All Chapters of The Alpha's Moon Princess: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
175 Chapters
Chapter One Hundred
Kyra-“How will I be able to reach you?” I asked my father, as we stood near the border.“We can communicate through mind link.” He replied.“I didn’t know that, how come we never have before?” I asked, a little confused.“You are my daughter, you and I will always be connected. We haven’t before because I didn’t think you wanted to. I wanted to give you time to come to terms with being my daughter.” My father explained.I understood his reasons, but it would have been nice to be able to connect with him sooner than now. Stepping forward, I wrapped my arms around him, I wasn’t as upset as I had thought I would be. I was actually okay with him leaving, I mean I would miss him, but I knew I would see him again. He has made such a difference in my life that I felt like I would be okay.It helped me to know that I would be able to reach him anytime I needed to. I would alway
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Chapter One Hundred-One
Hunter-Kyra taking initiative like that has seriously impressed me. Maybe I have been going a little too far and trying to keep out of the mix of things, I just wanted to keep her safe. The further away from everything, the better I would feel. In a way, no matter how many times I tried to convince myself otherwise, I was only holding her back.“Hunter?” I heard Caleb say from the open door to the office.“Yeah?” I asked, looking up and seen him leaning against the door frame.“Why are you trying to keep her from the fight? I know what you have said, but it just doesn’t make sense. She is the strongest fighter we have, her abilities will give us the advantage.” Leave it to Caleb to make sense.“I just don’t want her getting hurt.” I answered, which was the most honest thing I could have said.“Either you are blind or you haven’t been paying attention. Kyra can handle he
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Chapter One Hundred-Two
Hunter-“Andrew, can you continue?” Nick hollered.We had waited for about a minute and still, Andrew had not stood back up. I think maybe even having Kyra train with the guys was going to be complicated. I couldn’t have her breaking all of my warriors. Shifting my attention to Aiden, who had been sparing with Kyra when I arrived, he seemed to be fine. At least I didn’t see him favoring any body parts or protecting any from getting hit again.All my warriors were tough, so it didn’t really come as a surprise, but after just a few hits Andrew had already sustained two broken bones, and hadn’t got right back on his feet after being injured.“Yeah.” Andrew groaned out and we watched as he slowly stood back up.I had to give him props for wanting to continue. Though it wasn’t anything new to fight through the pain and a few broken bones. In war, there were no time-outs, but it didn’t sit well
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Chapter One Hundred-Three
Hunter-They went at it for nearly an hour before Nick had to call it. He claimed that he had to let the guys get back to training, but I was sure that he had just reached his limit. He looked like he was still rearing to go, more than likely to show face that he didn’t just get his ass handed to him.When Kyra turned away from him, heading in my direction, Nick’s bravado failed. He doubled over, placing his hands on his knees. The pain was written all over his face but was replaced with admiration as he watched Kyra walk away.Placing my attention on Kyra as she made her way towards me, she looked a little bummed out. I just wish that I had someone here that she could spar with at full capacity. Caleb could maybe. The benefit with the life bond, she couldn’t kill him, and he healed just as fast as she did. Brett, well I suppose he could too, but unlike Caleb, he could die if she went a little too far.Not only that, but he also wasn&rsq
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Chapter One Hundred-Four
Kyra-Looking over the menu, I was blown away by all of the different choices. Everything looked good, I was having a hard time choosing. I wanted to try something new, but I also really liked the ones I have already had. I didn’t understand how people could pick one with so many great choices.I wanted to try them all, but there had to be at least fifty different choices. In the end, I had chose blindly, letting my finger move up and down the list with my eyes closed, until it landed on one. It had pepperoni, beef, sausage, onions, mushrooms, bell peppers, tomatoes and topped with mozzarella cheese.It sounded so good, that my stomach even decided to speak up and rumble. I looked up and found Hunter smiling at me. I had felt his gaze on me the entire time I had been reading the menu, but then again, I always felt like he was watching me any time I was around him.“What?” I asked.“Just enjoying watching your excitement over
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Chapter One Hundred-Five
Kyra-Hunter hadn’t taken a piece of pizza yet or even touched any of the food since his promise. I picked up another bite of pizza and his eyes narrowed at me, almost tempting me. As I took a bite, I once again managed not to moan. Though it was getting hard, every bite was beyond the experience of pleasure. Every single one of my tastebuds came alive each bite.I watched as he picked up his fork and, he stuck it in the chicken alfredo. Just when I thought he was going to let it go and eat as well, he extended his arm out across the table and put the fork in front of my face.“Bite.” He said, his voice husky and daring.I was starting to get the impression he was trying to tempt me. Little did he know, I was rather confident I wasn’t going to moan by taking a bite. I would do as he said and take the bite, two could play at this game. Moving forward, I opened my mouth, and he placed the food in my mouth. I closed my mouth around th
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Chapter One Hundred-Six
Hunter- Everyone was on edge and tension was running high. In the past month, there has been a lot of chaos. When Kyra had wanted to insert herself in every detail of the preparations, she hadn’t been joking. Every morning I have been waking up snuggled to a fucking pillow, instead of her. She has turned it into a regular thing, sticking a pillow in place of her body when she sneaks off. After I had convinced Caleb to work with her, her mood started to improve. Caleb had delivered a challenge to her and she continued to advance in her skills. Caleb seemed to be able to push his feelings aside because he went back to acting like his old self and I could tell it was a relief to Kyra. Over the last couple of weeks, the allies that had agreed to assist us finally showed up. I had expected Remy a lot sooner, but he had an issue within his own pack that he had to deal with first. Altogether, including Remy and the warriors he was bringing, it gave us roughly a hund
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Chapter One Hundred-Seven
Hunter- Remy didn’t respond to my statement, he turned back towards Kyra showing more interest than before. Refocusing in on Kyra and Caleb, I watched as Caleb started attacking Kyra. She didn’t fight back, just kept dodging every attack, trying to put more space between them each time. That didn’t deter Caleb though, he just kept advancing. The way he went at her, I could tell that he had picked up some moves from Zeke. He was relentless with each attack, not hesitating and not giving her a chance to get away. I knew the tactic he was trying to use, he has been doing it almost every time that I have seen them training together. It was always the same thing. Half way in the middle of training, Kyra would start to feel bad about how much damage she was causing Caleb and would try to get out of it. Then Caleb would start pushing her by his attacks until she had no option but to retaliate. I wasn’t sure if it was going to work this time. Any other time s
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Chapter One Hundred-Eight
Kyra- I was still livid at Caleb, but being in Hunter’s arm had calmed me a great deal. Looking up at the man Hunter had turned me to face, I wondered if this was the infamous Remy I have been hearing so much about. “It is such a pleasure to finally meet you, Kyra. I have been dying to meet you.” The man said, holding out his arm towards me. “Hello.” I responded, reaching out to shake his hand, still not sure who he was. “This is Remy, Little One.” Hunter interjected and then I smiled up at the man. “Oh! I have heard a lot about you. Though you look nothing like how I had pictured you to look.” I told him, as I looked him over from head to toe. The way Hunter had made him sound, I had imagined him to be a short skinny guy. Instead, he was as tall as Hunter, possibly even taller and he looked bulky, much like the guys I have seen on billboards and in magazines advertising for bodybuilders and protein powders. Hunter was strong and his m
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Chapter One Hundred-Nine
Kyra-After hearing what Brett told me, I was having a hard time wrapping my head around the information. My brother has been here for weeks and he knew I was his sister. Brett had come across him by chance and apparently, my brother had no intentions of revealing himself to me.Walking back into the restaurant after commanding Brett not to breathe a word of it to anyone, I sat down at the table, between Hunter and Caleb. I tried to join in on the middle of the conversation they were all in, but then I kept feeling someone’s gaze on me. I didn’t have to look to know who it was.It had been the same one that has been watching me since he arrived. I had thought he had been a bit strange with the way he kept looking at me, but I had marked it up as just simple curiosity. Now I knew it was so much more than that. I tried not to look at him, I didn’t want him to know that I was on to him.My eyes, on the other hand, decided to not listen to m
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