All Chapters of Our Hearts Beat For Anne: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
180 Chapters
Memory Lane
Anne It all felt like a dream. The moments with Vincent felt like a dream I didn’t want to wake up from. He transformed what I had imagined was going to be the worst year of my life to the exact opposite. He showed me the true meaning of love and care. Not just towards me, but to my family. He visited almost every evening to have dinner and spend time with us. It was now a routine to discuss health matters with mum during dinner, play with Joan till she goes to bed, then chat with Makayla and me till the late hours of the night before going back to his hotel. On weekends, we would all go on a brief stroll to the park. Sometimes, Makayla would call her boyfriend Matthew and he’d join us. The lockdown created a lot of restrictions, but it didn’t deter our fun. We made use of the open places and kept the social distance in crowded areas. On days he couldn’t make it due to work, I’d scurry over to the hotel, spend annoying minutes at the entrance, then spend the remaining beautiful b
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Come Home With Me
Anne“Where is Jaden now?” Vincent asked from where he lay on my chest.“I don’t know,” I replied, staring up at the ceiling. “After high school, he left for the states to further his studies.”“You didn’t keep in touch?” he asked while playing with my fingers. He’d been doing that for a while now.“No. We drifted apart after I’d said no to his relationship request. I think I bruised his ego or something,” I said thoughtfully. “He’d heard so much about my rejecting spree and had even experienced first-hand one of my mum’s lectures against having a boyfriend, but somehow he felt he was different. Maybe because he was the only boy my mum allowed into the house to study with me. Plus, she always gave him her homemade cookies and milk. Yea, he felt special.” I narrated, toying with his soft hair.“Although…” I continued, “I searched him on F******k and found him. But he looked totally different from the lanky kid I knew back in high school. He was all grown with facial hair and muscles. I
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Anne I braced myself as we entered Vincent’s family house. We had gone straight to his house and dropped our stuff right after we landed, before heading for the family house. I was scared. More like terrified. I knew things weren’t going to go down so well. All I did was brace myself for the worst and hope my defense would hold. The entire house was eerily quiet when we arrived. It was still the early hours of the evening, at about 6 pm. The time I was here, 6 pm, was dinner time. Everybody would have come down and the house would’ve been alive with chattering and sounds of cutlery against plates. But that wasn’t happening. Before returning, we had discussed deeply the challenges we would face when we got back. It was during this discussion that I told him about Joshua and the info he shared with me before I left. Vincent told me that Joshua had told them everything before traveling, but the tale wasn’t as detailed and disturbing as mine. Being the manipulative guy he was, I knew J
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My Doom
Anne At first, he was confused why everyone was looking at him. He had his head over his phone when he’d entered, whilst exclaiming the state of his stomach. He had stared from the staff to his mother, who was briskly making her way towards him. It was when his eyes landed on me did he realize what was going on. I saw his face go through almost all the stages of heartbreak in an irregular order. From the denial that it was really me standing there and not his brain conjuring up an image of me, to accepting the fact that it was me. He had glanced at his mum and the staff again to be certain they saw who he was seeing. “Drew! You are back! Uh… the food would be ready in no time,” Rebecca said tensely, raising her hand and grabbing her son’s upper arm. “Mum, Anny,” he said in a tiny, childlike voice, looking from his mother to me whilst pointing at me. Rebecca pretended not to have heard him. She wordlessly continued to pull him. He had allowed Rebecca to move him a few inches toward
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Emotional Pain
Anne The blow never came. The first second went by. The second, third went by, still nothing. I was sure it should have arrived already. Did I pass out even before I could feel the pain? I highly doubted it. I still felt conscious of my surroundings. A few more seconds went by before I slowly squinted my eyes open. Andrew was standing right in front of me. His fist was still in the air. From the looks of things, it never came down. He had stopped. I felt Vincent’s chest directly behind me. I turned my head and saw his hand midair, still ready to stop the blow from landing successfully. His other hand was gripping tightly to my upper arm. I guess he sprang back the second I pulled him aside and was aiming to pull me aside too, judging by the firm grip he had on me. I looked into Andrew’s eyes and saw the intensity of his anger slowly seep away, replaced by another intense emotion. It was pain. I saw pain in form of steamy tears fill his eyes. His lips quivered as he stared into
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Anne It felt like an Indian movie. Those scenes where someone is being dragged out of the family mansion and is tossed violently to the floor on reaching outside. I felt that way when Vincent pulled me towards the exit. It was as if he realized suddenly that he needed to trash me. I wasn’t worth it after all. His mum was even in tears. That would have been a no-no for him. That should be why I was being thrown out. On reaching the door, he pulled it open and took us past it, turning to close them behind him. Out in the night sky, he slumped against the closed doors, bent his head, and released a deep sigh. He was going to tell me to leave. I knew it. He was going to apologize just like before, in his car, a day after the accident. He was going to tell me he couldn’t bear the heat and that we should probably rethink our decisions. I was going to save him the stress. I was going to unburden him and leave on my own so that he wouldn’t feel he hurt me with his decisions and words.
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An Angel In my Bed
Vincent He might have been seen as the devil, or the soulless surgeon, but my dad had a heart. He just didn’t allow people to see it. It made him feel weak and vulnerable. All kind gestures, almsgiving, and anything relating to showing care to the outside world were done in secret. This was why people felt all he did was take from the society and, asides from saving lives, had never given to charity or anything of that sort. He always called it “tough love”. My dad might have shown little to no emotions concerning the current dispute between my brother and me, but would you believe me if I told you it bothered him the most? It kept him up at night. He had known right from the party where he first met Anne that something would go amiss. He mentioned that to me. He said and I quote, “Anne Marie Scott is one of a kind. Most men would find her worthy to be by their sides, including my sons.” Naturally, he pays attention to details. He scrutinizes all his doings and that of his subordin
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The Meeting
Vincent I knocked on the heavy oak door of my father’s office and entered. He was sitting behind his leather seat facing his large window, which looked out into the large front yard. “Take a seat,” he said without turning. I sat down on the visitors' sit. I was nervous. Yes, I have a good rapport with my dad. But when he’s mad, he’s mad. He knows not who you are. When he’s ticked off, he rains down hell on the culprit. “I know you’ve thought it through, Vincent. I know you looked at the pros and cons of this adventure you’ve set out on, because I believe this is what you’re doing,” he said with his deep icy voice as he rotated his seat to face me. He wasn’t angry, I could tell from his face. He just wanted to talk. “You know your brother has been in love with her. I could tell the first time I saw them dancing on the dance floor. I know you knew that too. You are aware that this will bring a dangerous feud between your brother, yourself, and the rest of your family. Your mum has d
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Emotional Damage
Andrew “All I ever hear you say is how much you love that lady. But, I’ve never heard her return the gesture. Don’t you think it’s a one-sided love?” My dad asked from where he sat behind his oak table. “She wouldn’t care for me the way she did if she hadn’t feelings for me, dad. She was with me, throughout the time I made my music for the golden studios. She pushed me to keep going. She chastised me when I slacked. She gave me her honest and brutal opinion about the way I do things. She practically molded me into a better person. Who does that to a total stranger?” “She, apparently,” my dad replied, with a shrug of his shoulders. “Yes! Dad. She did. It can only mean one thing. She cares for me.” I impassioned. “Why then is she with your brother instead of you?” my dad interrogated. “Vincent brainwashed her. He went behind my back and wooed her. We all know women fall for his cool and collectedness. Plus, he has a way with words. I strongly believe Anny has been misled. She has f
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Vincent I turned the key to my door and entered. I didn’t get to close the door behind me when suddenly something ran into me, the force of which almost sent me right back to where I came from. I held onto the door frame to steady myself and with my right hand, secured her soft body against mine. “I could perceive you from a mile away,” she said with a beautiful smile on her cute face. “Hmm… someone’s been watching way too much Vampire movies,” I said, feeling a bubble of joy slowly creep into me at the sight and feel of her. “That’s not true,” she said with a frown, hitting me lightly on the chest. I chuckled, then gently pushed her back and closed the door behind me. “What have you been up to then,” I said, wrapping my other hand around her lower waist. “Well, I’d gone back to school to start the process of securing a hostel for the new semester, then went straight to my department to submit my internship report,” she said whilst twirling my shirt’s button in her fingers. I w
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