All Chapters of Our Hearts Beat For Anne: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
180 Chapters
Bar Fight
Andrew I signaled the bartender for another shot of vodka as I downed the last one, scrunching up my face as the fierce liquid burned my throat. I was angry at everyone and myself. How are they all right and I’m always wrong? How could it be possible that Anny never had feelings for me? After all the lovely times we spent together? Does it mean I’m unlovable? The lady I invested my time, effort, and love for, did not do the same for me. These thoughts melted the soothing effects of the vodka. It made me furious. I came here to forget but the more I drank, the more pain I felt. “Why!” I yelled out, earning myself curious stares from all sides. I didn’t care one bit. My behavior wasn’t abnormal in a place like this. A lot of people have done worse. In fact, half of the people here wanted to forget or drown horrible memories, pain, or problems. I guess they were only curious to know who had been added to the list. After seven extra shots, I was certain that my stomach couldn’t take a
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The Hood
Andrew I’d initial forgotten why I’d gotten into the fight in the first place till someone hugged me. I had thought it was one of those nauseating females in the bar, but when her scent whiffed into my nose, I remembered I had heard and saw someone I hadn’t seen in a long time. After a while of hugging the life out of me, she loosened her hold, allowing me to turn and face her. Her eyes were brimming with tears and her lips quivering, as she looked at me with the same yearning I saw more than 8 months ago. The first thing that entered my head was why? Why was she craving for a disaster like me? I wasn’t worthy of her love. I’ve hurt everyone around me with my reckless behavior and actions. Why was she pining after me? “What are you doing here..” “Why are you working here…” We had begun at once, but I signaled with a wave of my hand for her to continue. “Nothing really. I needed the extra cash for stuff,” she said, looking bashfully at the floor. “Pam, have you been doing this?
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Tiny Room
Andrew I stepped into the small empty circle of her tiny apartment, the size of one-fourth of my bathroom, and looked around. The place, aside from the cramped-up space, looked decent enough. She had a tiny bed, a reading table with books piled on it, a tiny wardrobe, a door leading to a tiny kitchen, another door leading to what I believe should be a tiny restroom. Yes. Everything was tiny. I turned and looked at her still leaning on the door, taking in deep, calming breaths. Pam was the same girl I knew. She hadn’t changed. She was just adapting to her environment, from what I saw. I was supposed to be having a headache, but the thought of my current surroundings made me disregard it. The increase in its intensity brought my focus back to it. I held onto my head and stared at Pamela. She read my mind almost immediately and quickly leaped off the door. She went to one of the drawers of her tiny table and brought out aspirin, went to the kitchen and fetched water in a glass cup, th
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Andrew “Your hot water is ready,” she said awkwardly, moving away from me. I blinked my eyes severally to conceal the actual effect of that hug and peck on the cheek. That was undoubtedly what I needed. Asides from the care my mum showed me this period, no one else had bothered to make me feel the way Pam made me feel now. Loved. Silly me wanted to grab her and kiss the hell out of her but I refrained from such, because one, I didn’t want to give her the wrong impression, then secondly, I didn’t want her hurting my arm or any part of my body a second time. I’d carried my battered body into the bathroom and poured the soothing hot water down it. It was heavenly! All my body ached, but the water dampened the pain. Of course, there in the bathroom, alone with my thoughts, Anne’s face resurfaced in my mind’s eye and taunted me brutally. If not for those disturbing thoughts, I would have stayed longer, and enjoyed the hot water, instead, I poured the remaining water I had in the bucket
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Alone with my Thoughts
Andrew Surprisingly, I didn’t feel severe headaches when I woke up. My head was just giving out a dull ache, but it was as if all the pain I was supposed to feel moved down my body. I couldn’t even lift a finger from the bed. I know yesterday was rough and all, but I doubted it was the sole reason for the body pain. The tiny flatbed had a huge hand in it. Exerting the little energy I had, I managed to agonizingly move my limps and slide off the bed. I didn’t get far due to the dizziness that came as soon as I stood. It sent me right back on the bed, the force of which increase my headache. I groaned, then began looking around for any sign of human life in the room. There were shuffling and human activities actively going on outside the door but the room was dead silent. Pam couldn’t have left so soon, could she? Speaking of soon, I didn’t even know the time of the day. I grumpily stretched my hand and grabbed my phone on the table. The time read 8 am. Pamela must have gone for lec
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Witch on Heels
Anne I was contemplating whether to open the door or not. The person I saw through the peephole was an unwelcome guest. The bell had been rung loudly and at a stretch. It couldn’t have been Vincent because he had a key. Even if he had misplaced it, he wouldn’t have been ringing the bell obnoxiously. So, my best guess was Andrew, or… My other guess was answered when I looked through the peephole and saw Fiona tapping her foot off on the porch. Vincent wasn’t home. I was sure she didn’t come to see me. She didn’t even know I was here in the first place. Was there any need to open the door and get verbally harassed by her? I had opted to ignore her. I had no business with her, and I hadn’t the strength for unnecessary confrontations, but the persistent ringing irked me out. My eye twitched uncontrollably as I tried to stand it out. She would go away if I did, I thought. The witch didn’t. I’ve never seen this degree of wasted determination. From her ringing, she was certain Vincent
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Beast Side
Anne If I had applied a little more force, I would have wrung my head off my neck when I twisted it to see the new intruder. Vincent was standing behind me, holding me close to him. But he wasn’t looking at me. He was staring at the witch in front, a dark murderous look on his handsome face. I’d never seen Vincent like this before. Ever. His body exuded a form of energy that if he wasn’t holding on to me, would have sent me flying. Furious was an understatement. His brows were slightly creased; his eyes wide and intense. In a supernatural world, his stare would have been capable of melting Fiona into a liquid blurb on the tiled floor. It was that intense. It made my anger simmer. He slowly slipped his arm from around me, took short, heavy strides towards her, and stood, towering over her. Fiona was scared. I saw her visibly gulp when he walked towards her like the reaper, ready to devour its prey. “She intentionally left me outside….” She had stammered. “Leave,” he stated in a
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Anne “I’m going to go straight to the point,” she said from where she sat behind her glass table inside her office. My hands were sweating when I entered one of the largest boutiques in Alba, ‘Rebecca’s collection’. The place was filled with everything relating to wears. Dresses for different occasions and seasons, footwear of different sizes, and pattern, hats, caps, pieces of jewelry, and other accessories. They even had the kids and baby section. It was filled with wares from top designers. The place was stunning, and very expensive if I might add. This was where my two ball gowns came from. A place I couldn’t afford. I would've taken my time to look at the beautiful things all around me but the situation at hand made it difficult. I had been directed to her office by one of her assistants who knew of my coming. The walls of her office were painted white, with gold spirals running through the center of the wall. Asides from the black couch and seats, the pieces of furniture wer
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Angry Bubble
Andrew Seeing Anne today sent my mood to the deep ends. The worst part was, she was in tears. My heart shattered a thousand pieces…again. Why seeing and touching Anne sent me to my current destination was beyond me. I guess, the last time I went there after a bad encounter with Anne, I found solace. I could breathe better. It wasn’t the drinking at the bar that helped, neither was the fighting afterward. The euphoric effect of those things were very brief. But the lady, that made being naked look like a dangerous thing, helped me. That tiny four eyes, whose knowledge of taekwondo almost dislocated my shoulders, imprinted her touch in my mind’s eye. But there was a clause. Since the last time we met, I haven’t heard from her. I tried calling her new number several times, but it went straight to voicemail. I dropped messages in the stupid voicemail box, yet no response from her. It bothered me. Especially when I had a clue why she went AWOL on me. It was because of the messages Fiona
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My Stronghold
Andrew “What’s your deal, huh?!” she yelled into my face. “Why won’t you allow me to live my life? You have everything you need with your family. Why would you come in and take what doesn’t belong to you? I’m in love with you! Yes! Happy?! But you want to use it against me. You want to use me as a rebound? What have I ever done to you to deserve such low treatment from you? What?!” Although it was dark, I could still see faces poking out of some windows in the building. The lights in their room illuminated their heads. The dark rooms must’ve people who didn’t want to be noticed, looking too. I stared at her tiny face inside those round glasses, and all I could think of was grabbing her and hugging the life out of her. We were like kins right now. I felt her pain. I could actually relate. In the course of her angry yells, she began hitting my chest with her tiny fist, still yelling things I was no longer paying attention to. All I could see were the tears dripping down those cute ch
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