All Chapters of Our Hearts Beat For Anne: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
180 Chapters
Tiny Giant
Andrew “Something happened with Anny, right?” she asked after close to fifteen minutes of silence inside her apartment. I slowly nodded from where I lay on her bed, while covering my eyes with the length of my hind arm. She had followed me into the apartment and had locked the door, then sat on a stool staring at me. She must think I was going crazy. That didn’t bother me much. Just staying with her in that room was the most comfortable I’d gotten for months now. Crazy or not, she wasn’t sending me out of her house. “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked in a calm voice. I sighed and sat up from the bed, then turned sideways and leaned on the wall while my legs extended beyond the bed and rested on the tiled floor. I looked up at her face, wondering where to begin. She was aware of my feelings for Anne during our small sensual moment in my garden, but that was the last she knew of it. So, I began telling her what went on right before she left the house. About Anne fainting, an
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Vincent Anne left again. But to her new apartment in school. I knew she met with my mother because she told me before going. I knew the meeting with my mum was going to be bumpy and had tried talking her out of going but she insisted she needed to accord that respect to her. I had asked to follow her, but she declined. She said she could handle it. I knew my mother and what she was capable of doing when she’s against something. She might not succeed in her antics but she can get nasty in her dealings. This was why immediately after my shift ended that afternoon, I had rushed over to her boutique to make sure Anne wasn’t bullied. I arrived late. Just as I was about to leave my car and enter the boutique, I saw her running off, towards the bus stop, with her hands covering her face. The thought of what my mum must have done to her had left my head that instant because Anne had not been watching where she was running to. God! I was scared out of my skin. I didn’t even know how I go
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The New Apartment
Andrew ”Please!” “No!” “Please!!” “No!!” “Please!!!” I grabbed her shoulders and spun her around before she could say the third no. “Please,” I said calmly, pulling her close and looking into her glass-covered eyes. “I hate this place. You may hate me forever, or decide to stop talking to me, but just let me get a new place for you,” I said more seriously now. “Here is conducive enough,” she said, flinging my hand away from her shoulders. “I have everything I need. There is constant power and water supply. It’s secure.” I raised my brows at the last part about the house being secure. Just two days ago, three rooms to the left were robbed in the middle of the night. I heard the story from the dudes that hung out in the corridor. Before the robbery, I had pleaded with the blockhead Pamela to help her get a better place, but the lady declined my offer. She gave me a full lecture on how she was an independent lady, blah blah blah. Fine, “Get a better place, independent lady,” I ha
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Best Friends
Anne My arms dropped limply to the side when I saw Pam standing there, staring at me. I was shocked, sad, and happy all at once. My lips began quivering without warning as tears ran down my face. Flashes of our times together moved past my mind’s eyes as I walked slowly to meet her. I increased my gait when I saw her moving towards. She did too and soon we were running towards each other. We crashed into each other and fell like a heap to the floor, landing on our butts. We burst out laughing whilst trying to sit up, then clung to each other when we did. We were basically laughing and crying at the same time. “I hate you,” I wailed, caressing her hair. “I’ve missed you!” she cried, wiping the tears running down my face. “I’m sorry!” we said together, then laughed at our humor of it all. “Really, I’m sorry Anne. I didn’t mean to leave you when you were sick and needed me…” she sobbed. “It’s alright. I perfectly understand. I would have done the same thing, sweetie. It’s alright,
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Unwelcomed Guest
Vincent “What do you want, Fiona?” I asked, irritated. I didn’t need this right now. I just got back from a 20 hours shift in the hospital due an emergency. I felt like a complete zombie. I wasn’t in the mood or in need of any drama. “Vincent,” she called out with a sad smile, taking a brief step, and extending her arms as if asking for permission to hug me. I sighed exasperatedly, running a frustrated hand across my face. “I’m exhausted, Fiona. Please, I need to rest,” I said, mustering all politeness I had in me. “Oh, Okay! Ermm… can I come in and make you anything? You must be pretty hungry,” she said eagerly, taking a confident step. “No… No, I don’t need that. I already had something to eat,” I said dryly, almost using up my patience. This was my mum’s plan. Uniting my brother and I was a part of it, but getting me back with Fiona was the other part. It’s been her dream since the beginning; from the time she saw the sloppy kiss Fiona and I shared until now. She loves Fiona.
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Andrew “I want her out of my house, Drew,” my brother said from where he was leaning on the wall, right beside the door. He had both hands inside his pocket and a stoic expression that screamed ‘I’ve had enough’. “What are you yapping about?” I said, scrunching up my face in feigned confusion. “Don’t give me that bull…you know what I’m talking about. I want her gone,” he deadpanned, leaned off the wall, then walked past me towards the stairs, with his hands still in his pants’ pocket. That was my intention. To tick him off. I wanted to make him miserable. I had no business with Fiona. I ended things with her a long time ago. Although, the day she visited, she had tried luring me to sleep with her, but I declined. I might not be dating Pamela, but she is my lifeline at the moment. I don’t want her fleeing because of Fiona. But… I saw the need for Fiona when I noticed my brother’s reaction to her presence. I capitalized on that to make Vincent squirm. After I’d taken Fiona to my roo
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Vincent Today I called in sick. I woke up with aches all over my body and a pounding headache. I didn’t feel sick the previous day, so it was strange that I felt it this morning. The minute Anne heard my voice this morning, she knew something was wrong. She said I wasn’t sounding right. That was when I told her of my ill health. She had wanted to run over immediately but I dissuaded her. I reminded her I was a doctor and could take care of myself. She’d shunned me and told me that even doctors needed care from others, and promised to come over with a home-cooked meal right after her first class and spent the rest of the day with me. I’d asked about Andrew who didn’t return last night, and she told me he’d slept over at Pamela’s. When Rita came in to clean the house last night, she'd told me that Fiona’s things were no longer in the guest room and there were no traces of her in the house. It was a tremendous relief. Andrew must have gotten her to leave. After taking a hot shower, I
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Vincent “I’m so smart, right?” she said with a snigger, slowly standing up from where she crouched. “What did you put in my drink?” I slurred, trying to keep in touch with consciousness. “Uh…” she began, holding her jaws thoughtfully, “A mixture of Rophenol and Ketamine, or thereabout. My supplier said it’s quick and it’ll hit you hard. How do you feel?” She asked with feigned concern. I didn’t respond. I couldn’t even. I was finding it hard to hold on to the light. I felt like I was falling down an endless dark tunnel. My lids were getting heavy and my limps getting weak. My arms vibrated violently, threatening to give in to the increasing weakness. “What did I ever do to you?” She inquired. I couldn’t make out her expression, but with the way she spoke, she sounded pained. “We were doing pretty well when I returned. You did everything I asked you to. We talked a lot. We did almost everything together. You treated me like I mattered. I knew it would be difficult rekindling what
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Ferocious Feline
Anne I was worried. Since the last time I spoke with Vincent, he hasn’t been picking up his call. I’d call just before leaving for my lecture to know how he was fairing, but the phone rang throughout and no one picked up. He couldn’t have changed his mind about work. He’d already called in sick. Was it that bad that he couldn’t get to the phone? I couldn’t concentrate throughout the entire class because of the thought of Vincent. This was why our parents told us that men were distractions to our studies. I couldn’t focus one bit, and I couldn’t wait for the class to finish before I jetted out of the hall. I was going to prepare something for him as I’d promised, but I couldn’t get myself to stop fidgeting. I might probably pour hot oil on myself with the way things were going. I decided to go to his house. If I found out he was alright, I’d cook for him there. On my way to his house, a lot of things went through my mind. Why was he not picking? Vincent would have called back imme
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Anne I was going to head up the stairs when I saw someone holding onto the stair's railing for dear life, while the rest of his limb quivered in their bent position. Vincent’s hand on the railing had almost slipped. With the way he was bent over, he would have fallen face flat and would have tumbled down the stairs if I hadn’t gotten to him in time. He fell forward and into my open arms. I had directed my back to the railing of the stairs because I know I couldn’t hold all his weight, without sending both of us down the stairs. He fell on me and went limp with weakness. “It’s not what it looked like, Anne. Believe me, I did nothing. She…she drugged me,” he slurred tiredly. I felt raw pain surge throughout my entirety. Here he was, barely grasping consciousness, but he still felt it needful to explain to me. My eyes stung with angry tears. I wanted to run back down and fulfill my threats. It really hurt. “Hey… hey… sweetie,” I whispered softly. “I believe you. But that’s not impo
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