for the hills.I pitied Vincent throughout. He was on his knees and had held my legs over his thighs when he first dipped in. I saw massive veins on his forehead as he held himself from ramming into me hard. He was slow the entire time, gently easing his way in and out of me while I’d bitten into a pillow, hoping for its end.Don't get me wrong; it got better the second time. I felt discomfort, but Vincent’s sweet body and soothing words didn’t let me dwell on my aches.How many times did we go? You may ask. I lost count after three. We’d talked, joked, laughed, gotten some sleep, then woke up and got at it.The soreness came the following day. I had to force myself out of bed to
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Soulful Music
Andrew I stared at her peaceful face as she slept on my chest. It has become a habit to watch her sleep. A calming feeling washes through my being just by watching her sleep. In fact, everything about Pamela was healing. When I saw her stare in her sleep, I instinctively wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer. She moaned against my neck and adjusted her head to settle better. We made love the previous night. I’d never had love sex in my entire life. It was always for the pleasure of it. But last night… last night was an emotional experience. I had to shut my eyes to conceal the tears that had embarrassingly filled my eyes. Even without her glasses, Pamela saw it as she rode on top of me. She had bent over and kissed my eyes. I had gripped tightly to her waist just as that deep action of hers tightened my body painfully even while inside her. I’d rocked her hard from underneath her, earning myself drips from her body and crazy screams. After several rounds on different par
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Anne I knew Vincent would get me a dress as usual so I decided to get something for him in return. My dress arrived two days before Saturday, the day of the party. From a glance, I knew it was different from the other two he’d gotten me during the other parties. He didn’t go to his mom’s boutique this time. We all know why. Well, the new dress was stunning all the same. It was a sparkly blue halter gown that hugged my upper body and cascaded from the waist down. It had simple designs yet when I wore it, it screamed elegance. I don’t know how often he bought dresses for Fiona when they dated but Vincent’s taste in dresses is impeccable. The only thing Fiona and I had in common was our slender figure. Fiona is bustier and curvier than I am. I don’t know where I’m going with this but if we were to say he learned his dress sense from his time with Fiona, it wouldn’t prove how he got what suits me perfectly the very first time. I believe he is naturally endowed with that perception or it
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New Arrival
Anne I met Pamela at the party. She was looking stunning in her fitted, long-sleeved red gown with puffs on both shoulders, and a plunging back-line. The hem that ran down her back had glittery stones at its edges following the long v curve of her dress. She had on pearl stud earrings with a matching pearl necklace and had her hair packed in a bun. Pamela was breathtaking. Beside her, dressed in a black tux, stood Andrew, who was talking with a man with a bit of grey hair. The man had his back turned, so I couldn’t see his face. The party was filled with distinguished men and women from high places, most of which were in their middle ages. They all had sophisticating gowns and tuxes, and moved about like old Barbie princesses and princes, acting all prime and proper. You can’t even imagine them pooing. Vincent tugged at my hand and pointed at the man standing and talking animatedly with Andrew. He was doing a lot of body movements while he spoke, as if his mouth alone couldn’t do j
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Anne It was Joshua. He was standing all tall and powerful, staring right at me. He had on a golden tux and black pants and had his hair gelled back like men from the 80ties, yet he pulled off the look, making it look more modern. Now Vincent had moved to stand close to me because of what I’d told him about Joshua. Andrew and Pamela, on the other hand, had a totally different stance when they looked at Joshua. In fact, they weren’t looking at Joshua. They were looking at the lady perched on his arm. Not in my wildest dream would I have imagined seeing her here, not to talk of being Joshua’s plus one. With the way Joshua revered his half-sister, Fiona, one would think he would have brought her instead, but no, he brought someone else. Someone that left us shocked. Something didn’t feel right. Of course, the aura Joshua exuded had never felt right to me. I doubted it was anything near coincidence. How in the world did Joshua meet Jane?! She clung to him, like paper to tape, staring a
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Ugly scar
Anne It was an ugly, deep purple scar, slightly peeking out of her sleeves when she folded her hands underneath her bosom. She widened her eyes and immediately dragged down her sleeves to conceal what I’d already seen. “What is that, Jane?!” I asked again, moving close to her. She stepped back from me, darting her eyes fearfully towards where we’d seen Joshua. He was still standing there, but he wasn’t looking our way. “Did he do that to you?!” I whisper-yelled, already boiling with anger. “Don’t be ridiculous, Anny. It’s just a new tattoo I got. It’s still healing. Joshua would never hit me,” she defended. I was speechless. I didn’t know how to act rationally there and then. My mind kept telling me to stomp over to Joshua, grab a bottle from the table beside him, and smash it against his evil head. I couldn’t do that, though. Jane hadn’t admitted he was the culprit. “Can I see it then?” I said, conjuring up the calmest voice I could muster from within. “No. It is still messy.
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Anne I heard her voice first before I saw her. She was begging, pleading to be let go, but the perpetrator wouldn’t listen. He had her pressed against the wall, smashing his whole body against her while he held her neck tightly. “You little b*tch! If you’d followed me when I was a bit calm, this wouldn’t have happened. But no, you decided to meet with your stupid friends and wag your stupid mouth,” he said in a low sinister voice that gave me chills all over. “I didn’t,” she cried bitterly. “She just saw it and started asking question. I didn’t tell her anything, please! You’re choking me! I can’t breathe,” she gagged. My eyes stung with tears as I advanced forward. I had seen this scene before. But it wasn’t of Jane. It was rather, of a little girl being dragged by a beast of a man into a dark alley. Yes! I remember the nightmare I had when I was sick. Was it coming to live? Was he going to draw out a shiny sharp knife and stab her? I didn’t wait to answer my question. I bent ove
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